(simplified version)

Effective: 30 May 2018

We make it a matter of pride to respect the privacy of our users and to treat their personal data in the strictest confidentiality and in accordance with the legislation in force.

The Privacy policy is intended to inform you, in a transparent manner, about the data we collect, the purpose for collecting it, the way we use it and the rights you have regarding the processing of such data.

On this page, we provide you with a simplified version of our Privacy policy in the form of questions and answers. We invite you to also read the detailed version available on this page.

We draw your attention to the need to read this Privacy policy carefully. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address [email protected]

1. Who is responsible for processing your data?

The World Steel Association is the controller of your personal data.

Here is our complete contact information:

World Steel Association AISBL (hereinafter, ‘worldsteel’)
Avenue de Tervueren 270
1150 Brussel
VAT Number BE 0406.597.373

2. What data do we collect?

We collect your data – personal or otherwise – for various reasons which are defined in the following point (see point 3).
It includes the following data:

  • Your identifying information (surname, first name, e-mail address, company contact details and delivery address;
  • Your company invoicing details, including VAT number;
  • Our communications (by email or other);
  • The type of domain with which you connect to the Internet;
  • The IP address assigned to you;
  • The date and time of your access to our website;
  • Demographic data or other data relating to the communication;
  • The pages you viewed on our website;
  • The type of browser, platform and/or operating system you are using;
  • The search engine and the keywords used to find the website;
  • Your browsing preferences
  • Any other data that you would communicate to us.
3. Why do we collect your data?

We collect your data to easily communicate with each other and to improve our Services.
Your data also allow us to improve and facilitate your navigation on our websites. The legal bases for processing your data are listed in the full version of the Privacy policy.

4. How do we collect your data?

Most of your data is communicated to us by your active intervention. This is the case when you send us your identifying data. Other data such as the date and time of your access to our website, the pages you have viewed, or your demographic data, are collected automatically through servers consulted and ‘cookies’ placed on our websites. For more information on what a cookie is, how it is used and the exact data it collects, visit our page concerning our Cookie policy.

5. Are your data protected?

We take pride in respecting the privacy of our users. We maintain a strict Privacy policy and take all appropriate measures to ensure that our servers prevent, to the extent possible, any unauthorised leak, destruction, loss, disclosure, use, access or modification of your data.

Regarding the payment of orders, we only use the secure payment systems ‘Stripe’ and ‘Ingenico’ in order to guarantee optimal security.

6. How long do we store your data?

We keep your data for the time necessary to accomplish the objectives pursued (see point 3). Once this goal is achieved, we delete them.

7. What are your rights and how can they be exercised?

You may at any time, request to verify, access, rectify, delete, transfer and object to the use of your data, as well as request the limitation of such use of your data. To do so, simply send us an email at the following address [email protected]. We will then make every effort to take the necessary action as soon as possible.

8. Who has access to your data and to whom are they communicated?

Our employees and subcontractors have acess to your data only to the extent necessary for processing your request and/or fulfilling the objectives pursued (see point 3). Each of them is subject to a strict obligation of confidentiality.

9. Do we transfer your data abroad?

We only transfer your data to a non-EU country if it provides a level of protection equivalent to what you can find in your country of residence. (For more information, please check: https://goo.gl/1eWt1V).

10. How to receive our Services?

We only use your email address to offer you Services required to collaborate with you.

With your consent, or based on our legitimate interest based in particular on our relationship, we will subscribe you to our newsletter and offer you other articles that may interest you. You can unsubscribe and withdraw your consent to these communications at any time by sending an email to the following address [email protected].

11. What is our policy on data concerning minors?

Our websites are not targeted to children under the age of 18. If you learn that your minor child has provided us with their personal data without your consent, contact us at the following address: [email protected].

12. What happens in the event of a change to the Privacy policy?

If we had to make any changes to the Privacy policy, you would be notified through our websites.

13. What to do in the event of a dispute?

Lengthy trials do not benefit anyone. In the event of a dispute between us, we commit to give priority to dialogue and openness in search of an amicable solution. You can also contact the Data Protection Authority.