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Depuis 2009, la reprise de l’étude de la grotte de Baume Latrone (France, Gard), dirigée par Marc Azéma, porte principalement sur le relevé de ses étonnantes images pariétales, dessinées à l’argile ou gravées sur le calcaire, en combinant... more
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    • Aurignacian
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    • Aurignacian
The chrono-cultural sequence of Cueva Bajondillo consists of 3 different phases: musterien, Upper Palaeolithic (aurignacian, gravettian and solutrean levels) and Neolithic. This paper deals with two aspects. First, the problem of the tufa... more
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      PaleoenvironmentAurignacianUpper PaleolithicMiddle Paleolithic
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianRadiolarite
This article unveils imagery that seems intended to be recognized in phases from such sites as Font-de-Gaume (pg. 24), Laugerie-Basse (pg. 35-37), Isturitz (pg. 37-38), Saint-Cirq-du-Bugue (pg. 38-39), and Guy-Martin (pg. 26-35), after... more
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      GeographyArt HistoryPalaeolithic ArchaeologyModern Art
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      AurignacianEarly Upper Paleolithic technocomplex (Archaeology)Upper PaleolithicGravettian
This study presents and discusses a methodology to study population contact scenarios among Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. It applies this methodology to the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Middle Danube region by testing... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithics
In 1939, excavators uncovered in Hohlenstein-StadelCave nearly 200 mammoth ivory fragments that were refitted as a therianthrope figurine with the head and upper body of a cave lion and the lower body and legs of a human being. It was... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArtAurignacianUpper Palaeolithic
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyAurignacian
Since the discovery of the Grotte Chauvet (Ardeche, France) in the mid-1990s, there has been a debate regarding the accuracy of assigning this site to the Aurignacian period. The main argument stems from a perceived lack of agreement... more
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      Radiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)AurignacianUpper PaleolithicGravettian
Les fouilles récentes menées par Christian Normand à la grotte d’Isturitz ont livré un riche ensemble d’objets de parure aurignaciens en contexte chrono-stratigraphique. Nous présentons ici une première étude de ce corpus en focalisant... more
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      AurignacianMiddle to Upper Paleolithic TransitionUpper Paleolithic
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)
Kniha byla vydána roku 2003 v Kijevě / The book was published in 2003 in Kiev.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleolithic EuropeAurignacian
This paper outlines a “symbolic ecology” for the Aurignacian of Central and Southwestern Germany. Drawing upon data derived from cultural anthropology, psychology and zoobiology, we compare the sociocultural modalities of “managing” the... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsSocial OntologyHuman-Animal StudiesAurignacian
A very small ivory plate excavated in the cave of Geißenklösterle, Germany, shows on the front side the half relief of a manlike being and rows of notches at the rear side and at the border. Based on archaeological data, the... more
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      MythologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyHuman Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingArchaeoastronomy
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      AfghanistanAurignacianUpper Paleolithic
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      Pleistocene VertebrateAurignacianPleistoceneUpper Paleolithic
Las condiciones climáticas, unidas a las peculiaridades del relieve cantábrico propiciaron probablemente la ocupación de refugios ecológicos en Asturias por parte de los grupos humanos durante el inicio del Paleolítico superior inicial.... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianUpper Paleolithic
The Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition around 35,000 years ago coincides with the replacement of Neanderthals by anatomically modern humans in Europe. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain this replacement, one of them... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisPalaeoenvironmentNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)Aurignacian
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianPalaeolithic ArtAurignacien
Topográfiai helyzete és Zagyva-völgyhöz való közelsége folytán Bér közvetlen térsé-ge a paleolitikum idõszakában igen nagy jelentõséggel bírhatott, az Egri-Bükkalja – Mát-raalja – Cserhát-hegység között feltételezhetõ migrációs útvonal... more
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      AurignacianUpper PaleolithicUpper Palaeolithic
Der Ausstellungskatalog zeigt hochkarätige Exponate aus dem reichen Themenspektrum der Altsteinzeit Mitteleuropas. Dabei steht der Zeitraum im Fokus, ab dem Menschen der Art Homo neanderthalensis sich ganz bewusst für das Leben in der... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianMagdalenianGravettian
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEthnomusicologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacian
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianMiddle PalaeolithicGravettian
The Aurignacian, traditionally regarded as marking the beginnings of Sapiens in Europe, is notoriously hard to date, being almost out of reach of radiocarbon. Here the authors return to the stratified sequence in the Franchthi Cave,... more
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      AurignacianGreek Palaeolithic
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianPrehistory
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)Aurignacian
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyLithic TechnologyAurignacian
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianMiddle PalaeolithicSolutrean
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyAurignacianUpper Paleolithic
Early Upper Paleolithic sites in the Danube catchment have been put forward as evidence that the river was an important conduit for modern humans during their initial settlement of Europe. Central to this model is the Carpathian Basin, a... more
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      AurignacianUpper Palaeolithic
Defining varying spatial and temporal analytical scales is essential before evaluating the responses of late Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens to Abrupt Environmental Transitions (AETs) and environmental disasters for the period 130-25... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)AurignacianEarly Upper Paleolithic technocomplex (Archaeology)
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      DemographyEarth SciencesPalaeolithic ArchaeologyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)
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      AurignacianPalaeolithicUpper Palaeolithic
Several questions remain regarding the timing and nature of the Neanderthal-anatomically modern human (AMH) transition in Europe. The situation in Eastern Europe is generally less clear due to the relatively few sites and a dearth of... more
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      AurignacianMiddle to Upper Paleolithic TransitionUpper PaleolithicRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Aurignacian
Hohle Fels Cave near Schelklingen in the Ach Valley (Swabian Jura) has yielded a rich archaeological sequence with Magdalenian, Gravettian, Aurignacian and Middle Palaeolithic horizons. One meter of deposits preserve the Aurignacian... more
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      AurignacianEarly Upper Paleolithic technocomplex (Archaeology)Lithic Technology (Archaeology)Upper Palaeolithic
This volume provides an insight into the current state of archaeological research in Southeast Europe and its adjacent regions, spanning chronologically from the Aurignacian to the beginning of the Neolithic period. In ten contributions... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySoutheastern EuropeBalkan prehistoryMesolithic Europe
Portable objects with figurative decoration found at sites in the Iberian Peninsula (Hornos de la Peña, Salitre, El Castillo, Covalejos, Morín, Lumentxa, Antoliñako Koba, Les Mallaetes and El Parpalló) are presented and discussed. The... more
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      Paleolithic EuropePrehistoric ArtAurignacianModern human origins, Paleolithic art, rock art
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithicsAurignacian
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      AurignacianMiddle to Upper Paleolithic TransitionUpper PaleolithicSzeletien
Comparative analysis of human-mammoth relations in the Swabian Aurignaican and human-owl relations in the Pavlovian of East-Central Europe.
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      Human EvolutionSituationismFigurational SociologyEnvironmental Humanities
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      Functional AnalysisAurignacianAnalyse FunctionelleAurignacien
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      AurignacianBreitenbachOpen Air Site
The origin and development of the graphic expression are currently topics of scientific debate. The present work analyzes and evaluates the context of portable art before the Solutrean (~50.000 to ~24.000 cal BP) in the western Pyrenees... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyArt History
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In the years immediately before and after World War I, a small but important collection of objects from various Cantabrian sites came to the AMNH in New York by the hands of the American archaeologist N. C. Nelson. In a previous work one... more
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      HistoriographyAurignacianUpper PaleolithicEarly Upper Palaeolithic
Entre 1999 et 2005, un projet collectif de recherche sur le Paléolithique supérieur ancien du centre et du sud du Bassin parisien a été conduit, en partie pour tenter d’identifier des indices de la présence aurignacienne au sein de cette... more
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    • Aurignacian
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)AurignacianModern human origins, Paleolithic art, rock art
Vorlage von typischen Artefakten! Der Jägerhalt liegt auf dem Kleinen Anzinger, einer Anhöhe des südlich der Donau gelegenen Dunkelsteinerwaldes (südliches Niederösterreich).
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyPrehistoric Europe (Archaeology)