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This article (written in German) traces the history of the monstruous or marvellous races of India (called Indian or Plinian races, too), the monsters that almost ubiquitous appear in Medieval art and literature. Unfortunately, due to... more
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      Monsters and Monster TheoryPliny the ElderStar WarsAncient Paradoxography
An introductory overview of monsters in Greek and Roman literature and culture, including discussion of what such monsters tended to represent.
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      EthnographyMonster TheoryAncient Near EastMonsters and Monster Theory
Abstract of PhD thesis.
The PhD thesis was defended in Saratov State University (dissertation council Д 212.243.03) at 13.12.2017
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      Greek LiteratureAchaemenid PersiaXenophonAncient Greek History
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      Greek LiteraturePlutarchAncient PersiaAncient Greek History
„Der Achämenidenhof“ ist die Publikation eines Internationalen Kolloquiums, das die griechischen und lateinischen Quellen zu einem Sachthema der Achämenidengeschichte der einschlägigen altorientalischen Überlieferung gegenüberstellt.... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaXenophonCourts and Elites (History)Court history
The present paper discusses the topos of the gruesome Persian King in Greek and Roman historiography by analysing episodes of human flaying in Asia. The discussion is centered on a single episode from the Histories of Herodotus, in which... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureHistoriographyAchaemenid Persia
Very few Bible scholars believe now in the historicity of the book of Esther, but what is really incomprehensible is that their conclusion is based only on the following prejudice: this story looks like a fairy tale, consequently, it is a... more
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      Chronicles-Ezra-NehemiahAchaemenid PersiaPersepolis Fortification and Treasury ArchivesAchaemenid History
The PhD thesis was defended in Saratov State University (dissertation council Д 212.243.03) at 13.12.2017
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      Greek LiteratureAchaemenid PersiaXenophonAncient Greek History
The pivotal date of 465 BCE for the death of Xerxes has been accepted by historians for many years without notable controversy. However, according to Thucydides, a historian renowned for his high chronological accuracy, Themistocles met... more
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      AssyriologyAchaemenid PersiaBiblical ArchaeologyCalendars
This book chapter, published in 2008, discusses the intellectual world in which Berossus lived. Berossus was a Babylonian priest, who lived in the early Hellenistic period, and produced a Babyloniaca in three books about the culture and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassics
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    • Ctesias
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastBabylonHerodotus
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      HistoriographyHebrew BibleHerodotusMesopotamia
"Abstract. The prominence of eunuchs in Ctesias’ account on Persia has given rise in the last decades to a paradoxical combination of scepticism about their historicity and realistic interpretation questioning whether they were in fact... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaAncient Greek HistoriographyAchaemenid HistoryAncient Near Eastern History
Inaros, son of Psammetichus, an Egyptian ruler of Libyan descent, rebelled against his overlord Artaxerxes I. The purpose of this paper is to re-evaluate the conven- tionally accepted dates of this event. It is commonly held that Inaros... more
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      Egyptian HistoryAchaemenid PersiaThucydidesHerodotus
In what follows I demonstrate that the disagreements between the accounts of Thucydides, Diodorus, and Ctesias on the Athenian expedition to Egypt in the 450s BC are of minor significance and that Ctesias provides valuable information... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek HistoriographyAchaemenid History
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      Greek LiteratureAncient HistoriographyAncient Greek HistoriographyBabylon
Ctésias de Cnide était un médecin grec qui vécut à la cour perse à la fin du Ve siècle av. J.-C. et qui composa une histoire de la Perse (Persica) et une description de l'Inde (Indica) qui nous sont exclusivement connus par des... more
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      Greek LiteratureAncient Near EastAncient PersiaRepresentation of Others
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      Ancient HistoryHistoriographyAncient Near EastCtesias
The revolt of Kaunos against Athens (Ctesias F14.45) probably occurred in 429/8 BCE, and did not involve a simple transfer of allegiance from Athenian to Persian control. Rather, internal divisions within the Kaunian community resulted... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaAthenian ImperialismAchaemenid HistoryAncient Anatolia
A brief study on the ethnography and geography of Xenophon's anabasis and how it is affected by a militaristic perspective. Written as part of an Ma assessment.
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyEthnographyAchaemenid Persia
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      Ancient HistoryAnthropologyRoman HistoryIndian Philosophy
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      ReligionAncient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek History
Cet article offre une interprétation politique de la mutilation du cadavre de Cyrus le Jeune de la part de son frère, le Grand Roi Artaxerxès II, après la bataille de Counaxa de 401 av. J.C. L'analyse se concentre en particulier sur la... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaPlutarchXenophonAncient Greek History
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      Ancient HistoryAncient HistoriographyAchaemenid PersiaAncient Near East
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      Greek LiteratureXenophonHerodotusAchaemenid History
Résumé. Historiens et médecins de l’Antiquité grecque avaient souvent en commun non seulement la pratique du voyage et de la mobilité durable, mais aussi celle d’une écriture liée à ces voyages. Pourtant, parmi les professions et rôles... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyAncient Greek MedicineCtesias
Semiramis, die legendäre Königin von Babylon, gehörte bis in das 20. Jahrhundert hinein zu den bekanntesten und am stärksten rezipierten Gestalten der antiken Welt. Als Frau, die von Babylon aus das Großreich der Assyrer regierte und... more
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      Ancient HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureWomen in the ancient worldAncient Historiography
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      HomerStraboAlexander the GreatXenophon
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      CtesiasDarius ICyrus the GreatCyrus I Persia Parsua Parsumash Elam Anshan
تاکنون نگاه چندان خوشبینانه‌ای به آنچه که سیاهه‌ی کتسیاس درباره‌ی فرمانروایان آشور و ماد آورده، در میان باستان‌شناسان دوره‌ی تاریخی و تاریخ‌پژوهان دانشگاهی دیده نشده است. به طوری که گاه این گزارش‌ها را به کل افسانه و گزافه‌گویی نویسنده یا... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyHistory of IranHerodotus
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      Ancient PersiaAncient Greek HistoriographyHerodotusAchaemenid History
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAchaemenid HistoryCtesias
Résumé. C’est à tort que le feu « immortel » de Phasélis (Lycie) évoqué par Ctésias de Cnide a été identifié par des Modernes à un volcan. L’historien grec est en fait notre témoin le plus ancien sur un phénomène naturel rare que l’on... more
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      VolcanoesHistory and Archaeology of Asia MinorCtesiasGreeks in Asia Minor
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      Greek LiteratureMonstersCtesiasMonsters and the Monstrous
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      Disability StudiesZoroastrianismIranian StudiesAchaemenid Persia
Herodotus in the fifth century BC, only about a hundred years after the death of Cyrus the Great, reminds us that there were many different stories about the death of the great founder of Achaemenid dynasty. In fact, the number of... more
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      HerodotusAchaemenid HistoryGreek and Roman historiographyCtesias
Ktesias’ Beschreibung Babylons erweist sich als ein farbenfroher Bericht, in dem er – ganz wie Herodot – Einzelheiten, die er allgemein verbreitetem Wissen über die mesopotamische Metropole entnahm, wie Stichworte nutzte und phantasievoll... more
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      BabylonAchaemenid HistoryCtesias
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      Ancient HistoriographyAchaemenid PersiaGreek HistoriographyAncient Greek Historiography
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      Fragmentary Greek HistoriographyCtesiasNicolaus of DamascusNicolaus of Damascus' historical and philosophical works
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      BibliographyAncient HistoriographyCtesias
Un demi-siècle après Ctésias, Dinon de Colophon et Héraclide de Kymè poursuivent la tradition des Persica, récits grecs entièrement consacrés au passé et aux coutumes de l’empire perse. Sans dédaigner les anecdotes piquantes et les... more
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      Greek LiteratureRepresentation of OthersFragmentary Greek HistoriographyAchaemenid History
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesCtesiasHerodot / Ktesias
As many have pointed out, the cognitive type of the unicorn, later on spread like wildfire in western culture, has one of its prototypes in Ctesias' Indian ass, described for the very first time in his Indika (FGrHist 688 F 45, 45 and 45q... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsAncient Greek HistoriographyAssyrian Empire
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      Achaemenid PersiaAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek HistoriographyHerodotus
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      Ancient EthnographyAncient GeographyHerodotusAncient Paradoxography
RESUMEN Galeno cita a los tres historiadores recogidos en este trabajo (Heródoto, Ctesias y Jenofonte) como argumento de autoridad, bien en apoyo de teorías y prácticas, médicas o de otro tipo (así sobre el daño que la nieve causa en los... more
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      Achaemenid HistoryAncient IndiaCtesiasGreek Ethnography