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The WHS Electronic Records Portal (WERP) provides access to the electronic record collections of the State Archives at the Wisconsin Historical Society.

WERP is a place for users to explore Wisconsin’s historic digital collections that are maintained and preserved by the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS). Its collections currently include more recent state public records, transferred in digital formats to the WHS by state agencies. They are often part of a larger collection of paper documents, photographs, and various film and audio formats available at WHS. If you’d like to view other records in the collection, please visit us at the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.

If you’d like to explore our digital collections, you can browse using the featured collections or the BROWSE ARCHIVE button above. Search for specific subjects or documents using the search bar.

Some documents cannot be displayed here for legal or technical reasons. Many of those file may be viewed in person at the WHS Headquarters in Madison, WI.

This resource was produced with support from the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC). Learn more about the Wisconsin Historical Society’s NHPRC Electronic Records grant.

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