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TTB periodically participates in industry conferences and seminars to provide training or relevant TTB-related information. We also occasionally hold our own training events, such as webinars or seminars. We’re sharing those presentations here for everyone’s benefit. Choose from the topics below to see a listing of related presentations.

Note: Some presentations may contain outdated email addresses. Please visit our Contact Us page.

Related Information

Blue icon with a white exclamation mark.DISCLAIMER
This information is being issued to help the public to understand and comply with the laws and regulations that the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau administers. It is not intended to establish any new, or change any existing, definitions, interpretations, standards, or procedures regarding those laws and regulations.


Green icon with a white phone.CONTACT US

Questions? Please visit our Contact Us page for the latest information..

Page last reviewed: March 3, 2017
Page last updated: May 5, 2023
Maintained by: Office of Communications