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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)Medieval Iberian HistoryToleranceCantigas de Santa Maria
This is a double research paper: (1) Tipology and evolution of the musical forms across the three 13th-century notated MSS. of the Cantigas de Santa Maria: the first systematic revision of the subject since Anglés (1958) [a few mistakes... more
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      Music HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryWriting systemsCuneiform
Desde que hace ya algo más de un siglo se editó por primera vez, la que se ha dado en llamar cantiga de Valcavado no ha recibido la atención que merece por su singularidad e importancia. Habrá que esperar a finales del siglo pasado para... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaTextual Criticism and EditingMedieval Lyric PoetryCrítica textual
"There is so hot a summer in my bosom, That all my bowels crumble up to dust: I am a scribbled form, drawn with a pen Upon a parchment, and against this fire Do I shrink up." Shakespeare, The Life and Death of King John, Act V,... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryJewish StudiesWomen's Studies
RESUMEN: En este trabajo analizaremos el modo en el que los judíos fueron tratados en las Siete Partidas y en las Cantigas de Santa Maria, ambas obras producidas en la corte de Alfonso el Sabio. Veremos, en una primera parte, el carácter... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
Resumen Las Cantigas de Santa María atribuidas a Alfonso X el Sabio, son susceptibles de estudio a partir de los diferentes códices que se han conservado. Entre ellos, el llamado Códice Rico o T.I.1 de El Escorial, recoge los relatos... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaCodices
Edição crítica de uma parte das legendas das miniaturas das "Cantigas de Santa Maria". Veja-se o texto das restantes legendas noutro ficheiro, colocado depois deste..
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    • Cantigas de Santa Maria
The musicological reception of the Cantigas de Santa Maria since the early 20th century has been ideologically biased and dependent on expectations set by 13th-century French example. This paper traces the history of such reception and... more
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      HistoriographyMusic and PoliticsMedieval Iberian HistoryMedieval Music
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval StudiesConstruction
Here is an extract with the Table of Contents and Intro. Available in hardback, paperbook or as an eBook:
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      History of ReligionPaintingManuscript StudiesUrbanism
[ITA] All’interno delle Cantigas de Santa Maria, la CSM 96 riporta il curioso dettaglio di una testa che, una volta tagliata, ritorna al corpo di appartenenza per permettere la confessione del peccatore. Il contributo si prefigge di... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMedieval HistoryGalician Studies
Entre las publicaciones recientes sobre Alfonso X destacan las de índole biográfica, si bien predomina en ellas la tendencia a estudiar su figura en el contexto de las instituciones de gobierno antes que en su dimensión humana. La obra... more
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      BiographyCritical Thinking and CreativityAlfonso X el SabioScientific Writing
Texto completo do conjunto das 420 "Cantigas de Santa Maria", colectânea de poemas em língua portuguesa em honra da Virgem Maria elaborados na segunda metade do século XIII na corte do rei Afonso X o Sábio, rei de Castela e Leão (falecido... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaGalician-Portuguese Lyric Poetry
This paper aims to show evidence of the existing relationship between Jews and Moors in Medieval Spain by means of a philological reading of some excerpts of the famous code if law Las siete Partidas produced in King Alfonso X´s, the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsCantigas de Santa MariaSefardic studies
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
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      MusicMusicologyReception StudiesMedieval Literature
"A estrutura métrica de algumas das 'Cantigas de Santa Maria'": artigo publicado na revista "Agália" (da AGAL: Associação Galega da Língua), núms. 93-94 (1º semestre de 2008), pp. 87-134. Oferece-se aqui a análise crítica de algumas das... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaLíngua PortuguesaGalician-Portuguese Lyric PoetryLírica Galego-Portuguesa
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      History of the BookMedieval ArtManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval illuminated manuscripts
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      Hebrew LiteratureAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa MariaProphéties de Merlin
This paper presents the main interpretative problems posed by the manuscripts of the Cantigas de Santa Maria to modern musicology: the sources; the notational context; the music (notational evidence, rhythmic paradigms; mnemonic,... more
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      MusicologyMedieval Iberian HistoryNotation (Music)Databases
Beginning with Occitan troubadour poetry and then focussing on the Galician-Portuguese medieval cantigas, the author argues that troubadour song means not only what it says but it also communicates-both by verbal and non-verbal... more
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      Gender StudiesRhetoricMedieval MusicMedieval Occitan Literature
En el presente trabajo hacemos una breve presentación de los códices existentes de las Cantigas de Santa María, pero sobre todo las contextualizamos en el panorama músico-literario de Alfonso X el Sabio, un rey que hizo de baluarte de su... more
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      HistoryMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      History of the BookManuscript StudiesCodicologyMedieval illuminated manuscripts
Winner of the 2018 Best Early Career Article Prize from the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies There exist a range of crusading sources, often well-known texts, that are currently not being as extensively used as... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval Iberian History
Edição crítica da cantiga número 100 das Cantigas de Santa Maria (= CSM), que se inicia com os versos «Santa Maria, / ’strela do dia», para a qual se propõe uma estrutura métrico-rimática diferente da apresentada pelos editores precedentes.
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaLíngua PortuguesaGalician-Portuguese Lyric PoetryLírica Galego-Portuguesa
Las Cantigas de Santa María, en su configuración definitiva, son el resultado de la confluencia de tres corrientes paralelas y complementarias, tanto culturales como literarias: la expansión del culto a María en el Occidente europeo, una... more
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      Alfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa Maria
This paper presents at first the main methodological questions that the musical editor of the CSM must confront; then it discusses rhythmic transcription and proposes a novel approach to the notation, based on clues unwillingly provided... more
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryNotation (Music)Cantigas de Santa Maria
The Cantigas de Santa Maria were compiled by King Alfonso X the Wise of Castile (r. 1252-1284), amidst an upsurge of Marian devotion and a simultaneous proliferation of vernacular poetry and monophonic music, all outgrowths of the twelfth... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval SpainCantigas de Santa MariaMarian devotion
The two Marian songs collected in the Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional have different origns. One is a copy of a genuine cantiga de loor (CSM40), and may be a direct copy from a folio extracted from the Códice Rico; the other is a... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaMedieval Galician Portuguese Poetry
Botando man dunha ampla documentación medieval (sobre todo galega), en Amigos e sodomitas explícase como entre os séculos XI e XIV se configurou o pecado-delito de sodomía, inexistente nos mil primeiros anos de historia do cristianismo.... more
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      Queer StudiesMedieval sexualityAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa Maria
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      Medieval LiteratureRomance philologyTextual CriticismCantigas de Santa Maria
Resumo: Nesse artigo foi analisada a representação dos animais nas Cantigas de Santa Maria, obra poética composta por Dom Afonso X, o Sábio. Para tanto, selecionamos todas as passagens das Cantigas de Santa Maria referentes aos animais e... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaHistoria da CiênciaLiteratura Medieval
La Virgen María, en su perfección, era inimitable. Eso hizo que en la Edad Media su vita no circulase tan frecuentemente como las de los santos, estos sí propuestos como modelos de conducta. Sin embargo, la Virgen era la mujer perfecta y... more
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      HagiographyMedieval & Renaissance Hagiography & Didactic TextsAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa Maria
Se presenta el dibujo de fondo que pudo animar al Rey Sabio a componer el magno marial de las Cantigas de Santa María repasando influencias, modelos, colaboradores, etc. y se proponen las etapas en las que pudo haberse desarrollado el... more
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      Medieval Iberian LiteratureAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa MariaMedieval Hagiography
Repaso del uso y significado de los animales en los textos de las Cantigas de Santa María. En esta ocasión se hace un recorrido superficial por las diversas categorías de animales con presencia en el marial, que ya han sido estudiadas con... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaSimbolismAnimalsLiteratura Medieval
The Cantigas de Santa María is a cultural landmark in medieval Spain. This magnific work of the thirteenth century is composed of 420 praises and narratives of miracles of the Virgin Mary and written in galician-portuguese language.... more
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      Ramon LlullMedieval ArtCantigas de Santa MariaFilosofía medieval
Presentation of thematic dossier on the Cantigas de Santa Maria published in this volume of the Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia (written as invited editor).
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    • Cantigas de Santa Maria
In Interfaith Relationships and Perceptions of the Other in the Medieval Mediterranean. Essays in Memory of Olivia Remie Constable. Edited by Sarah Davis-Secord, Belen Vicens, Robin Vose (Cham: Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan, 2021),... more
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      Religious ConversionEucharistMuslim-Christian RelationEucharistic Theology
This paper argues that the rhythmic meaning of the notation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria can be only understood by confronting it with different theoretical paradigms. Julián Ribera in 1922 defended an Arabic paradigm, to the exclusion... more
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      RhythmMedieval MusicAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa Maria
As Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM) são um dos maiores monumentos da cultura medieval europeia. Trata-se de uma gigantesca coleção de canções devocionais em galego-português, num total de 419 cantigas (mais um poema introdutório),... more
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      TheologyPerformanceMedieval MusicCantigas de Santa Maria
Propuesta para usar las Cantigas de Santa Maria como material didáctico dentro del aula. Se presenta una selección de cantigas adaptadas a la lengua actual, seguidas de una breve paráfrasis del texto y notas explicativas. Hay propuestas... more
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      DidacticsAlfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa MariaDidáctica de la Historia
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      Medieval MusicRenaissance musicCantigas de Santa MariaIberian music
in Alfonso X El Sabio 1221-1284, Las Cantigas de Santa María, Códice Rico, Ms. T-I-1, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial,El Códice Rico de las Cantigas de Santa Maria, coord. Laura Fernández Fernández and Juan... more
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    • Cantigas de Santa Maria
El presente estudio pretende ofrecer un análisis sobre las fuentes visuales de origen árabe y su influencia en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X el Sabio. Partiendo de un estado de la cuestión donde se tienen en cuenta aquellas... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Alfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa Maria
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesIslamic History and Muslim CivilizationJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages
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      Medieval LiteratureRamon LlullMedieval Catalan LiteratureMiracles
This article tries to explore the strategies of memory manipulation typical of Castilian imperial war propaganda, developed first during the expansionist campaign against the Islamic kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in the late Middle... more
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      Alfonso X el SabioCantigas de Santa MariaNew SpainMedieval Castile
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      Visual StudiesBook HistoryHistory of the BookMedieval Studies
Resumen: En este artículo se discuten algunas cuestiones de carácter general sobre el concepto de propaganda y la problemática de su aplicabilidad a la Edad Media. Se toman como base otros estudios sobre el tema propuesto, tanto para el... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryAlfonso X el Sabio
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      ReligiosityAlfonso X of CastilleCantigas de Santa MariaVirgin Mary
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Spain