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Livro, em recurso eletrônico (eBook), publicado em 2011 em parceria com a Editora Delpos. Avalia os aspectos sobre a (in)segurança virtual no Brasil, desde o contexto da guerra cibernética, o cibercrime e os incidentes na Internet e como... more
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      CybercrimesIntelligenceCyber crimeCybercrime
Over the last years there is a growing body of literature over exploiting cyberspace for offensive and defensive purposes. Cyber-conflict is after all the newest mode of warfare and cyber-weapons have been described as weapons of mass... more
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      International RelationsCyberlawInternational SecurityWar Studies
In August 2008, the Russian Army invaded georgia. numerous, coordinated cyber attacks accompanied the military campaign. this represents the first instance of a large-scale computer network attack (CNA) conducted in tandem with major... more
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      Information SecurityCyberstudiesCyber ConflictCyber Terrorism
Cyber-security has been approached by various disciplines. Information technology experts, lawyers, strategists and state officials have enriched the debate about the nature of cyber-security. The dominant trend - regardless of its... more
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      International RelationsGlobal GovernanceInternational SecuritySecurity Studies
w: Wybrane problemy bezpieczeństwa państwa, t. II.
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Com a crescente securitização do ciberespaço e o atrelamento cada vez maior de Infraestruturas Críticas às tecnologias de informação, pesquisas acadêmicas acerca de conflitos cibernéticos se tornam indispensáveis para o equilíbrio... more
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      International SecurityStrategic StudiesCyberwarOODA Loop
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Intelligence StudiesStrategic Studies
Over the last years there is a growing body of literature over the role of states in cyberspace, over the need for the westphalian state system to adjust in a globalised and borderless world. The purpose of this article is to examine the... more
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      International RelationsSovereigntyInternational SecurityStrategic Studies
Les cyberattaques sont loin de ne viser que des cibles stratégiques. Et Chacun d'entre nous peut être durement impacté. Voilà comment (essayer de) s'en protéger.
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      Russian Foreign PolicyCyber crimePolitics of UkraineCyberwarfare
L'elaborato spiega nel modo più dettagliato possibile cosa sia il cyberwarfare, illustrandone i concetti e le metodologie, offrendo esempi storici e spunti per ulteriori approfondimenti. Infine, è presente un'analisi delle dottrine e... more
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The technological transformation story of Azerbaijan is marked by the popular embrace of digital banking, implementation of centralized e-government services, and the automation of critical energy infrastructure. However, this march... more
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• Provides a multidisciplinary approach to Cyber Warfare analyzing the information technology, military, policy, social, and scientific issues that are in play. • Presents detailed case studies of cyber-attack including inter-state... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer NetworksHacktivism
A excitação das massas pode ser produzida como resultado do recurso às novas tecnologias da comunicação de massa, para além da via farmacológica? E aqui chamamos de “novas tecnologias” de comunicação de massa as tecnologias digitais... more
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      Filosofía PolíticaFilosofia da informaçãoCyberwarGeopolítica
Book review: VENTRE, Daniel (eds.); "Cyber Conflict: Competing National Perspectives"; ISTE Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; UK & USA; 2012. ISBN: 978-1-84821-350-0.
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      SociologyCyberwarCyber Attack
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      International RelationsInformation SecurityGeopoliticsGlobal Governance
Today, our entire modern way of life, from communication to commerce to conflict, fundamentally depends on the Internet. Technological advances have profoundly impacted everyday life by introducing creative inventions that were once... more
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      TechnologyUnconventional Warfare (UW)CyberwarfareSocial Engineering
“What Can We Say About Cyberwar Based on Cybernetics?” article examines the basics of cyberwar, mostly cybernetics. It also deals with cyberspace as a new global infrastructure and cyberwar as a global level of warfare. The focus of the... more
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Cyber-attacks are often viewed in academic and military writings as strategic asymmetric weapons, great equalizers with the potential of leveling the battlefield between powerful nations and those less capable. However, there has been... more
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      Cyber WarfareMilitaryCyber SecurityCyberwar
Ciberseguridad Nacional en México y sus desafíos RESUMEN 1 Debido a los avances tecnológicos los Estados enfrentan nuevos desafíos en la llamada Era de la Información. Estos desafíos están ligados a la falta de protección y al mal uso del... more
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      CyberspaceCyber SecurityCyberwarCyberwarfare, Cyberterrorism, Geopolitics
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      American StudiesInformation TechnologyInternational RelationsCyberlaw
El Siglo XXI nos obliga a repensar conceptos, objetos y amenazas en materia de Defensa y Seguridad, así como también las herramientas y métodos con los que respondemos a estas nuevas amenazas. Ante todo, es pertinente aclarar que este... more
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      International SecurityCyber SecuritySeguridad InternacionalCyberwar
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyCyberwarfareCybersecurity
The dimensions of warfare have evolved over the centuries from Land and Sea to encompass Air and Outer Space in the 20th Century. With the heavy dependence on networks in the 21st Century, Cyberspace is emerging as an increasingly... more
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      Asymmetrical WarfareCyberspaceCyberwarThe Fifth Dimension of Warfare
The term Advanced Persistent Threats (APT, APTs) has a relatively short history – originated in the United States' government spheres and as such was referred to cyber attacks waged by a state actor. The emergence of such threats has been... more
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      Cyber WarfareAdvanced Persistent ThreatsCyber SecurityCyberwar
Cyber warfare figures conspicuously on the motivation of policymakers and military pioneers far and wide. New units to guarantee cybersecurity are made at different levels of government, incorporating into the military. Be that as it may,... more
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      CyberlawCyber TerrorismCyber WarfareCyber crime
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The link between cyberspace and national security is often presented as an unquestionable and uncontested ‘truth’. However, there is nothing natural or given about this link: it had to be forged, argued, and accepted in the (security)... more
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      Security StudiesCritical Security StudiesSecuritizationCritical Discourse Analysis
Cyber security is seen as one of the most pressing national security issues of our time. Due to sophisticated and highly publicised cyber attacks such as Stuxnet, it is increasingly framed as a strategic issue. The diffuse nature of the... more
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      Security StudiesSecuritizationCyberstudiesCyberspace
Cyberspace is erroneously characterized as a domain that transcends physical space and thereby is immune to state sovereignty and resistant to international regulation. The purpose of this paper is to signify that cyberspace, in common... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational LawSovereignty
"Hacking Hearts and Minds: How Memetic Warfare is Transforming Cyberwar" is a paper written by Jeff Giesea for NATO OPEN publications.
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      Information WarfareCyberwarfareCyberwarTrolling
En el presente trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la ciberseguridad, una disciplina que atiende las amenazas que surgen y se despliegan en el "quinto dominio" o ciberespacio. Su objetivo principal consiste en determinar si en esta cuestión... more
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      International SecurityCyberspaceCyberwarfareCybersecurity
The U.S.-China bilateral agenda is dominated by issues like trade, intellectual property rights, monetary policy, human rights and security issues. However, given the fact that critical national infrastructures and the private sector are... more
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      International RelationsGeopoliticsInternational SecurityWar Studies
The article presents the nuances of cyber espionage versus cyberattacks that are becoming more pervasive in the national security context. It defines the differences between the two, and proposes a method of analyzing cyber operations to... more
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      Intelligence and EspionageCyberwarfareEspionageCyber Security
Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Frage, ob ein Krieg im Cyberspace möglich ist. Dazu stütze ich mich auf die Kriegs-Definition die Clausewitz aufgestellt hat und wende diese auf die aktuelle Cyberwar-Diskussion an. Ich stelle die aktuellen... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecurityEuropean Security and Defence PolicyCyberwarfare
Cyberspace is a socio-political and technological domain with unique characteristics. It is a human made domain that offers universal reach and access to its users. Its decentralized nature and the fact that it is mostly owned and managed... more
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      International RelationsGlobal GovernanceInternational SecurityGovernance
Der Artikel beschreibt den ersten Entwurf einer Strategie zur globalen Cyber-Sicherheit. Dabei lege ich einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Handlungskompetenz der handelnden Akteure und die zugrunde liegende psychologische Forschung.
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecuritySecurity StudiesCyberwarfare
The following article presents an alternative critical perspective of the cyber security research agenda. The article opens with criticism of the securitization discourse that uses analogies of historical events with events in cyber... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational SecurityCyber Warfare
The dimensions of warfare have evolved over the centuries from Land and Sea to encompass Air and Outer Space in the 20th Century. With the heavy dependence on networks in the 21st Century, Cyberspace is emerging as an increasingly... more
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      CyberspaceAsymmetric WarfareCyberwarOffensive Cyber Operations
O presente trabalho analisa como a guerra cibernética impacta a conduta da guerra hodierna. Partindo da teoria da guerra de Clausewitz e dos debates sobre revolução dos assuntos militares e poder aéreo, postulam-se três tendências com... more
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      International SecurityStrategic StudiesCyberspaceCyberwarfare
The Internet has become a essential tool in the everyday conduct of commercial life and its security has become a topic of growing importance since 9/11. The ability of terrorists to conduct cyberwarfare is largely unknown, but the... more
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      Cyber WarfareCyberwarfareCyberwarCyberwarfare, Cyberterrorism, Geopolitics
Este artigo argumenta sobre a emergência da ciberguerra como nova forma de conflito internacional. É feita uma introdução à temática da guerra no ciberespaço, seguida de uma contextualização histórica que abrange o nascimento da ARPAnet1... more
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      Information TechnologyInternet StudiesPower (social)Cold War and Culture
English: The security of cyberspace has not only gained importance for individual computer users in recent years, but has also become a much discussed topic among states, who see cyber threats as a major threat to their national security.... more
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      Teacher EducationInternet StudiesCyberwarfareCritical infrastructure protection
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      Evolutionary EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsPolitical EconomyCensorship
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      Russian StudiesCyberwarfareRussiaCybersecurity
Cyber-attacks are often viewed in academic and military writings as strategic asymmetric weapons, great equalizers with the potential of leveling the battlefield between powerful nations and those less capable. However, there has been... more
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      Cyber WarfareMilitaryCyber SecurityCyberwar
Cyber Warfare: Does International Humanitarian Law Apply?
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      International LawInternational Humanitarian LawCyber crimeCyberwarfare
This book critiques mainstream beliefs about cyberwarfare and forges a new path in the way of defining this largely misunderstood concept. Rather than outlining cyberspace as a new technology applied in military operations, here,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCorpus LinguisticsCyberwarfareNew Materialism
From France to China, transhumanism is driving people crazy!
The goal? The goal is to build Captain America-style programmed-to-kill supersoldiers. Here you can find out what is happening, where and how.
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      The Internet of ThingsTranshumanismChinaInternet of Things