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House of Representatives - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings.

This site is updated every five minutes when the House is sitting. Regular refreshing of your screen will provide the latest proceedings through the day.

Draft minutes are also available for the Federation Chamber.

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Last updated: Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 8:49 PMNo updates available
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Draft House Minutes

No. 18

Thursday, 27 October 2022

- 9:00:23 AM

 1The House met, at 9 am, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (the Honourable M. Dick) took the Chair, made an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.

- 9:01:30 AM

Mr Dick (Speaker)raised the deferred quorum called for at the previous sitting. Lapsed as Member was not present.

- 9:01:47 AM

 2Appropriations and Administration—Standing Committee—Report

The Speaker presented the following document:

Appropriations and Administration—Standing Committee—Report No. 25: October budget estimates 2022-23—Report, October 2022.

- 9:01:47 AM

In accordance with standing order 39(e) the report was made Parliamentary Paper.

- 9:02:23 AM

 3Suspension of Standing Order 31

Mr Burke (Leader of the House)pursuant to notice, moved—That in relation to the reply by the Leader of the Opposition to the 2022-2023 Budget that standing order 31 (automatic adjournment of the House) be suspended for the sitting on Thursday, 27 October 2022 and at that sitting, after the Leader of the Opposition completes his reply to the Budget speech, the House automatically stand adjourned until 10 am on Monday, 7 November 2022, unless the Speaker or, in the event of the Speaker being unavailable, the Deputy Speaker, fixes an alternative day or hour of meeting.

- 9:02:45 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 9:03:01 AM

 4Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders

Mr Burke (Leader of the House)pursuant to notice, moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent a Minister, at 2pm today, moving a motion in relation to the anniversary of the national apology to the survivors and victims of institutional child sexual abuse.

- 9:03:14 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 9:03:26 AM

 5MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022

Message No. 4226 October 2022, from the Senate was reported returning the Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022 with amendments.

- 9:03:50 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 9:04:17 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations), the amendments were agreed to.

- 9:09:16 AM

 6Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022

Mr Burke (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to abolish the Registered Organisations Commission and the Australian Building and Construction Commission and to amend the law relating to workplace relations, and workers’ compensation and rehabilitation, and for related purposes.


Mr Burke presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:09:52 AM

Mr Burke moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:37:14 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Wood), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:37:46 AM

 7Education Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Bill 2022

Mr Clare (Minister for Education), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to education, and for related purposes.


Mr Clare presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:38:08 AM

Mr Clare moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:42:11 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Wood), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:42:38 AM

 8Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Amendment Bill 2022

Mr Thistlethwaite (Assistant Minister for Defence), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Act 2008, and for related purposes.


Mr Thistlethwaite presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:43:05 AM

Mr Thistlethwaite moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:52:34 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Wood), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:53:08 AM

 9Broadcasting Services Amendment (Community Radio) Bill 2022

Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, and for related purposes.


Ms Rowland presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:53:28 AM

Ms Rowland moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:00:20 AM

Debate adjourned (Mrs Andrews), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:00:44 AM

 10Customs Amendment (India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Act 1901, and for related purposes.


Ms O’Neil presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:01:09 AM

Ms O’Neil moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:04:19 AM

Debate adjourned (Mrs Andrews), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:04:32 AM

 11Customs Tariff Amendment (India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs) presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Tariff Act 1995, and for related purposes.


Ms O’Neil presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:04:57 AM

Ms O’Neil moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:06:38 AM

Debate adjourned (Mrs Andrews), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:07:02 AM

 12Customs Amendment (Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Act 1901, and for related purposes.


Ms O’Neil presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:07:29 AM

Ms O’Neil moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:09:38 AM

Debate adjourned (Mrs Andrews), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:09:45 AM

 13Customs Tariff Amendment (Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2022

Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs) presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Tariff Act 1995, and for related purposes.


Ms O’Neil presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:10:12 AM

Ms O’Neil moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:13:12 AM

Debate adjourned (Mrs Andrews), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:14:09 AM


Message No. 4026 October 2022, from the Senate was reported informing the House that:

Senator Faruqi had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, and Senator Steele-John had been appointed a member of the committee; and

Senator Babet had been appointed as a participating member of the Joint Select Committee on National Anti-Corruption Commission Legislation.

- 10:14:29 AM

 15MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Lifting the Income Limit for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card) Bill 2022

Message No. 4126 October 2022, from the Senate was reported returning the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Lifting the Income Limit for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card) Bill 2022 and informing the House that the Senate does not insist on its amendments (2) to (7) and (14) to (16) disagreed to by the House of Representatives.

- 10:15:18 AM

 16MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—National Health Amendment (General Co-payment) Bill 2022

Message No. 4326 October 2022, from the Senate was reported returning the National Health Amendment (General Co-payment) Bill 2022 with amendments.

- 10:15:40 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 10:16:05 AM

On the motion of Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care), the amendments were agreed to, after debate.

Ms Ley 10:16:30 AM.
- 10:18:32 AM


Message No. 4526 October 2022, from the Senate was reported returning the Jobs and Skills Australia (National Skills Commissioner Repeal) Bill 2022 without amendment.

- 10:18:44 AM

 18MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Jobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022

Message No. 4426 October 2022, from the Senate was reported returning the Jobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022 with amendments.

- 10:18:59 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 10:19:14 AM

On the motion of Mr O’Connor (Minister for Skills and Training), the amendments were agreed to, after debate.

Ms Ley 10:23:02 AM.
- 10:25:43 AM

 19Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Cheaper Child Care) Bill 2022

The order of the day having been read for further consideration of the bill—

In accordance with the resolution agreed to on 26 October 2022—

- 10:27:11 AM

Question—That the amendment moved by Mr Chandler-Mather to the amendment proposed by Ms Bell (see item No. 29, Votes and Proceedings, 26 October 2022) be disagreed to—put.

- 10:27:38 AM

Division 36

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 83

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Gillespie

Ms Miller-Frost 

Ms Sharkie

Mrs Andrews

Mr Goodenough

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Spender

Ms Bell

Mr Gorman

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Mr Boyce

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Ms Steggall

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Stevens

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr O’Connor

Mr Taylor

Mr Burnell

Mr Hill

Mr Pasin

Mr Thompson

Mr Burns

Mr Howarth

Mr Pearce

Ms Thwaites

Ms Chaney

Ms Landry

Mr Perrett

Ms Tink

Mr Clare

Ms Lawrence

Mrs Phillips

Mr Tudge

Mr Coleman

Mr Laxale

Mr Pike

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Conaghan

Ms Le

Mr Pitt

Mr van Manen

Mr Coulton*

Mr Leeser

Mr Ramsey

Mr Vasta

Ms Daniel

Ms Ley

Dr Reid

Mr Violi

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Mr Repacholi

Mr Wallace

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Mr Robert

Ms Ware

Ms Fernando

Ms McBride

Ms Roberts

Mr Watts

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

Ms J Ryan

Mr Wolahan

Dr Garland

Ms McKenzie

Dr M Ryan

Mr Young

Mr Georganas

Mrs Marino

Dr Scamps

Mr Zappia

Mr Giles

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour


Mr Bandt*

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Wilkie

Mr Bates*

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:41:14 AM

Question—That the amendment moved by Ms Bell (see item No. 8, Votes and Proceedings, 25 October 2022be disagreed to—put.

- 10:41:28 AM

Division 37

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 78

Mr Albanese

Mr Conroy

Ms McBain

Ms Roberts

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBride

Ms Rowland

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Mr Marles

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bandt

Ms Fernando

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bates

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost 

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Dr Chalmers

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Watson-Brown

Dr Charlton

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Ms Chesters

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Mr Clare

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr Wilkie

Ms Claydon

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Coker

Dr Leigh

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Ms Collins

Mr Lim

NOES, 66

Mrs Andrews

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Mr Hastie

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Birrell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pasin

Mr Thompson

Mr Boyce

Mr Hogan

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Broadbent

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Tudge

Mr Buchholz

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Katter

Ms Price

Mr Vasta

Mr Coleman

Ms Landry

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Violi

Mr Conaghan

Ms Le

Mr Robert

Mr Wallace

Mr Coulton*

Mr Leeser

Dr M Ryan

Ms Ware

Ms Daniel

Ms Ley

Dr Scamps

Dr Webster

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Sharkie

Mr Willcox

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Dr Gillespie

Ms McKenzie

Mr Stevens

Mr Wood

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

Dr Haines

Mr Morrison

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:49:16 AM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 10:49:46 AM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 278 September 2022, from His Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 10:50:25 AM

On the motion of Mr Clare (Minister for Education), the bill was read a third time.

- 10:50:37 AM

 20 Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 3) Bill 2022

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Mr Jones 10:51:13 AM.
- 11:01:03 AM

Question—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 11:01:29 AM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 11:01:47 AM

Mr Robert, by leave, moved Opposition amendments (1) and (3) together.

- 11:06:59 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Jones 11:07:03 AM. Point of order, Mr Robert. 11:07:39 AM. Mr Jones 11:07:49 AM. Mr Robert 11:12:08 AM. Mr Jones 11:14:08 AM. Mr Bandt 11:17:54 AM.
- 11:21:12 AM

Question—That the amendments be disagreed to—put.

- 11:21:28 AM

Division 38

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 83

Mr Albanese

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Dr M Ryan

Dr Aly

Ms Fernando

Mr Marles

Dr Scamps

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost 

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Mr O’Connor

Ms Steggall

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Templeman

Ms Chaney

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Ms Chesters

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Tink

Mr Clare

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conroy

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Mr J Wilson

Ms Daniel

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Zappia

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

NOES, 56

Mrs Andrews

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Morrison

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Mr Hastie

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tudge

Mr Boyce

Mr Hogan

Mr Pasin

Mr van Manen

Mr Broadbent

Mr Howarth

Mr Pearce

Mr Vasta

Mr Buchholz

Mr Joyce

Mr Pike

Mr Violi

Mr Coleman

Ms Landry

Mr Pitt

Mr Wallace

Mr Conaghan

Ms Le

Ms Price

Ms Ware

Mr Coulton*

Mr Leeser

Mr Ramsey*

Dr Webster

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Mr Robert

Mr Willcox

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Mr Wood

Dr Gillespie

Ms McKenzie

Mr Taylor

Mr Young

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:30:25 AM

Mr Robert, by leave, moved Opposition amendments (2) and (4) together.

- 11:35:08 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Jones 11:35:09 AM. Mr Katter 11:38:23 AM. Mr Robert 11:42:29 AM.
- 11:46:18 AM

Question—That the amendments be disagreed to—put.

- 11:46:31 AM

Division 39

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 78

Mr Albanese

Mr Conroy

Mr Lim

Ms Rishworth

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms Rowland

Mr Bandt

Ms Fernando

Mr Marles

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bates

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost 

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Chalmers

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chesters

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Mr Clare

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Ms Claydon

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Ms Coker

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Collins

Dr Leigh

NOES, 68

Mrs Andrews

Dr Haines

Mr Morrison

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Birrell

Mr Hastie

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Boyce

Mr Hawke

Mr Pasin

Ms Tink

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hogan

Mr Pearce

Mr Tudge

Mr Buchholz

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Vasta

Mr Coleman

Mr Katter

Ms Price

Mr Violi

Mr Conaghan

Ms Landry

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Wallace

Mr Coulton*

Ms Le

Mr Robert

Ms Ware

Ms Daniel

Mr Leeser

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Dr Scamps

Mr Wilkie

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Sharkie

Mr Willcox

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Dr Gillespie

Ms McKenzie

Mr Stevens

Mr Wood

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:53:56 AM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 11:54:33 AM

On the motion of Mr Jones (Assistant Treasurer)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 11:55:03 AM

 21 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Amendment Bill 2022 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 11:55:24 AM

Question—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 11:55:57 AM

Leave granted for third reading to be moved immediately.

On the motion of Mr Jones (Assistant Treasurer), the bill was read a third time.

- 11:56:12 AM

 22 Income Tax Amendment (Labour Mobility Program) Bill 2022 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 11:56:35 AM

Question—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 11:57:00 AM

Leave granted for third reading to be moved immediately.

On the motion of Mr Jones (Assistant Treasurer), the bill was read a third time.

- 11:57:21 AM

 23High Speed Rail Authority Bill 2022

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—And on the amendment moved thereto by Ms Watson-Brown, viz.—That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:

whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House:

(1)notes that private ownership and delivery of essential infrastructure often leads to worse outcomes for the community and the environment, as corporate profits are put ahead of everyday people’s interests; and

(2)calls on the Labor government to:

(a)deliver a fully publicly owned high speed rail network, from infrastructure construction to service delivery, that is run for the public good, not for profit;

(b)ensure high speed rail infrastructure development utilises to the greatest extent possible green steel and other green technologies to minimise carbon emissions during the construction phase; and

(c)ensure the new trains and other associated infrastructure are manufactured in Australia, helping to reinvigorate domestic manufacturing and create jobs

Debate resumed.

Mr van Manen 11:57:54 AM. Mr Wallace 12:08:14 PM. Mr Katter 12:23:25 PM. Mr Fletcher 12:38:39 PM. Ms C King 12:54:00 PM.
- 1:01:13 PM

Question—That the amendment be disagreed to—put.

- 1:01:27 PM

Division 40

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 48

Mr Albanese

Mr Gee

Ms Miller-Frost 

Dr M Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Gillespie

Mr Neumann

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Boyce

Mr Goodenough

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Ms O’Neil

Mr Smith

Ms Chaney

Dr Haines

Ms Payne

Ms Spender

Ms Claydon

Mr Hill

Mrs Phillips

Ms Stanley*

Mr Conaghan

Ms C King

Mr Pitt

Ms Steggall

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Mr Ramsey

Ms Tink

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr van Manen

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Mr Repacholi

Ms Ware

Mr Fletcher

Ms McBride

Ms Roberts

Mr Willcox

Dr Freelander

Mr McCormack

Ms J Ryan

Mr Zappia


Mr Bandt*

Mr Katter

Dr Scamps

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Bates*

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Mr Wilkie

Mr Chandler-Mather

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 1:10:27 PM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 1:10:50 PM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 1:11:12 PM

Mr Gee, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (5) together.

- 1:11:37 PM

Debate ensued.

Ms C King 1:11:43 PM. Mr Birrell 1:16:25 PM. Ms C King 1:18:50 PM.
- 1:20:40 PM

Amendments negatived.

- 1:20:49 PM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 167 September 2022, from His Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 1:20:57 PM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 1:21:32 PM

On the motion of Ms C King (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 1:22:05 PM

 24Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund) Bill 2022—REPORT FROM FEDERATION CHAMBER

The Speaker reported that the Federation Chamber had been unable to complete its consideration of the bill and had returned the bill with an unresolved question (see item XX, page XX), and presented a certified copy of the bill together with a schedule of the unresolved question.

- 1:22:29 PM

Unresolved question—That the amendment be disagreed to—

- 1:22:41 PM


- 1:22:58 PM

Division 41

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 89

Mr Albanese

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr M Ryan

Dr Aly

Ms Fernando

Ms McBride

Dr Scamps

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Garland

Mr Marles

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bandt

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Bates

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost 

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Dr Haines

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Ms Burney

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Mr O’Connor

Ms Steggall

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Katter

Ms Payne

Ms Templeman

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chaney

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Tink

Ms Chesters

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Clare

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Claydon

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms Le

Ms Roberts

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conroy

Dr Leigh

Ms Rowland

Mr J Wilson

Ms Daniel

Mr Lim

Ms J Ryan

Mr Zappia

Mr Dreyfus

NOES, 54

Mrs Andrews

Mr Hamilton

Mr Morrison

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Hastie

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Tudge

Mr Boyce

Mr Hogan

Mr Pasin

Mr van Manen

Mr Broadbent

Mr Howarth

Mr Pearce

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Joyce

Mr Pike

Mr Wallace

Mr Coleman

Ms Landry

Mr Pitt

Ms Ware

Mr Conaghan

Mr Leeser

Ms Price

Dr Webster

Mr Coulton*

Ms Ley

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Willcox

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Mr Robert

Mr R Wilson

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Mr Wood

Dr Gillespie

Ms McKenzie

Mr Taylor

Mr Young

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 1:31:36 PM

It being after 1.30 pm, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 43 and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 1:31:43 PM


Members’ statements being made

Mr Tehan 1:31:47 PM. Mr Laxale 1:33:24 PM. Mr Coulton 1:34:53 PM. Mr J Wilson 1:36:09 PM. Ms Daniel 1:37:46 PM.
- 1:38:50 PM

Ms Danielsought leave to present a document. Leave granted.

- 1:38:52 PM


Ms Daniel, by leave, presented the following document:

Let people seeking safety work, study and rebuild(Receipt of document as a petition subject to approval by the Standing Committee on Petitions).

- 1:39:01 PM

Members’ statements continued.

Ms Coker 1:39:03 PM. Dr Gillespie 1:40:22 PM. Mr Zappia 1:42:05 PM. Mr Fletcher 1:43:21 PM. Ms Templeman 1:44:53 PM. Mr Bates 1:45:54 PM. Mr Rae 1:47:11 PM. Mr Coleman 1:48:21 PM. Mr Gosling 1:49:51 PM. Mr Hastie 1:50:49 PM. Ms Lawrence 1:52:18 PM. Mr Hawke 1:53:46 PM. Ms Miller-Frost  1:55:26 PM. Mr Hogan 1:56:59 PM.
- 1:58:52 PM

Mr Albanese, by indulgence, made a statement on the upcoming retirement of Brad Hazzard.

- 1:59:51 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 2:00:25 PM

 26Anniversary of the national apology to survivors and victims of institutional child sexual abuse

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister) movedThat the House commemorate the anniversary of the national apology to the survivors and victims of institutional child sexual abuse.

- 2:07:03 PM

Mr Dutton (Leader of the Opposition) addressed the House.

- 2:11:24 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr BurkeLeader of the House), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 2:11:42 PM

Mr Burke, by leave, moved—That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber for debate.

- 2:11:59 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 2:12:01 PM


- 2:12:04 PM

 (1)Mr Dutton to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:14:49 PM


Mr Albanese (Prime Minister) presented the following document:

Australian Energy Regulator—Default market offer prices 2022-23—Final determination, May 2022.

- 2:15:12 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Albanese 2:15:17 PM. Point of order, Mr Fletcher. 2:15:24 PM. Mr Albanese 2:15:42 PM. Mr Dutton 2:17:38 PM. Mr Albanese 2:18:26 PM.
- 2:18:36 PM

 (2)Dr Reid to Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care)

- 2:22:45 PM

 (3)Ms Ley to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

Point of order, Ms Ley. 2:24:59 PM. Mr Albanese 2:25:21 PM.
- 2:27:10 PM

 (4)Ms Stanley to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:30:51 PM

 (5)Mr Bates to Mr Husic (Minister for Industry and Science)

- 2:31:32 PM

 (6)Ms Miller-Frost  to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:34:59 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:35:09 PM

 (7)Mr Taylor to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:38:51 PM

 (8)Ms Roberts to Mr Marles (Deputy Prime Minister)

- 2:42:09 PM

 (9)Mr Littleproud to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

Point of order, Mr Littleproud. 2:43:44 PM. Mr Bowen 2:44:11 PM. Point of order, Mr Burke. 2:45:23 PM. Mr Bowen 2:46:14 PM.
- 2:46:34 PM

 (10)Mrs Phillips to Mr Burke (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations)

- 2:49:52 PM

 (11)Mr Littleproud to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 2:51:38 PM

 (12)Mr Perrett to Ms Collins (Minister for Housing)

- 2:54:59 PM

 (13)Dr M Ryan to Ms C King (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government)

Point of order, Dr M Ryan. 2:57:06 PM. Ms C King 2:57:22 PM.
- 2:59:17 PM

 (14)Ms Sitou to Dr Aly (Minister for Early Childhood Education)

- 3:02:35 PM

 (15)Mrs McIntosh to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

Point of order, Mr Fletcher. 3:05:53 PM. Mr Albanese 3:06:15 PM.
- 3:07:13 PM

 (16)Dr Charlton to Ms Rishworth (Minister for Social Services)

- 3:10:40 PM

 (17)Ms Daniel to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 3:14:44 PM

 (18)Ms Claydon to Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water)

- 3:18:04 PM

 (19)Mr Young to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 3:19:54 PM

Member directed to leave

At 3.20 pm the Member for Hume (Mr Taylor) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for continuing to interject after a warning had been given by the Chair and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 3:20:15 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Bowen 3:20:19 PM. Point of order, Mr Fletcher. 3:20:43 PM. Mr Bowen 3:21:10 PM.
- 3:21:29 PM

 (20)Mr R Mitchell to Ms Wells (Minister for Aged Care)

- 3:24:36 PM

 (21)Ms Landry to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 3:27:20 PM

Member directed to leave

At 3.27 pm the Member for Barker (Mr Pasin) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for continuing to interject after a warning had been given by the Chair and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 3:28:00 PM

Questions without notice continued.

- 3:28:01 PM

 (22)Mr Smith to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 3:31:35 PM

 (23)Mr Ted O’Brien to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

Point of order, Mr Ted O’Brien. 3:34:17 PM. Mr Albanese 3:34:41 PM.
- 3:35:50 PM

 (24)Mr Bandt to Ms M. M. H. King (Minister for Resources)

- 3:36:55 PM

 (25)Ms Mascarenhas to Ms M. M. H. King (Minister for Resources)

- 3:40:17 PM

 (26)Dr Gillespie to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 3:41:25 PM

 (27)Mr Georganas to Mr O’Connor (Minister for Skills and Training)

- 3:45:01 PM

Question to SpeakerMs Leyre answer to a previous question.

- 3:46:26 PM

Mr Albanese, by indulgence, made a statement re: Australian teams at the Rugby League World Cup.

- 3:47:54 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 3:49:36 PM

The Speaker made a statement re: behaviour during the budget reply.

- 3:50:27 PM


The following documents were presented: 

*Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Accounting Standards Board and Auditing and Assurance Standards Board—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Film, Television and Radio School—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Institute of Family Studies—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Institute of Health and Welfare—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Institute of Marine Science—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Maritime Safety Authority—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian National Maritime Museum—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Renewable Energy Agency—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Signals Directorate—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Sports Commission—Report for 2021-22.

*Australian Statistics Advisory Council—Report for 2021-22.

*Commonwealth Grants Commission—Report for 2021-22.

Defence Force Discipline Act 1982

*Director of Military Prosecutions—Report for 2021.

*Judge Advocate General—Report for 2021.

*Department of Health—Report for 2021-22.

*Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources—Report for 2021-22.

*Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications—Report for 2021-22.

*Department of the Treasury—Report for 2021-22.

*Export Finance Australia—Report for 2021-22.

*Hearing Australia—Report for 2021-22.

*Infrastructure Australia—Report for 2021-22.

*Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman—Report for 2021-22.

Migration Act 1958—Section 486O—Assessment of detention arrangements—Commonwealth and Immigration Ombudsman’s reports—

No. 46 of 2022—


Government response.

No. 48 of 2022—


Government response.

No. 49 of 2022—


Government response.

No. 54 of 2022.


Government response.

No. 56 of 2022—


Government response.

No. 57 of 2022—


Government response.

No. 60 of 2022—


Government response.

*Murray-Darling Basin Authority—Report for 2021-22.

*National Australia Day Council—Report for 2021-22.

*National Blood Authority—Report for 2021-22.

*National Heavy Vehicle Regulator—Report for 2021-22.

*National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation—Report for 2021-22.

*National Indigenous Australians Agency—Report for 2021-22.

*National Museum of Australia—Report for 2021-22.

*Productivity Commission—Report for 2021-22.

*Repatriation Medical Authority—Report for 2021-22.

*Reserve Bank of Australia—Report for 2021-22.

*Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (AgriFutures Australia)—Report for 2021-22.

Venture Capital Tax Concessions—Review.

Wet Tropics Management Authority—

*Report for 2021-22.

*State of Wet Tropics—Report for 2021-22.

*The documents were made Parliamentary Papers.

- 3:50:36 PM

 29Appropriations and Administration—Standing Committee—Report

The Speaker presented the following document:

Appropriations and Administration—Standing Committee—Report No. 24: Annual report 2021-22—Report, October 2022.

- 3:50:36 PM

In accordance with standing order 39(e) the report was made Parliamentary Paper.

- 3:50:54 PM


The House was informed that Mr Ted O’Brien had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely, “The huge increases in energy prices confirmed in the budget and the government’s lack of a plan to deal with these energy price increases”.

- 3:51:14 PM

The proposed discussion having received the necessary support—

- 3:51:17 PM

Mr Ted O’Brien addressed the House.

- 4:01:27 PM

Discussion ensued.

Mr Conroy 4:01:29 PM. Mr Joyce 4:11:51 PM. Ms Vamvakinou 4:16:52 PM. Mr Hogan 4:22:03 PM. Mr Burnell 4:27:00 PM. Mr Willcox 4:31:22 PM. Ms Fernando 4:36:25 PM. Mr Stevens 4:41:25 PM. Mr Repacholi 4:46:34 PM.
- 4:51:27 PM

Discussion concluded.

- 4:51:34 PM

 31 Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund) Bill 2022 

The order of the day having been read for further consideration of the bill

- 4:51:48 PM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 4:52:04 PM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 267 September 2022, from His Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 4:52:28 PM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 4:52:30 PM


Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs) presented a supplementary explanatory memorandum to the bill.

- 4:52:51 PM

On the motion of Ms O’Neil, by leave, Government amendments (1) to (3) were made together.

- 4:54:07 PM

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 4:54:21 PM

On the motion of Ms O’Neil (Minister for Home Affairs)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 4:55:24 PM

 32Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee—MEMBERSHIP

The House was informed that the Chief Opposition Whip had nominated Member to be member of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

Mr Burke (Leader of the House), by leave, moved—That Ms Chaney be appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

Question—put and passed.

- 4:55:46 PM


Ordered—That business intervening before notice No. 9government business, be postponed until a later hour this day.

- 4:56:07 PM

 34Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders—Private Members’ Business

Mr Burke (Leader of the House)pursuant to notice, moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the private Members’ business notice relating to the disallowance of the Export Control (Animals) Amendment (Northern Hemisphere Summer Prohibition) Rules 2022 made under section 432 of the Export Control Act 2020 on 5 April 2022 and presented to the House 26 July 2022, standing in the name of the Member for Clark being called on immediately.

- 4:56:34 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 4:56:55 PM

 35Export Control (Animals) Amendment (Northern Hemisphere Summer Prohibition) Rules 2022—MOTION FOR DISALLOWANCE

Mr Wilkie, pursuant to notice, moved—That the Export Control (Animals) Amendment (Northern Hemisphere Summer Prohibition) Rules 2022 made under the Export Control Act 2020 on 5 April 2022 and presented to the House on 26 July 2022, be disallowed.

- 5:11:26 PM

Debate ensued.

Dr Scamps 5:11:28 PM. Mr Littleproud 5:16:40 PM. Mr Gosling 5:26:17 PM. Ms Spender 5:29:10 PM. Mr J Wilson 5:30:44 PM. Mr Pasin 5:40:54 PM. Mr R Wilson 5:46:45 PM.
- 5:52:39 PM

Question—That the motion be disagreed to—put.

- 5:52:52 PM

Division 42

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 30

Dr Aly

Mr Joyce

Mrs Marino

Ms Sitou

Mr Birrell

Mr Katter

Mr Pasin

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burke

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Price

Mr Tehan

Ms Chaney

Mr Laxale

Mr Ramsey

Mr van Manen

Mr Coulton*

Ms Ley

Mr Repacholi

Dr Webster

Mr Goodenough

Mr Littleproud

Ms J Ryan

Mr Willcox

Mr Hamilton

Mr McCormack

Ms Scrymgour

Mr R Wilson

Mr Hastie

Mrs McIntosh

NOES, 13

Mr Bandt

Dr Haines

Ms Sharkie*

Ms Tink

Mr Bates

Dr M Ryan

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr Scamps

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie*

Ms Daniel

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 6:02:18 PM

Mr Dick (Speaker)made a statement in relation to the question asked by Ms Ley this afternoon.

- 6:03:03 PM


Ordered—That business intervening before order of the day No. 11government business, be postponed until the next sitting.

- 6:03:22 PM

 37 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2022-2023 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 6:03:51 PM

Suspension of sitting

At 6.04 pm, the Speaker left the Chair.

- 7:30:50 PM

Resumption of sitting

At 7.31 pm, the Speaker resumed the Chair.

- 7:30:59 PM

Debate resumed.

Mr Dutton 7:31:01 PM.
- 8:05:30 PM

Debate adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 8:05:57 PM


A8.06 pmThe Speaker adjourned the House until 10 am on Monday, 7 November 2022, in accordance with the resolution agreed to earlier this sitting.

- 8:06:08 PM


 The following documents were deemed to have been presented on 27 October 2022 (An explanatory statement has been presented with each instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk)

 Acts Interpretation Act 1901—Statement relating to the delay in presentation of periodic reports—

Torres Strait Regional Authority—Report for 2021-22.

Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council—Report for 2021-22.

Corporations Act 2001—Corporations (Relevant Providers Degrees, Qualifications and Courses Standard) Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Determination 2022 [F2022L01402].

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991—Food Standards (Application A1244Chymosin from GM Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid (enzyme)) Variation [F2022L01400].

Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Status of Forces Agreement) Regulations 2022 [F2022L01401].

- 8:06:11 PM


All Members attended (at some time during the sitting) except Mrs Archer*Mr ChesterDr Freelander and *Ms Murphy.

* On leave