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In projects developed in the area of food history and in the different symposia organised by ICREFH in the past 30 years, the history of the senses has remained in the background. However, the senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, and... more
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      Food ScienceFood SafetyAnthropology of FoodFood Engineering
Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce), in the summer of 1924, was the gateway event that led to the development of biodynamic agriculture and, subsequently, organic agriculture. The present paper identifies for... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental ScienceAnthroposophyOrganic agriculture
Questo libro si inserisce nella lunga tradizione dei Festschrift: un omaggio festoso di studi e di riflessioni offerti, in occasione del settantesimo compleanno, a Piercarlo Grimaldi. Il volume è soprattutto un liber amicorum, la... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodHistory of Anthropology
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      Anthropology of FoodFood StudiesAnthropology of Food and Nutrition
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      Peasant StudiesCommodity ChainsAnthropology of FoodGlobal Value Chains
Una ricerca antropologica sul pane nel Lazio effettuata dai miei alunni dell'Istituto Margherita di Savoia di Roma che partecipa all'Esposizione universale Milano Expo 2015 attraverso il  Concorso bandito dal Miur “ La Scuola per Expo 2015”
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      FolkloreAnthropology of FoodCooking and Food Preparation (archaeology)Bread History
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      Popular CultureAnthropology of FoodCultural Antropology
is awarded each year to an engaging, original piece of writing that delivers new research and/or new insights into any aspect of food history relating to any period, place, people or culture. We welcome innovative, well written entries of... more
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      HistorySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodFood History
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      Material Culture StudiesAnthropology of FoodFood Culture and LiteratureHistory of Gastronomy
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryPatristicsAnthropology of Food
Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting... more
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      ArchaeologySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodLiminality
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      Anthropology of FoodFood HistoryTurkish and Middle East Studies
כשבחוץ השתולל הווירוס, במרחב הביתי התפשטה המחמצת כמגיפה עולמית. האם השמרים עזרו לנו לשמור על שפיות זמנית? עם החזרה לשגרה, החוקרים מנסים להבין מדוע התמכרנו לאפיית לחם... more
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      Anthropology of FoodBakingBreadSourdough
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      Anthropology Of Technology (Anthropology)Anthropology of FoodAgricultural BiotechnologyAnthropology of Development
Indice, introduzione e un sample di qualche ricetta del libro CIBO IDENTITARIO DELLA SARDEGNA frutto di una ricerca di oltre un anno, etnografica e storico-archivistica, sulla cucina identitaria sarda. Il, resto è in vendita sul portale... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodFood Consumption (Anthropology)Sardinia
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyAnthropology of Food
This article stresses the fact that religion in ancient Egypt is not limited to the great temples, secluded from the outside world. The case-study of the cult of Renenutet, the «lady of the granary», shows that buildings meant for... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyAnthropology of Food
Este libro nace de un proyecto sobre migraciones y culturas alimentarias en Iberoamérica (incluyendo España y Portugal) iniciado en 2009 y ligado en su última fase a la Cátedra UNESCO de Alimentación, Cultura y Desarrollo de la... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood and NutritionFood StudiesFood Studies, History and Anthropology, Migration
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      AnthropologyEthnographyCuban StudiesAnthropology of Food
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      Victorian StudiesBritish HistoryAnthropology of FoodFood History
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodFood HistoryFood and Nutrition
The perception that food affects our health has increased over the past fifty years in industrialised Western countries. The notion of "healthy food" has become ubiquitous in medical, political, and media discourse as well as in the... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodAnthropology of Health and IllnessFood risk communication
Book review of Rice Talks by Nir Avieli, 2014, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20(2): 384-385.
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    • Anthropology of Food
Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu... more
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      Food SafetySustainable Production and ConsumptionSociology of Food and EatingFood Systems
Paella (a rice dish garnished with vegetables and sometimes various meats, fishes or shellfishes) appears very likely in the early nineteenth-century in the Valencia area. In this area, paella becomes precociously the basis of strong... more
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      Gender StudiesSpanish StudiesAnthropology of FoodFood, Gender, Culture
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropology of FoodFood HistoryEcuador
Les cinq textes que voici furent rédigés à la demande de la chaîne de télévision européenne ARTE pour être mis en ligne sur son site internet au moment de la première diffusion de la série documentaire L'histoire en cuisine (Michèle... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryAnthropology of FoodHistory Of Food Consumption
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      Sociology of Food and EatingImmigrationAnthropology of FoodFood History
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      CommunicationEducationScience CommunicationFoodways (Anthropology)
For Mongols, sharing food is more than just eating meals. Through a process of “opening” and “closing”, on a daily basis or at events, in the family circle or with visitors, sharing food guarantees the proper order of social relations. It... more
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      Social AnthropologyCultural SociologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Food
El presente estudio explora las dinámicas de la comensalidad entre los preparadores de alimentos que laboran en restaurantes de comida mexicana en Estados Unidos a través las resistencias alimentarias que se visibilizan al interior... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodMexican MigrationNostalgia
Anthropological concerns with food and nutrition have increased greatly in the last four decades, and the development has been across the subdisciplines of anthropology and in conjunction with other academic disciplines. The current... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood and NutritionAgriculture and Food StudiesAnthropology of Food and Nutrition
Published 1992, London: Chapmans. First seven chapters
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      NutritionAnthropology of FoodFood and NutritionPopular culture (Anthropology)
A commitment to healthy family foodways is a means of demonstrating responsible individualism and self-care. In the current UK foodscape “good” food is usually “healthy” and feeding the family “healthy” food has high symbolic and cultural... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesCultural SociologyAnthropology of Food
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      Anthropology of FoodPaleolithic Dietary ModelFood ethicsTorah/Pentateuch
This report is the result of a two year research project commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands and carried out at the Institute for Environmental Studies. The goal of the project was to consider how ethnic... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood & CultureSustainable Food Systems, Permaculture, Food AnthropologyMeat and meat consumption
Para aquellos que se preguntan sobre la capacidad de un plato de traspasar las fronteras culturales y adaptarse a las condiciones propias de otras culturas alimentarias, el ejemplo de la paella se impone muy deprisa. Si es necesario... more
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      Spanish StudiesAnthropology of FoodAnthropology of BordersBorders and Frontiers
The small Pacific island of Nauru has the highest rate of obesity in the world; this has partly been attributed to a dietary transition from local to imported foods. Nutritional health interventions have included programmes to encourage... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyInternational DevelopmentObesity
Early paper on Rebaibal in Telefolmin, situating it in the context of: a previous movement known as Ok Bembem; Christian evangelism, mineral exploration and the cash economy; the men's cult, gender relations, and household consumption.... more
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      Anthropology of FoodAnthropology of GenderAnthropology of ChristianityMelanesia (Pacific Islands art)
Guest Editors: Véronique Saint-Ges, INRA, UMR SADAPT, France Corinne Tanguy, CESAER AgroSup Dijon, France Delphine Thivet, Centre Emile Durkheim (UMR 5116), Université de Bordeaux, France Fragiskos Gaitis, Department of Food... more
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      Food SafetyAnthropology of FoodFood and NutritionFood Science and Technology
Local and regional food has emerged as an important arena for economic development and for social change. The western Lake Superior region offers significant opportunities and unique challenges for the redevelopment of a robust regional... more
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      AnthropologySustainable agricultureFood SystemsAnthropology of Food
published in: M. Montanari & J-R. Pitte, Les frontières alimentaires (Paris, 2009)
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryFood ScienceFood Safety
Recipes are filled with sensory directions related to taste, appearance, texture, and smell, but less often to the sounds of food cooking. While cooking and eating, whether at home or in a restaurant, is recognized as a sonic experience,... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)GastronomyLearning and TeachingAnthropology of Food
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
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      Political EconomySocial AnthropologyFood ScienceFood Safety
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      Anthropology of FoodFood HistoryFood and NutritionHistory Of Food Consumption
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      Irish StudiesGastronomySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of Food
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      Anthropology of FoodGenderFeminismLatinos
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyNutritionSociology of Food and Eating
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      SemioticsLinguistic AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodPostsocialism
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      DesignGastronomyAnthropology of FoodCulinary Culture