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Per informazioni, prenotazioni (entro il 23 gennaio 2022) e per partecipare con un video o un collegamento in diretta degli studenti: [email protected] ⸱ 3476557895 Le giornate sono valide come aggiornamento per i docenti e come... more
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      Modern Greek literatureModern GreeceGreeceAncient Greek Language
This article proposes a new formal reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) nouns containing the suffix *–oi–. I argue that both primary and non-primary derivatives in this class had stress alternating between the derivational suffix... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyGreek Language
Este artículo responde la frecuente pregunta sobre cómo se encontraron las soluciones para averiguar el sistema de escritura y el idioma del manuscrito medieval MS408, como se describió en el artículo de la revista Romance Studies... more
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageMedieval StudiesRomance philology
ABSTRACT: In the New Testament Vulgate, the Greek verb μισέω (“to hate”) is translated either as the Latin verb odi, or as the constructions with support verb odio habeo and odio sum. In order to understand the criteria that explain these... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureTranslation Studies
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      PhilologyGreek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Lyric Poetry
P. Oxy. 2294 è una testimonianza proveniente da un ambiente dotto ed erudito, che getterebbe luce sulla circolazione della produzione saffica e sulla sua fruizione negli ambienti egiziani di area ossirinchita. L'attribuzione alla poetessa... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyLiteratureEgypt
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      HomerPresocratic PhilosophyPlatoPythagoreanism
《剑桥古典希腊语语法》(The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek)是一个世纪以来英语世界首部全面的古典希腊语参考性语法书。这部开创之作反映了近几十年来语言学领域取得的重要进展,为学生、教师和研究者提供了一套完备而易懂的语法论述。语音和词法部分充分吸收比较语言学和历史语言学的见解,以阐明由词根、词干和词尾构成的复杂... more
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      Greek GrammarAncient Greek LanguageClassical PhilologyClassical Studies
review of C. Denizot – O. Spevak, Pragmatic Approaches to Latin and Ancient Greek. John Benjamins 2017
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      Ancient Greek LanguageLatin Pragmatics
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      PhilologyPatristicsNew TestamentHellenistic History Babylonian hermeneutics has been the subject of several studies in recent years that have showed that speculative thought exploited the potentiality of the cuneiform system through... more
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      Sumerian ReligionPhilosophyGreek LiteratureNear Eastern Studies
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      Classical philologyAlexander the GreatAncient Greek Language
"Aetia Romana. SH 957 (P.Hamb. inv. 666 verso) and the legend of the founding of Rome in the Greek world."
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureRoman HistoryHellenistic Literature
Hint-Avrupa dil ailesinin üyesi olan Eski Yunanca, çeşitli lehçelere ayrılan çok zengin bir antik dildir. Eski Yunan - Latin dilleri ve edebiyatları öğrencileri ve araştırmacılarının yanı sıra Eskiçağ Tarihi, Klasik Arkeoloji, Yunan -... more
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      Classical philologyAncient Greek LanguageEski Yunan Dili Ve EdebiyatıAntik Yunan
Claudius Ptolemy sketches in Iudic. 4.3-6 a theory on the origin of language that follows Epicurus’ doctrine. Since Ptolemy’s approach contains a naturalistic stage, this paper also discusses a section of another of Ptolemy’s works,... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyOrigin of LanguageAncient Greek LanguageClaudius Ptolemy
This course offers an introduction to the history of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the end of the Hellenistic Age (roughly the 16th to the 1st centuries BCE), drawing on both source materials and modern works. This is a... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
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      Lexical SemanticsAncient Greek Language
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      ClassicsHomerAncient Indo-European LanguagesModality
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      New TestamentHistory of SlaveryKoine Greek languageNew Testament Theology
This short article tentatively explores the nature of different "levels of style" in the Greek of five works belonging to the hagiographical and monastic literature of Late Antiquity, by investigating the distribution of different... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesGreek LanguageLinguistic stylisticsLate Antiquity
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      MorphosyntaxMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Distributed MorphologyAncient Greek Language
Famous ku-ro, ‘sum’ and ki-ro, ‘debt’ are Greek words
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      Greek LanguageWriting Systems & DeciphermentAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
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      EmotionGreek LanguageSlavic LanguagesAlbanian Studies
Application of Statistical Linguistics to surgical treatises in Corpus Hippocraticum, in order to show relations between them and their authors. Aplicación de la estadística lingüística a los tratados quirúrgicos del Corpus... more
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      Hippocratic CorpusAncient Greek LanguageStatistical Methods In Linguistics
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
Poster from the event 'Harry Potter and Antiquity' where I presented speech 'Greek for geek. Ancient and Modern Greek translations of neologisms in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone'
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      Harry PotterAncient Greek LanguageModern Greek Language
So far there is no established etymology for these words. Yet, they may come from a stem h2es-k, found in Hittite, the meaning of which is fullness, completeness.
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      PhilosophyClassicsAsceticismClassical philology
Resumo No primeiro livro de Histórias, três episódios da vida de Creso ilustram as principais características do gênero trágico presentes na narrativa herodotiana. O primeiro trata do encontro de Sólon com Creso (I, 30-33), depois o de... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek TragedyAncient Greek Religion
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      Ancient Greek LanguageAtticismAncient Greek Lexicography
A final essay on the course "Plato's Philebus" ,Charles University,  fall semester 2019. The essay revolves around the analysis of the beginning of this Platonic Dialogue, specifically starting from 11a to 16b.palto
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      PhilosophyPlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek Language
ἀρκεῖν, ἄρκυς, ἀράχνη are based on the root *ark (< *˙h2er-k).  This root has two meanings: 1- to contain; 2- to hold up (as to push back the enemy).  This root is the base of Latin arcere, arx, arca, aranea.
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      ClassicsClassical philologyAncient Greek LanguageIndoeuropean Linguistics
Άρδην, τεύχος 52, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2005 H “ομά­δα Ε” και ο ευ­τε­λι­σμός της Ελ­λά­δας και της ελ­λη­νι­κής ιστο­ρί­ας Από τον Καστοριάδη στον… Φουράκη Γ. Ρακκάς, Από τους αρχαιολάτρες στους εξωγήινους Γ. Σχίζας, Φοβού τους... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesNeopaganismAncient Greek LanguageModern Greek culture
Shortenings like lab for laboratory or newbie for newborn already existed in Latin (Monique Biville 1989) and Ancient Greek (this paper, with a few dozen examples). Published in: «Nouveaux acquis sur la formation des noms en grec»... more
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      Ancient Greek LanguageTruncationGreek MorphologyAncient Greek Etymology
This paper presents a spatio-temporal data mining regarding the origin of the names of the 218 longest European rivers. The study shows that 35.2% of these river names originate in the Near East and Southern Caucasus. The study also... more
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      Historical LinguisticsComparative Semitic LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesLinguistics
The prepositional phrase ἐν ᾧ occurs repeatedly in 1 Peter, and scholars debate its function in each occurrence. To determine the most likely functions of the phrase, this article analyzes each instance in the book. Based on the context... more
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      New TestamentBible TranslationKoine Greek languageAncient Greek Language
This very short exegetical essay points out some Homeric echoes in Alcaeus’ Song 130 V. He laments his current situation that hinder him from the participation to the politikos bios, probably due to a temporary defeat of his hetaireia.... more
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      Homeric poetryAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek LiteratureArchaic Greek Lyric
How to download Sir Arthur Evan’s Scripta Minoa, Volumes 1 & 2, (Linear B), in their entirety: Until recently, anyone searching for Scripta Minoa could download the files from Heidelberg University. But it is no longer possible to do so... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
Магистерская диссертация, СПбГУ, 2012
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      Medieval HistoryAncient Greek Language
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      Classical Reception StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsAncient Greek Language
Vortrag bei der 15. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Universität Wien, 13.-16. Sept. 2016
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European LinguisticsAncient Greek Language
The first aim of this paper is to illustrate the various meanings of the word πονηρός (together with the antonym χρηστός) and especially its usage from the last quarter of V century b.C. to the first half of IV, both in theatrical... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAncient Greek PoliticsAncient Greek Language
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      Ancient Greek LanguageAncient Greek LiteratureGreek Humanism (16th century)
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
The original meaning of the term "diet", which has its origin in the Greek term diaita, differs greatly from that assumed today. The return to its etymology and its initial cultural value enable greater understanding of what means,... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAncient Greek LanguageEtimology
Analisi del proemio del vangelo di Luca secondo le categorie dell'oratoria ellenistica
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      Ancient Greek LanguageBiblical Philology
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek Literature
A collection of translations of the 1916 Proclamation were launched
at Trinity College Dublin on Proclamation Day. I was the editor of the Greek translation:
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      IrelandAncient Greek LanguageTrinity College DublinIrish Proclamation of 1916
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      PhilosophyRhetoricPoliticsAncient Philosophy
This Excel file is a WORK IN PROGRESS on Indo-European basic lexicon, aligning PIE reconstructions from IEW, LIV and Mallory-Adams with intermediate reconstructions of IE sub-families found in several other sources (mainly Brill / Leiden... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionGreek LanguageSlavic LanguagesGermanic linguistics
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      ClassicsAncient Greek Language