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CALL FOR P APERS – LEA 11 ( 2 0 2 2 ) D e ad lin e fo r s u bm is s io n s : May 8 , 2 0 2 2 Pu blicatio n : D e ce m be r 2 0 2 2 LEA is a peer-reviewed in ternational scholarly journ al based at the University of Florence that publishes original research papers in all areas of literature, lin guistics, and philology. We are pleased to announce that subm issions are now open for LEA 11 (20 22): Co n flict a n d co n t r a s t in la n g u a g e a n d lit e r a t u r e Recently, new conflict lines and dynam ics have emerged at an international level, bringing about also m ajor changes in styles and modes of com munication. To facilitate a better understanding of these phenomena, LEA 11 (20 22) proposes to investigate the ideas of conflict and contrast from the perspective of the hum anities, with specific focus on literary, linguistic, and philological studies. These disciplines have always had a unique relationship with conflict: literature m ay offer representations of it, become itself a contested territory, or give voice to controversy in distinct social, political, religious, and ideological contexts. Sim ilarly, linguistics and philology can offer precious instrum ents for an em pirical study of conflict in different types of texts and a variety of com munication forms. Potential topics include: • • • • • • • • • • Representations of conflict in literature (wars, revolutions, rebellions, political battles, religious conflicts, and power struggles). Cultural and linguistic conflicts in disputed territories, borders, contact zones, or areas rich in cultural and linguistic variety. Literary representation of conflicts between the individual and society (mental disorder, exile, m igration; discrim ination based on ethnicity, political views, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) The com m unicative praxis of conflict and conflict resolution. Linguistic and gram m atical phenomena (at the level of prosody, morphology, syntax, structure, etc.) which m ay cause interference, m isunderstanding, and cultural conflict, or which m ay be representative of contrasts or conflicts. The text as a conflicted terrain on a form al level (use of parody, satire, invective; hybrid works, such as iconotexts or photo-texts; intersections among different genres, disruption of traditional norm s and conventions, coexistence of opposing tensions in a writing process; conflict between digital and print editions, etc.) Literary and non-literary translation as a potential locus of conflict. Sem antic studies of the vocabulary associated with the concepts of conflict and contrast in different languages and/ or in a diachronic perspective. Conflict and interpretation (questions of literary canon, anim ated scholarly debates, academ ic or intellectual rivalry, contrasts between different schools of thought, opposing poetics, etc.) Conflict and contrast in literature and language learning, especially in m ultilingual and m ulticultural classrooms. LEA also accepts contributions that are not related to the topic proposed in the CfP: for m ore inform ation, please visit our website. Manuscripts should be subm itted using our online system s. Please find our guidelines here. For any issues or questions, please contact [email protected]. Deadline for subm issions: May 8 , 2 0 2 2 .