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St. Luke in the Fields "Exploring the Psalms" series, May 2018. Originally delivered to the Institute for Studies of Eastern Christianity Annual Conference, "Creation, Redemption & Environmental Ethics" 8 December 2017
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      PatristicsBiblical StudiesCappadociansBiblical Theology
A comparative study of Gregory of Nyssa's and Philo of Alexandria's exegesis on Genesis 1:25. A paper I wrote for a class on Hellenistic Philosophy back in graduate school. It is a bit rougher than some of my other works, but it is what... more
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      CappadociansPhilo of AlexandriaAnthropology of Eastern ChristianityGregory of Nyssa
My 3rd Year Theology essay on Cappadocian Apophatic Theology in relation to the Trinity.
One of my favourite essays to write. Really interesting and helped open up my eyes to the incomprehensibility of God.
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      PhilosophyTheologyPhilosophical TheologyTrinity
In this text I look at Eastern Orthodoxy pneumatology in relation to the theology of the Icon. I argue that the exclusivity of the Icon as the only expression of art within the Eastern Orthodox Church has inconsistencies with the doctrine... more
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      IconographySystematic TheologyCappadociansIrenaeus
The five “Theological Orations” of Gregory of Nazianzus represent at once Gregory's public response to his theological opponents as well as the most sustained and systematic presentation of his own Trinitarianism. They begin with an... more
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      Greek LiteratureRhetoricLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristics
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCappadociansAnimals and AnimalityGregory of Nyssa
Part I: On Himself, Edited and translated by Brian Duvick
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      Translation StudiesMiddle East StudiesPoeticsCappadocians
Die Anfänge der Geschichte von karitativen Wohlfahrtsinstitutionen lässt sich an der Einrichtung Basileios des Großen in Kaisareia besonders gut beobachten. Der Beitrag leitet das Projekt kulturgeschichtlich her.
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      CappadociansChurch HistoryBasil of CaesareaHistory of Social Policy and the Welfare State
An abridged version of my longer article on St Basil the Great's contributions to the Christian worldview. Emphasis on the themes of the cosmos as a theological school and the principle of synergy.
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      PatristicsScience and ReligionByzantine StudiesCappadocians
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      PatristicsTrinityCappadociansDietrich Von Hildebrand
Paper presented at Oxford Patristics Conference in 2003.
Publication is well past the contractual three-year embargo on online sharing.
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      PatristicsMedical HumanitiesCappadociansAugustine
Gregory of Nyssa's use of his elder sister as an example of the dynamic progress of the soul
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      Early ChurchCappadociansGregory of NyssaByzantine monasticism
The Iranian Expanse explores how kings in the ancient Iranian world utilized the built and natural environment—everything from royal cities and paradise gardens, to hunting enclosures and fire temples—to form and contest Iranian cultural... more
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      Armenian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)
Aretaeus of Cappadocia is considered as one of the greatest medical scholars of Greco-Roman antiquity after Hippocrates. He presumably was a native or at least a citizen of Cappadocia, a Roman province in Asia Minor (Turkey), and most... more
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      History of MedicineDiabetesCappadociansAncient Medicine
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesEarly ChristianityRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)
This study examining the “fourth Cappadocian” suggests that both Gregory of Nyssa’s documents focusing on Macrina indicate that the mystical notion—epektasis—worked out in his earlier texts was in fact embodied in the life of his saintly... more
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      Christian MysticismEarly ChristianitySaints' CultsMysticism
The essay discusses the Meletian synod of 363 and its connections with various other events and theological developments happening around this time. It argues that for the origins of Neo-Nicenism the problem of 'three hypostases' was less... more
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      CappadociansTrinitarian TheologyDevelopment of Doctrine in the Early Church
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityByzantine StudiesCappadocians
This thesis analyzes the use of partitive exegesis in Gregory of Nazianzus’s Five Theological Orations and employed against the Eunomians. By seeking the interpretive, historical, and polemical contexts of the Five Theological Orations,... more
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      TheologyPatristicsHistorical TheologyCappadocians
The doctrine of the Trinity was articulated by the Church fathers in the councils of Nicea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 AD), which penned the Nicene Creed. We will see that Nicene Trinitarianism teaches that the Trinity is three... more
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      TrinityCappadociansGregory of NazianzusGregory of Nyssa
Antitesi rivolta a un ortodosso da parte di un eretico che sostiene le dottrine del pneumatomaco Macedonio (Introduzione, testo greco e traduzione italiana, commento). Excerpta ex Dissertatione ad Doctoratum in Theologia et Scientiis... more
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      Greek LiteratureTheologyDialogueCappadocian Language
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      ChristianityEthicsPatristicsHistorical Theology
[ Uncorrected proofs ] Christianity has emerged in history as a community of learners, disciples of a Teacher, Jesus Christ, and his successors, the apostles. More a philosophical school than a religious movement, from the outset... more
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      PatristicsByzantine StudiesCappadociansLate Antiquity
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      PatristicsCappadociansGregory of Nazianzus
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      PlatoPatristicsCappadociansAncient Philosophy
In the hexaemeral part of the Periphyseon, Eriugena reports on two hermeneutical traditions on the first light of creation. According to the first tradition, attributed to Basil, primordial light is corporeal and of fiery nature.... more
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      EriugenaCappadociansMedieval MetaphysicsLight
Hatti, Hittites, Luwians, Hurrians and Assyrians: the Foundations of Civilization of Anatolia and the Origin of today's Turkey First published on 1st August 2021 here:... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
This paper investigates Gregory of Nyssa's presentation of Macrina in a dialogue on the nature of the soul, and in particular Macrina's methodology in her philosophical argumentation. It is shown that her argument rests on the principle... more
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      CappadociansLate AntiquityGregory of NyssaNeoplatonism
Examining the mystic notion of "stretching forward" (epektasis) in Gregory of Nyssa's two documents focusing on his elder sister. Macrina
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistorySpiritualityEarly Christianity
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This extensive book (2 volumes, 134 pages of sources and modern bibliography, 716 pages of main text, prosopographical lists and index, 4046 references) -based on the research of my PhD thesis- examines in depth the administrative and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      PatristicsEastern ChristianityByzantine StudiesCappadocians
A new account of the coherence of Gregory's Christology and Christological exegesis
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTheologyPatristicsHistorical Theology
In this essay, I examine the metaphysical idealism of the Eastern Church fathers. My exposition is divided into four sections. In section I, I define key terms I will use, as well as problematic terms I will avoid. In section II, I look... more
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      MetaphysicsIdealismRealism (Philosophy)Cappadocians
Theologians have long recognized that the Cappadocian fathers are a valuable resource for contemporary reflection on the Holy Spirit. The modern use of their work, however, tends to reflect only a thin sampling of their many writings; it... more
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      PatristicsSystematic TheologyEarly ChristianityCappadocians
The bulk of Basil of Caesarea’s neglected Homilia in sanctam Christi generationem is a commentary on select verses of Matthew 1:18-2:11. He explicitly approves or rejects other interpretations, though without ever naming their authors.... more
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      ReligionPatristicsHistory of ReligionHistorical Theology
My primary purpose in this thesis is to come to understand Evagrius' teaching regarding the wisdom of creation. But before we come to see that, we will first need to understand who he was and how his life influenced his theology of... more
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      Byzantine StudiesCappadociansEvagrius PonticusDesert Fathers
This contribution provides a short overview of the Hellenistic history of the kingdom of Cappadocia in its wider Anatolian setting.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassics
From 1991 to 2000 the Centro Studi Sotterranei (Centre for Underground Studies), located in Genoa (Italy), performed every year research campaigns in Cappadocia, with the aim of locating, exploring and documenting a large sample of... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCappadociansMedieval ArchitectureSpeleoarchaeology
This is a critical edition, with introduction and commentary, of four poems written by Gregory of Nazianzus (I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32). Gregory was an enthusiastic reader of Callimachus and special attention is paid to his use of poetic... more
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      Byzantine StudiesCappadociansLate AntiquityGregory of Nazianzus
Late antique teaching on deification and the patristic reception of the Book of Revelation are two topics that have drawn focused attention in recent scholarship; yet they have hardly been brought into conversation with one another. In... more
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      PatristicsEschatology and ApocalypticismByzantine StudiesCappadocians
The paper analyses view by leading thinkers from the miaphysite opposition to the Council of Chalcedon against the backdrop of recent debates about Patristic contributions to the concept of the person. It is argued that Zizioulas' claim... more
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      TheologyPatristicsJohn ZizioulasCappadocians
The Cappadocians are three fathers of the early Christian Church named for the region of Cappadocia: Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus. In what follows, we will look at three themes that are central to the... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionOrthodox TheologyCappadocians
Juni 2018 appendix 2 is added. Rockgraves at Firakdin. Many wonder why the relief of the king  Hattusili III and queen Puduḫepa were made at Fırakdin.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAssyriologyAnatolian StudiesHittitology
În studiul de faţă vom urmări în ce fel este înfățișată Revelația în scrierile Sfântului Grigorie de Nyssa, deoarece concepția sa în această chestiune este foarte nuanțată şi aduce lămuriri mai cu seamă în ceea ce privește Revelația ca... more
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      PatristicsCappadociansRevelationGregory of Nyssa
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      CappadociansLate AntiquityGreek Patristics
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      PatristicsJohn ZizioulasCappadociansChristology
This current draft is a preliminary version of the proceedings of a video conference on Cappadocia and Cappadocians that was held on May 1415, 2020 on Zoom and therefore page numbers are subject to change. We should note that after... more
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityCappadociansAncient Philosophy