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JOURNAL OF SOMALI STUDIES Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016 Pp 107-117 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies Mohamed A. Eno Haash-Taag Caddaaneed Anoo haruur gurtoo sita haan caanuhu ka huluq leeya Ku ma hamin inaan ka hadlo haash-taag caddaaneede Balse ha moodin hadal la’aanteyda inaan hurdeysnahaye Waa hubaal Safiyooy in halganka loo hanweynnahaye Hambalyaanna idin wadaa iyo hal iyo nirigteede Iga hooya hadiyadaad ku hanateen hash-taag caddaaneedka Weynu hor degnaa hadeey korodho halista dagaalladu e Hoobiye kol leysku garaacayo ka ma hakano duulaanku e Kamana hibeysano hud-hud ku hanjama heer aqooneede Oo yiri hodanta ‘Humanities’-ku waa hal bacad lagu lisaye; Waa kuwii hore u haqbiyey hanad-qaadka dhaqankeena e Heeb-soocana u hiigsaday hal abuurka ummaddeenna Dulli Caddaaneed Dooddi socotay waayahaan iyo wixi leys duqeynayey Damiinkaba soo tuuw gartay dabka la inaku soo daaray Iyo dabinta noloo dhigoo la yiri daadku idin qaadyey Ama la doonay in nalaku daro dibusocodyadi tageye Maxaa na daba dhigay duruustay dhigeen dulli caddaaneed Dalmar aqoon ka kororsaday dibedda iyo dalkiisi hooyo 107 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies Dareenkiisuna xambaarsanyahay dardaaranka ummaddiisa Dulmi haduu arko loogama digo dardarrada cadaaweede Doqon lumay wixii dan ugu jiruu diiradda la waayaaye Wax la dugsado miyuu leeyahay daneyste ku dabargooynaya #CaddaanStudies Out of drunken stupor Lepers last night opened Malodorous can of worms Sullying the kiln of learning With this cunning confession: We mastered, and mustered The horrendous tactics In the colonial books We borrowed the best of leaf From the brilliant fathers Who branded blacks primitives A people barren of thoughts Condoning suppression Not condemning oppression Feeds from Our ambitious project Of a super white And a sub black It even sets The sacred rules Of what is science And what is not, Who is genius And who is not, In our monopoly Rebranded recently Caddaan Studies Association 108 Mohamed Eno (J0SS) Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016, Pp 107-117 In every conceivable #tag On Humanities Butt From a mouthful of words A colonial kid belched: Be you a Harvard grad A top notch from York U Lafoole, SIDAM or Makerere Sitting on your butt all day For little valued Humanities Shuts you, Novice of the Horn, Out of the condo reserved For the social sciences genius Suffice it to say Then, That the formula of thought Is situated in the algorithm Of Caddaan Studies So the wider Horn society May venerate forthwith The pride of culture In the social sciences Of Unpropitious Albinos Hana the harlot had mothered An albino baby too bogus In the naming ceremony, lo! Conflict among the concubines: From Elizabeth’s land came A petition too urgent Uncle Sam’s son emerged 109 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies With another one astonishing While a trio of the Horn Pushed a plea to the elders Who overruled earlier verdict To make albino an African By way of Caddaan Studies Association Out of the impending frustration A caddaan umpire sought Traditional midwife’s advice: Should we name albino By his blue eyes too pale Or should we place the name By the black of his skin! Hash-Tag Sage Oh youth of the Horn You intimidate knowledge With unremitting lethargy Neither is that tone offensive Nor do I mean it wrong But you may fathom not The worth of a Caddaan sage Custodian of intellect Gatekeeper of all Knowledge Virtues and wisdom A social scientist Against a lethargic bard Engaged in learning From long dried up Ponds of the Humanities Imagined Racism After all that the Horn had said 110 Mohamed Eno (J0SS) Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016, Pp 107-117 What is in a color, anyway? What should race mean to you? Yes, race! Should mean nothing to you Like it means much to me. Suppose I am a racist Oh, no! Don’t suppose But take it I’m one Why should it dig deeper Into your dark soul? Why do you hate me For what I was made? What I have learned From the pioneer who Came from Eliz’s isle? Caddaan Studies Classroom In our Caddaan Studies classroom We learn big knowledge Big knowledge too heavy Too heavy to carry In the pupil’s mind We talk about social sciences The best ever social sciences That praises Caddaan Studies As superb colonial success Over the colonized communities In every session we meet They obligate us to master A Caddaan Studies syllabus That says too little of Africa They lash us to shun Reading our Humanities 111 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies They assign us essays In honor of Caddaan Studies While the pride and culture bestowed Upon the African civilizations Are buried deeper than Our tender brains can dig into Then at dispersal time we sing Too loud songs of praise To honor the social sciences And philosophers of Caddaan Studies Hearsay Drama She concocted a hearsay drama Into a finely-tuned academic fiction Fooling in that attempt the learned And unlearned of her kin rogues In the One-Clan-Narrative Court She appeared in a judge’s attire An outfit too hollow and awkward Like her misjudgment too bedeviled When asked about the anomalies In her ill intended verdict She invoked obsolete readings Legacies from colonial luddites Her corroded mentality suffers From indulgence impregnated With tattered imperial tutelage Experiments from Caddaan Studies labs The other day they tweeted on social media: She owns a cosmetic male concubine 112 Mohamed Eno (J0SS) Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016, Pp 107-117 To swathe her obsession with flabby females In the queerly kingdom She calls collaborative commons Wisdom Abuse In the creation of man God incarnated His wisdom But man abused wisdom In the advance for interests God bestowed ingenuity With human brainpower A grace we little adore But in abuse and misuse; Such was the indoctrination Africa inherited From studies ordained in Every Caddaan Studies textbook Despite it not being The ultimate study Articulated In our traditional ethos Like a racist’s admiration For the social sciences Like his oversight of The aesthetics engrained In the intellectual world Of the Humanities; An ambience empty of intellect Abuses adorability, All that is admirable Like human achievement 113 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies Mooryaan Mentality? Mere physical growth warrants not Mental maturity When rationality remains absent From the faculty of reasoning For Misconception betrays The reality of things human Yet Misconceived thought repudiates The nature of human evolution Testimonies across time and space In the fertile meadows Many an erudite took Learning to task. Not long ago the loose drops Of ludicrous language Lured lyrics of lamentation From the lecture halls The libraries And every learning center Absurdity in the Making Is human culture encapsulated only To what is subsidiary to human science, Or archaeology sub standard to sociology? Is a study of the religions lower than politics, Or philosophy a vague learning in the academics? How dare that a racist thought underrates A study of history to anthropology, Literature and languages to Linguistics? Which social science genius ever studied Linguistics or language sciences, 114 Mohamed Eno (J0SS) Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016, Pp 107-117 Culture or theological studies With the unlearning of language? Alienation of the disciplines intoxicates the inspiration of august learners endeavoring to achieve excellence in designated areas. Choice of the Humanities or the Sciences rests more in one’s affection than your misjudgment of abilities and inabilities; thus your demeaning of one’s intellect attributes to academic absurdity Loopholes Sometimes we tickle a child for the fun of it Other times only to a stubborn child To make him pay for unchanging behavior The obnoxious scholar is not an exemption We dare his underdone genius into the test: Where would you place Communication Studies, In your underdone category of the Social Sciences Or your misology of the Humanities? Along with anthropology did your forefathers And contemporary students of your time Learn history of the social sciences Without borrowing from history itself? Denigration of the disciplines denotes Devastations doggone dangerous: Demotion of African didactics Under domination of Caddaan Studies; Demolition of the Horn’s dignity Devaluation of dedicated youth 115 Inaugurating Caddaan Studies Orientalism Ideologized Under the shelter of Axumites we initiated at will an academic platform to stage-manage the Horn and the in-erudite youth of its future. Like the illusive political institutions we erected to reign over their sovereignty, Caddaan Studies empowers our colonial associates in the Horn to exercise our authority equally de facto and de jure. The immediate intent of the institution informs our illegitimization of Horn youth involvement in what is Horn Studies. The global aim underpins our ideology: Recolonization of Emergent African Studies. The strategy informs to discount any symptoms of the white privilege dogma from the scene; obscurity of the subject and object of orientalism in the eyes of the idiots in the Horn, huh huh huuh. They sit on their butts for non-scientific nonsense: literature, performance arts, religion, philosophy, archaeology, history, culture, languages; butt paining studies we call stupid studies designed in the syllabi of the lazy man’s Humanities. The Results Today they announced the results of the pseudo research by the grandchildren of the colonial guru dubbed the father of Horn of Africa Studies. It attributes lack of young social scientists to generation gap; immediate resource generation as another correlation among the scapegoats the report invented; 116 Mohamed Eno (J0SS) Volume 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2016, Pp 107-117 and a high percentage of idleness as a good attribute. We helped avert them from studies in the high sciences. Upon their discovery of the ills in the strategy we can eliminate our errors easily on vertical ends: horrid but indispensable while we make the little done undone and the undone little done to dispense virtual confusion to their small brains. Under the shelter of the little good done earlier by the few of us, a lot of evil was infused into their mind to handicap the efforts of the money-mined knowledge-deprived youth of the Horn. 117