Top 100 Results






Searching for hope on deep coral reefs in Guadeloupe

How research on little-known “marine animal forests” could shine a light on ocean hope spots — and why they need protecting

  • 2393 words
  • 10 minutes


Documentary filmmakers find 1895 steamship wreck in Lake Huron

Yvonne Drebert and Zach Melnick set out to make a documentary about invasive quagga mussels in the Great Lakes. Along the way, they found the wreck of what is likely the steamship Africa, last seen on a stormy October night in 1895.

  • 2943 words
  • 12 minutes


Sleeping giant: Inside the Mount Meager volcano

Something melted a hole through the glacier above the Mount Meager Volcano in 2016. A perilous expedition ventured deep inside the cave to find out, did the volcano wake up? 

  • 3894 words
  • 16 minutes


Le roi de la plongée

Souvenir d’un périple sous la glace lors de la venue du roi Charles III dans le passage du Nord-Ouest en 1975

  • 2974 words
  • 12 minutes


King of chill: Diving in the Arctic with the future King Charles III

Remembering a 1975 journey under the ice of the Northwest Passage with King Charles III

  • 2808 words
  • 12 minutes




The hatchery crutch: How we got here

From their beginnings in the late 19th century, salmon hatcheries have gone from cure to band-aid to crutch. Now, we can’t live without manufactured fish. 

  • 4255 words
  • 18 minutes


climate change

Science & Tech

Written in stone: What fossils can tell us about the future

How peering into our ancient past could transform our understanding of contemporary climate change

  • 3453 words
  • 14 minutes


Farming a changing sea

Struggle and success in Atlantic Canada, where aquaculturists strive to overcome climate change and contamination while chasing a sustainable carbon footprint 

  • 4058 words
  • 17 minutes


King tides: preparing Canada’s coastline for a future of flooding

King tides are the tipping point at which storms can become devastation — as well as a glimpse of Canada’s coastline 100 years from now. Can green infrastructure help weather the danger?

  • 1523 words
  • 7 minutes


Last icy stand: Scaling Mount Logan

Four researchers team up to ascend Mount Logan, measuring change and resilience on Canada’s highest peak

  • 3316 words
  • 14 minutes


Vanishing birdsong: How climate change is altering Canada’s soundscape

Indigenous conservationists are listening in to track the impacts of climate change on the boreal forest

  • 2042 words
  • 9 minutes

January/February 2023


People & Culture

With each stroke, a breath

How a journey through the Great Lakes helped reshape my relationship with water after the loss of my father

  • 3035 words
  • 13 minutes

People & Culture

On thin ice: Who “owns” the Arctic?

As the climate heats up, so do talks over land ownership in the Arctic. What does Canadian Arctic Sovereignty look like as the ice melts?

  • 4353 words
  • 18 minutes


Farming the Greenbelt: five farms to visit in Ottawa

Celebrating urban agriculture in Canada’s national capital region

  • 1410 words
  • 6 minutes


The research project trying to find every tornado in Canada

Tracking the country’s extreme weather events to answer the question: are storms getting worse?

  • 3514 words
  • 15 minutes

People & Culture

Tintamarre: Inside the raucous Acadian parade in Clare, N.S.

The tintamarre showcases the vitality of the Acadian culture  — and some supersized papier-mâché heads

  • 1501 words
  • 7 minutes

People & Culture

People & Culture

Placing the Pandemic in Perspective: Cooking up comfort on the streets of Montreal

The death of an unhoused Innu man inspired an innovative and compassionate street outreach during the nightly curfew in 2021

  • 1819 words
  • 8 minutes



Our shared garden: The importance of native plants

As cities and towns continue to expand into our wild landscapes, conservation gardens can provide refuge for Canada’s plummeting biodiversity 

  • 3462 words
  • 14 minutes
a silhouetted carbon capture industrial plant against a white mountain background as the sun rises, casting a warm glow over the landscape


The truth about carbon capture

Carbon capture is big business, but its challenges fly in the face of the need to lower emissions. Can we square the circle on this technological Wild West?

  • 5042 words
  • 21 minutes


Excerpt: The Ocean’s Whistleblower

David Grémillet explores the remarkable life and work of fisheries scientist Daniel Pauly

  • 2195 words
  • 9 minutes


How earthquake scientists solved the mystery of the last “Big One” in the Pacific Northwest

British Columbia, Washington State and Oregon sit on a fault line that is capable of producing some of the strongest earthquakes on the planet. A new book reveals it’s not a matter of if, but when the next “Big One” will strike.

  • 1677 words
  • 7 minutes
leather sea stars


“We did this:” Is there a way out of our intertwined climate and biodiversity crises?

As the impacts of global warming become increasingly evident, the connections to biodiversity loss are hard to ignore. Can this fall’s two key international climate conferences point us to a nature-positive future?

  • 5595 words
  • 23 minutes

January/February 2022

commemorate canada


50 ans de multiculturalisme : nous le faisons bien, sauf quand nous ne le faisons pas

Elamin Abdelmahmoud, commentateur culturel et politique pour CBC et Buzzfeed, estime que le Canada réussit parfois, échoue souvent, mais continue d'essayer

  • 1258 words
  • 6 minutes


50 ans de multiculturalisme: quand les expériences vécues font l’histoire

Dora Nipp, directrice générale de la Multicultural History Society of Ontario, réfléchit à l'importance de consigner les histoires des migrants, des communautés ethniques et des Autochtones comme moyen essentiel de comprendre le Canada au XXe siècle et au-delà

  • 1361 words
  • 6 minutes


50 ans de multiculturalisme au Canada : être musulman au Canada

Omar Mouallem, auteur de Praying to the West : How Muslims Shaped the Americas (Prière vers l’Occident : comment les musulmans ont façonné les Amériques), examine pourquoi une foi inébranlable dans le projet de multiculturalisme canadien – commune à la génération d'immigrants musulmans arrivés dans les années 1970 – n'est pas toujours partagée par ceux qui ont migré au cours des 20 dernières années, et est rarement ressentie par leurs enfants

  • 1717 words
  • 7 minutes


50 years of multiculturalism: Being Muslim in Canada

Omar Mouallem, author of Praying to the West: How Muslims Shaped the Americas, looks at why an unshakeable faith in Canada’s multiculturalism project — common amongst the generation of Muslim immigrants who arrived in the ’70s — is not always shared by those who have migrated in the last 20 years, and is rarely felt by their children

  • 1466 words
  • 6 minutes


Après 50 ans de multiculturalisme : Qui est le gardien/la gardienne de l’identité canadienne ?

La professeure Anna Triandafylllidou se penche sur un projet de mise en récit numérique où 28 étudiants de deuxième cycle de partout au Canada étaient invités à répondre à la question : Qui suis-je ?

  • 1397 words
  • 6 minutes

Bulk Search Results

Science & Tech

Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen will be among the next humans to fly to the moon

Hansen will be part of the NASA crew for Artemis II, which will see the astronauts spending up to three weeks on a flyby trip to the moon in 2024

  • 1231 words
  • 5 minutes

People & Culture

Behind the wires: A look back at Canada’s golden age of telegraphy

On the 175th anniversary of Canada’s first telegraph message, a pioneering telegrapher recalls her exciting career

  • 1428 words
  • 6 minutes


Cat skiing vs heli-skiing: Which one should top your bucket list?

It’s like comparing champagne to prosecco, but both will forever change the way you view skiing

  • 1453 words
  • 6 minutes


5 ways to soak in Vancouver’s nature if you’re not outdoorsy

You don’t have to be an outdoor thrill-seeker to see all that Vancouver has to offer

  • 2171 words
  • 9 minutes


Think like a bear: learning to coexist

Humans and bears are sharing more landscapes now than ever before. As we continue to invade their world, will we be able to coexist?

  • 4432 words
  • 18 minutes


Exploring the Hudson Bay Lowlands with Chris Brackley

Canadian Geographic’s cartographer explores the many facets of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, one of the world’s most significant wetlands

  • 1933 words
  • 8 minutes


7 of the best winter drives in Canada

The nation’s coolest road trips — literally

  • 2760 words
  • 12 minutes


Surviving the Race to Alaska

This motor-free ocean race — with vessels ranging from paddleboards to pedal-assist sailboats — is less about how fast you can go and more about whether you get there at all

  • 3522 words
  • 15 minutes


Travel with Dr. Jean: Preparing for takeoff

From compression socks to a proper backpack, there are some travel items that you should never forget as a senior traveller. But don’t worry, Dr. Jean has you covered.   

  • 1306 words
  • 6 minutes


Bermuda: The perfect island getaway

Complete with historic towns, picturesque beaches and breathtaking scenery, Bermuda is the perfect escape with plenty to do and an endless amount to see 

  • 2295 words
  • 10 minutes


Come full circle: Walking P.E.I.’s answer to the Camino de Santiago

Prince Edward Island’s answer to the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain, the Island Walk is a lesser known (for now) 700-kilometre journey that circumnavigates the island

  • 1709 words
  • 7 minutes


14 unique Canadian hotels you need to experience

Sometimes, the hotel is the destination

  • 1398 words
  • 6 minutes


Corona Canada’s epic “Officer of Natural Wonder” road trip champions the nation’s natural beauty

Brewed with water and natural ingredients, Corona wants to encourage Canadians to responsibly experience the country’s natural wonders

  • 1682 words
  • 7 minutes


A Saskatchewan road trip in search of whooping cranes

In the mid-20th century, the elusive birds numbered in the dozens. Thanks to decades of conservation efforts, they appear to be making a comeback. 

  • 1444 words
  • 6 minutes
Astronaut inputs information into onboard computer

People & Culture

Canadian businessperson Mark Pathy blasts into space on private mission

March 30 is the launch date! The Montreal-born investor and philanthropist will complete a 10-day mission that combines bucket-list trip with research and environmental agenda 

  • 1585 words
  • 7 minutes