The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

Summer reads

A new collection of our most beach-friendly articles

Tory tracker

A look at the candidates vying to be Britain’s next prime minister

Checks and Balance

Our podcast on whether Critical Race Theory is taught in schools

Finance & economics

How American banks are responding to rising interest rates

Investment banks are struggling, but consumer lending is holding up—for now

1843 magazine | Some don’t like it hot: melting roads, raging wildfires and an energy crunch

Around the world, oppressive heat focuses attention on climate change

Middle East & Africa

Egypt locks up “terrorists”, but won’t say which terror group they belong to

President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi calls for “dialogue” with critics

The world in brief

Britain recorded one of its hottest days ever on Monday, with temperatures reaching 38°C...

Gazprom told customers in Europe it could not guarantee gas supplies because of “extraordinary” circumstances...

Goldman Sachs reported that net income in the second quarter fell by 47% from the same period a year ago, to $2.9bn...

China reported almost 700 new cases of covid-19 on Monday, its highest tally in nearly two months...

By InvitationReform labour laws to tackle inequality in America, urges Celine McNicholas

The policy expert points out that almost half of workers say they would join a union if given the opportunity

How bad are Europe’s wildfires?

This year there have been almost four times as many wildfires in Europe than average

Bottling white wine in clear glass is an error

Unless it is a pudding wine, light will easily ruin it

Summer reads

A new collection of our most beach-friendly articles

Tory tracker

A look at the candidates vying to be Britain’s next prime minister

Checks and Balance

Our podcast on whether Critical Race Theory is taught in schools

Extreme heat

The danger posed by heatwaves deserves to be taken more seriously

They will become more frequent and deadly in the years to come. What can be done?

Explainer: The increasing frequency of fatal wet-bulb temperatures

Unbearable levels of heat and humidity pose an ever greater problem

What to read to understand the burning of the American West

Our correspondent picks four essential books and one podcast

What if a deadly heatwave hit India?

Why Hyderabad is weathering India’s deadly heatwave so much better than Chennai. An imagined scenario from 2041

Summer reads

What to read and watch to understand Germany’s troubled 20th century

Our correspondent picks four novels and two films that help to explain the country’s dark history

What to read to understand Singapore

Our former Asia columnist on whether it’s a miraculously stable spot, or a dystopia

More beach-friendly reads

Discover our full collection of summertime stories

War in Ukraine

Ukraine’s new rockets are wreaking havoc on Russia’s army

The American-supplied HIMARS is wiping out arms dumps and command posts

Is America growing weary of the long war in Ukraine?

Inflation, wayward allies and venomous politics at home are eroding support for the proxy conflict against Russia

The many lives of Volodymyr Zelensky

A book about Ukraine’s president measures the gulf between before and now

Russia is disappearing vast numbers of Ukrainians

Thousands have vanished into exile, prison or death

Wake up, Democrats!

Weekly edition: July 16th 2022

Wake up, Democrats!

Most read by subscribers

Finance & economics

Is China facing an energy crunch, too?

Officials are anxious to avoid the widespread blackouts of 2021