Joint Select Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme

Joint Select Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme

This Committee ceased on Monday, 11 April 2022 after the House of Representatives was dissolved. No further submissions or correspondence can be received.

Due to the election being called, the work of the Joint Select Committee on the Implementation of the National Redress Scheme has now concluded.

You can still access the Committee's First Interim Report and Second Interim Report, alongside transcripts of public hearings and submissions that were received throughout  the course of the inquiry.

In its Second Interim Report the Committee recommended that the next Parliament consider the establishment of a parliamentary committee to continue the work of providing oversight on the administration and operation of the National Redress Scheme.

On 11 February 2022 the Committee received a letter from Minister Ruston advising that the Government's response to the Second Interim Report would be provided after the release of the Government's final response to the Second Year Anniversary review conducted by Ms Robyn Kruk AO. The Government's final response to the Review is expected in early 2022. You can learn more about that review on the National Redress Scheme website.

The Committee thanks the many organisations and individuals who contributed evidence throughout the inquiry. In particular, the Committee acknowledges the contribution made by survivors who shared their experiences with the Committee.

Support Services

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Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732

MensLine Australia: 1300 789 978

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467




Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4549
[email protected]