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Authors/Szerzők: Végh László, Varga Levente, Gál lászló, Berszán Lídia, Lovas Borbála, Bilibók Renáta, Fleisz Katalin, Serestély Zalán, Dimény Hajnalka, M. Bodrogi Enikő, Szabó-Reznek Eszter, Murádin János Kristóf, Petki Pál, Gorbai... more
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This paper seek to correlate the search for self and knowledge in Okpokam Ngun with Antonin Artaud's articulated idea of a philosophical theatre calibrating it with Martin Heidegger's critique of consciousness. Artaud's vision of the... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsContinental PhilosophyAntonin Artaud
Ilya Dvorkin. In search of personality. Philosophical and mystical sources of the concept of a Person in the philosophy of dialogue (I, Thou, He, It, We) (in Russian) The objective of this article is to study the origin of philosophical... more
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Tradução do comentario tomista ao "De Hebdomadibus" de Boécio.
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La thèse paraît unanime et indiscutable au sein de la famille thomiste : « l’esse – le plus souvent traduit par "exister" – est l’acte dont l’essence est la puissance ». La paternité de cette thèse est attribuée à Thomas d’Aquin. C’est... more
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      MetaphysicsAquinasThomas AquinasHappiness and Well Being
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Platon ve Aristoteles’in felsefenin başlangıcına thouma (hayret/merak) kavramını yerleştirmiş olması bir tesadüf değildir. Uyuklamakta olan bir geleneğin dışarıda tutmaya çalıştığı hayret uyandıran bir unsuru içeriye çağıran ve böylece de... more
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      AristotleG.W.F. HegelGiordano BrunoErnst Bloch
If metaphysics is to have a future, then Haas argues, ontology--the traditional teaching and learning of the question of the meaning of being--must be suspended: being cannot simply mean essence or existence, presence or absence, or some... more
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En réactualisant la question de la présence du platonisme dans les écrits de jeunesse de Heidegger (1919-1929), cet ouvrage comble une lacune importante dans les recherches heideggériennes, qui, jusqu’à présent, ont surtout souligné son... more
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      OntologyAristotlePhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
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      MetaphysicsPersonhoodEdith SteinThomas Aquinas
The list of Martin Heidegger’s lecture courses provides a rough guide to what Heidegger thought should have been read and digested before any attempts to tackle Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) were possible.
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyMysticism
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      Critical TheoryComparative ReligionCultural StudiesPsychology
Why does Heidegger reawaken the question of Being? It is for Heidegger the main question of philosophy, indeed science, and a pressing and destabilizing concern for a being that is confronted with its own mortal being. Dasein is thus... more
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      MetaphysicsPhenomenologyMartin HeideggerHeidegger's Being and Time
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
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      AristotlePhenomenologyMartin HeideggerThomas Aquinas
Like Husserl, the young Heidegger was preoccupied with the a-priority of phenomenology. He also incorporates hermeneutics into phenomenology, though Husserl was convinced that the a-priority of phenomenology removed all interpretation... more
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      OntologyHermeneuticsPhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
Meditations like “The Hypostasis” in De l’existence à l’existent make possible the arguments about the adverbial “autre-ment,” which modalizes the unfolding of being as unnameable verb and dynamism. Like the hypostasis and its mobility,... more
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      Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingLevinasBeingPhilosophical Investiagations Into the Nature of Human Freedom
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      Developmental PsychologyEmotionContextualismContinental Philosophy
This article builds on C. S. Peirce’s suggestive blueprint for an inclusive outlook that grants reality to his three categories. Moving away from the usual focus on (contentious) cosmological forces, I use a modal principle to partition... more
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      Information SystemsSemioticsChristianityMythology And Folklore
Carl Jung describes how the human unconscious is the hidden cosmological archetypal dimension of our being in the world. There is the personal unconscious that reflects personal history and experience either forgotten or foreclosed. There... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
Introduction to Hermeneutics ‒ Monographic reference volume, which can also be used as a university textbook; an outline and exposition of the antecedents, formation process, and content of philosophical hermeneutics, based on the... more
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Nietzsche has a word to say in most of the areas of philosophy. In ontology, there is the idea of becoming, in epistemology he talks about perspectivism and truth, and his ethics has the morality of the Overman. However, although enough... more
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This paper is informed by experiences and observations made while participating in the Open University Second Life Teen Grid education project (Schome), and reflections on observations made on the various educational islands facilities on... more
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      EducationEthnographySecond LifeSpace
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La cuestión de la distinción real entre el ‘ser’ y la ‘esencia’ en el seno del ‘ente’ constituye el corazón de la ontología tomista. Si bien hay una primacía del ser sobre la esencia, como la de lo fundante sobre lo fundado, no se deben... more
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      Martin HeideggerEssentialismThomas AquinasEtienne Gilson
The paper argues that Sergej Bulgakov’s sophiology was an attempt, via antinomism or the philosophy of antinomies, to overcome the rationalism, monism, and determinism (in a word, “pantheism”) of Vladimir Solov’ëv’s philosophy of the... more
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      RomanticismGerman IdealismTrinityRevelation
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The living symphony of life sounds from deep within the microphysical, representing the veritable completion of the fabled Great Chain of Being. This sketch from 2015 can... more
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This article develops Leonardo Polo’s attempt to overcome objectivity as a way to attain being, an attempt which characterized many ambitious projects in the history of metaphysics. In Polo’s view, there cannot be a mental presentation or... more
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In this paper, we wish to delineate the indispensability of the principle of identity in evaluating the cultural content of what makes the African who he/she is and what are their expectations in the 21st Century. The principle of... more
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      Identity21st CenturyAfrican DevelopmentBeing
Te article discusses the role of metaphor in the new poetic response to reality which emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century, specially in the work of some Anglo-American poets and critics, known as imagists. The new trends,... more
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      SymbolismEzra PoundMetaphorModernism
By not giving a definition of being, on his «new» ontology - which is a copy, in some sense, of the unknown being of dominican philosopher Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) - Heidegger allows thought of slipping on ice of inconsistency.... more
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      PhilosophyMartin HeideggerBeingOntic Vagueness
Новое время отвергло представление о Боге как воплощении Света. Его носителем стал Разум, который, реализуясь как Просвещение и Прогресс, дал человечеству огромные блага. И принес угрозы. В критике разума непреходящее значение имеет... more
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In this paper, I discuss Damascius’ theory of knowledge in his work Doubts and Solutions Concerning First Principles. According to my analysis, he does not accept the skeptical consequences that might result from his apparent rejection of... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyHistory of IdeasNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
What should we make of the passage in the Sophist at 247d-e, in which the Eleatic Stranger declares that being is whatever has the power (du-namis) to act or be affected, even if only once, in the smallest way? Does this proposal about... more
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      PlatoCausationPowerPlato's Forms
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
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      ReligionPhysiologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsPaleoanthropology
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      MarxismCritical RealismPostmodernismHeidegger
Slightly longer draft (though not as long as the full version) of a text published in The Philosopher, Spring 2018. It concerns the relation between breath and being, an etymology traced by Nietzsche and Renan, among others. It thus... more
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I will critique Roy Bhaskar’s concept of the “epistemic fallacy” from the standpoint of Bernard Lonergan’s critical realism. In the first part I will walk through the first chapter of the first stage of Bhaskar’s philosophical project... more
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      OntologyEpistemologyAristotleCritical Realism
Russell clearly adopts the position of Plato: the universals are placed as essences in a supersensible world, out of the time. The position of Russell is contrary to dialectical thinking whereby one divides into two, ie, in this case, the... more
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      Bertrand RussellPlato and PlatonismBeingProblem of Universals
In destructing traditional metaphysics, Heidegger accuses German Idealism of eliminating the finite in favour of the infinite. Particularly Hegel is criticized for ignoring the true finitude of Dasein and thereby misinterpreting being as... more
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      DeathPhenomenologyMetaphysics of TimeGerman Idealism
I examine here Theory and Scholarship (taken to be formalized social scientific frameworks that seek to map out the real world and social actions in an objective fashion) via an autoethnographic lens. Chiefly, I ask how autoethnography as... more
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      AutoethnographyTheoryPerformative WritingBeing
In this article I attempt to present Heidegger's conception of the ontotheology in his late thought. I based mainly on his famous book "Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)." In ontotheology Heidegger needs the figure... more
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The modern times approach is the same as Aristotle has written in the fourth book of physics: ((The 'now' is the link of time)). While Heidegger believes this understanding of time, puts the being as something present at hand for... more
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In dialogue and confrontation with Kant, Heidegger discovers elements which allow him to deepen in his understanding of the co-pertinence of Dasein and being. This is a non-transcendental understanding, which arises in the midst of the... more
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a review from John p. Reilly's book
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This paper defends Schelling's position against Hegel's argument for the immanence of reason. Hegel never felt the need to go beyond the concept of being; on his view, the concept of being was adequate to its object (being itself).... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHegelFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingGeorg Friedrich Wilhem Hegel
This essay attempts to express the point that in Martin Heidegger’s thought, the primordial relationship between man and the world is constituted through action. In the field of action, man, because of his being situated inside the... more
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      PraxisTheoryHeideggerIntercultural Philosophy
In 2014 was published the 2004 dialogue between Raimon Panikkar and Emanuele Severino, which took place in Venice. In this dialogue, the two philosophers talks about their philosophical systems, thanks to Luigi Vero Tarca, but there is a... more
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      ParmenidesIntercultural PhilosophyContemporary PhilosophyEmanuele Severino
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      Ancient Greek Philosophy / AristotleAristotle's MetaphysicsBeing