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Clausewitz è celeberrimo per la sua opera Vom Kriege (Della Guerra), unanimemente considerato uno dei classici imprescindibili dell'arte militare, ma pochi sanno che il Vom Kriege raccoglie solo i primi tre volumi dei lavori incompiuti... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Austria (European History)French History
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      Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Humanitarian InterventionPeacekeepingPeacebuilding
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
War used to be easy to define. Once, we could say with confidence whether we were at war or peace. If the former, we could identify with whom we were fighting and where the front was. Americans, in particular, have for a long time had the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War Studies
Many academics and policy-makers have misunderstood or ignored this trinity, however, and in different ways. Firstly, the the trinitarian analysis is a tool, not a ‘formula’ or doctrine, 3 secondly the trinity of the state – the... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesClausewitz
A translation comparison of the first chapter of Book I in Clausewitz' On War (Vom Kriege). Translations compared include Howard & Paret (1976), Jolles (1943), and Graham (1873)
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      Doctrine (Military Science)Strategy (Military Science)War Theory19th-century German philosophy
Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który... more
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      Military ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)War Studies
Most military writing and doctrine focuses on the physical components of warfare, rather than the moral / psychological elements. Yet it is very rarely through the unadorned slaughter of the enemy's troops that victory is secured, but... more
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      Military HistoryWarfareClausewitzFriction
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      War StudiesMichel FoucaultClausewitzBiopower and Biopolitics
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      EpistemologyWar TheoryWar StudiesWarfare
Parmi les différentes conceptualisations dont le phénomène de la guerre a pu faire l’objet, l’œuvre de Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) et celle de Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) se sont souvent trouvées rangées, depuis le développement du... more
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      Political PhilosophyJust WarThomas HobbesJust War Theory
O livro tira do esquecimento a origem da disputa entre China e Estados Unidos pela autonomia da Coreia do Norte, da balança de poder da Ásia e do status quo político internacional. A Guerra Sino-Americana entre 1950 e 1953 foi travada por... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesStrategic StudiesChina
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    • Clausewitz
In his famous handbook on war, written in the context of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, Carl von Clausewitz argues that military contlict is the continuation of politics with other means. To highlight the irresolvable antagonism that will... more
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      ShakespeareMichel FoucaultShakespearean DramaOthello
Classical Approach Versus Systematic Approach?: Military Theoretical Interpretation on the U. S. Offset Strategies By reviewing the Jomini's and Clausewitz's military theory, this paper provides the analytical framework for assessing the... more
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      MilitaryClausewitzRevolution in military affairs
(2019) M. Ertan Kardeş PİNHAN YAYINCILIK Yönsüzleşmiş Savaşlar kitabı, günümüzün yıkıcı ve hukuk kurmayan savaşlarını konu edinmektedir. Yaşadığımız çağ ne taş çağıdır ne bronz ne de demir…Yaşadığımız çağ plastik çağdır. Her şey... more
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      Political PhilosophyWar StudiesHegelWalter Benjamin
Resumo: Os autores fazem uma análise da Escatologia cristã à luz da teoria mimética e do conceito militar de “escalada para os extremos”, usando como mote a letra da música “Iron Man” da banda inglesa Black Sabbath. A escatologia é um... more
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      ViolenceMimesisRene GirardRené Girard
Identify elements of Clausewitzian 'friction' which prevented many union (And confederate) combined operation attempts from succeeding as planned during the American civil war? This includes technological, political and geographic factors
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)War Studies
As a social phenomenon, is war subordinate to politics, as Carl von Clausewitz argued in the early nineteenth century, or, instead, is it the product of an instinctive ‘warrior culture’, common to all peoples and times and beyond... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyStrategy (Military Science)Human EvolutionInternational Relations
Chapter Review
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      International RelationsStrategic StudiesMachiavelliTheory of International Relations
O objetivo da presente reflexão é responder às seguintes questões. Em que grau a leitura de Maquiavel pelo general prussiano Carl von Clausewitz credencia uma influência do primeiro sobre o segundo? Se não há influência, qual a natureza... more
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      MachiavelliClausewitzClausewitz, conflict, infinity journalCoercion Clausewitz
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      ClausewitzStrategic Studies, Chinese Strategic Thought, Comparative StrategySun TzuLiddell Hart
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      Strategy (Military Science)Strategic StudiesCold WarSecurity Studies
The definition of terrorism and its differentiation from war and guerrilla warfare has been a problem for science, international relations and legal systems for decades. This article posits that defining terrorism requires also the... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryTerrorismInternational Terrorism
Présentation synthétique d'un classique de la pensée militaire, l'Introduction à la stratégie du général André Beaufre, à mi-chemin entre pensée militaire et philosophie.
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary EthicsStrategy (Military Science)
A Clausewitzian analysis of the Imperial Roman Army. Using the Year of the Four Emperors (69 AD) as a case study, the Roman Army of the Principate is examined in its ability to live up to the standards laid down in Karl von... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman History
« La guerre, écrivait Clausewitz , n’est rien d’autre qu’un duel amplifié […] son but immédiat est de terrasser l’adversaire et de le rendre ainsi incapable de toute résistance.» En ce sens, la guerre est «un acte de violence engagé pour... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyWar StudiesGilles Deleuze
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesCold War
Carl von Clausewitz's 'On War' may look more impressive on our bookshelves, but Christopher Coker's,
Rebooting Clausewitz 'On War in the 21st Century will be more useful.  Book review from Parameters 47 Winter 2017-2018.
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      War TheoryClausewitz
Resumen: Quienes sostienen que la teoría clausewitziana ha perdido su valor en el presente, probablemente se equivoquen tanto como aquellos que pretendan atribuirle un carácter dogmático e imperecedero. Mientras la tecnología ha... more
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      Political SociologyWar StudiesClausewitz
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      ClausewitzSun Tzu
El artículo muestra cómo la teoría de la guerra de Clausewitz –en particular, lo que respecta a la cuestión de la sublevación popular– se inserta en el desarrollo de las condiciones históricas y políticas de una época caracterizada por un... more
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      Political TheoryMichel FoucaultConceptual HistoryCarl Schmitt
Presentación del libro Estrategia socialista y arte
militar, del cual es coautor junto con Emilio
Albamonte, en la cátedra de Sociología
de la Guerra (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
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      Rosa LuxemburgLeninSocialismoClausewitz
Como fenômeno social, a guerra está subordinada à política, como defende Clausewitz, ou, ao contrário, é produto de uma "cultura guerreira" instintiva, comum a todos os povos e tempos e para além da política, como sugere Keegan? Devemos... more
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      Political SociologyEvolutionary PsychologyStrategy (Military Science)Human Evolution
Comparative Strategy 38/2 (2019), 139-149.
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      War StudiesStrategic StudiesClausewitzSun Tzu
The essay argues that Clausewitz's theory is still relevant today, since it describes the nature of war, which is an unchanging element.
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      War StudiesSecurity StudiesClausewitz
В статье рассматривается теория войны Карла фон Клаузевица в связи с вопросом о современности войны. Эта связь проблематизируется двояко: через философские источники и эпистемологический статус теории, но также через ее рецепцию в... more
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      Soviet HistoryWar TheoryStalinismClausewitz
Carl von Clausewitz produced what is widely recognised as the greatest book on war. Less commonly appreciated is the nature of the approach he adopted which enabled him to arrive at his central theoretical conclusions. In the course of... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceWar StudiesStrategic Studies
This paper presents an analysis of the thought of such authors as Lenin, Ludendorff, Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault, and eventually René Girard who all reversed the famous Clausewitz’s “Formula” : “War is the continuation of politics by... more
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      International RelationsWar StudiesRaymond AronClausewitz
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryLeadershipAmerican Civil War
"Neste livro, o leitor encontra reflexões de especialistas sobre diferentes assuntos relacionados à Guerra e à Formação dos Estados Nacionais Contemporâneos. Prevalecem os artigos sobre a influência militar na formação e reconfiguração do... more
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      Military HistoryBrazilian HistoryPolitical ScienceCivil-military relations
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      IntelligenceWar StudiesAfghanistanSecurity Studies
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français ci-après): This article (as all my other articles on Clausewitz) isn’t a discussion “around” the thoughts of Clausewitz, which would be first based on Clausewitz – an attractive name! – in order to... more
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      Military HistoryGerman StudiesMilitary ScienceSpecial Operations And Low Intensity Conflict
The notion that Sun Tzu represents the multifaceted brilliance and timeless appeal of Amadeus to Clausewitz’s dour and overwrought Salieri maintains a powerful grip over our collective imagination. But does this accurately reflect the... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Ancient Chinese TextsMilitaryChinese Military History
Despite the enduring interest in the written work of Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) there appears to be shortage of studies focusing specifically on what he had to say about the matter of civilians or non-combatants in war. After... more
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      War StudiesInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)ClausewitzCarl von Clausewitz
Many military professionals and academics outline the importance of military theory and the need to study it. Some, like Colin Gray, even highlight how understanding it allows the profession of arms to better adapt in war. Given these... more
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      Military HistoryWar TheoryWar StudiesStrategic Studies
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      ClausewitzCarl von Clausewitz
SEE PUBLICATION STATS Clausewitz, Marx, Engels e Lenin: Rupturas, Continuidades ou Parentescos Intelectuais na Relação entre Guerra e Revolução? Clausewitz, Marx, Engels and Lenin: continuity or intelectual connection in the... more
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      War StudiesFrench RevolutionLeninClausewitz