Tribal Affairs

Treasury is committed to strengthening its relationships with tribal governments and Indian Country to work to better understand and respond to the needs of tribal governments regarding Treasury regulations, legislative comments, proposed legislation and policy statements that have Tribal implications, have a direct and identifiable economic impact on Indian Tribes, or preempt Tribal law.

Treasury conducts its tribal affairs in two primary ways: Tribal Consultations and the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee.  While the two functions complement each other, each is a separate and distinct Treasury function.  Tribal Consultations are conducted through the Office of Economic Policy and led by the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy.  These comprehensive consultations lead to meaningful dialogue with Indian Tribes on a government-to-government basis.  Treasury’s consultations are guided by the Treasury Tribal Consultation Policy adopted in 2014.  The second function is the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee (TTAC).   This seven member Tribal advisory committee advises the Secretary on significant matters related to the taxation of Indians, the training of Internal Revenue Service field agents, and the provisions of training and technical assistance to Native American financial officers. The Committee was established on February 15, 2015, pursuant to Section 3 of the Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113- 68, and in accordance with the provisions of the FACA.  Currently, the TTAC hosts up to three meetings per year, which are open to the public.

Treasury also conducts other activities that contribute to mutual understanding, including hosting Listening Sessions on topics of interest, speaking at national conferences, publishing notices in the Federal Register soliciting comments, receiving comments from the public, and talking directly with Tribal Officials.

Treasury maintains an email for those wishing to submit public comments at any time.  Interested parties can send comments to [email protected].

Treasury Department’s Office of Economic Policy is responsible for coordinating consultation between Indian Tribes and Treasury Department bureaus and offices.  This Department also provides Progress Reports on Tribal Consultations and Activities to the Office of Management and Budget.  These reports are available to the public.

The TTAC is coordinated through the Office of Tax Policy, and the Tax Legislative Counsel serves as the Designated Federal Official for the Committee.

Treasury Action Plan for Tribal Consultation and Collaboration


Treasury Consultation

Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee