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En este trabajo se realiza una síntesis de los antecedentes y la relevancia histórica de las poblaciones originarias que habitaron la región que incluye los actuales partidos de Azul, Tapalqué y Olavarría. Se presta particular atención a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeology
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la creación del Parque Nacional Iguazú en tanto parte del proceso de consolidación de la presencia del Estado nacional sobre la zona de frontera internacional del noreste argentino, en el... more
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      State FormationArgentina HistoryNational ParksFrontier Studies
The Leech Lake/Red Lake Trail was a historic travel route between the Chippewa Agency on Leech Lake and the Agency on Red Lake. It was established as a part of the Old Crossing Treaty of 1863 and was used by the Ojibwe as well as White... more
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      EthnohistoryLandscape ArchaeologyFrontier StudiesGreat Lakes Archaeology
Tesi magistrale in Semiotica. Questa tesi intende indagare da una prospettiva semiotica l’enoturismo, il turismo del vino, descrivendo come vengono costruiti i discorsi e i percorsi sui luoghi vitivinicoli. La comunicazione di valori alla... more
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      SemioticsTourism MarketingFrontier StudiesSlovenian History
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      Frontier StudiesTerritoryTerritorioFronteira
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      National IdentityFrontier StudiesBorders and FrontiersIdentidad
In this paper, I argue that frontiers are dilemmas composed of multiple dualities, be they exclusive and inclusive powers, connected space and national periphery, or modernity and primitiveness. These dilemmas, in consequence, become the... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyEnvironmental GeographyDevelopment Studies
When the Irish wife of John Speed Stephens Sr. up and died, this Irish immigrant married an American woman. John Speed Jr. could not abide his American stepmother. His father gave him a team of mules, and the fourteen-year-old set off... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionFamily studiesLiterature
En este trabajo se desarrolla un análisis espacial de la Zanja propuesta por el ministro de Guerra Adolfo Alsina, a partir de la comparación de las imágenes satelitales, la cartografía histórica y otras fuentes documentales con el... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyFrontier StudiesFortified Settlements (Archaeology)
Peripheries and Center in Pirate Histories
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      Colonial AmericaState FormationHistory of PiracyNationalism And State Building
The nature of historical knowledge is complex, involving oral history, archaeology and (less often than is generally supposed) wri en documents, many of which begin with some sort of oral telling. Here we outline the historical knowledge... more
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      HistoryAustralian StudiesOral historyFrontier Studies
В монографии на основе архивных и опубликованных источников восстановлены основные аспекты деятельности таврических гражданских губернаторов первой половины XIX в. Это первая в историографии попытка комплексного рассмотрения процесса... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical HistoryRussian HistoryCrimean Tatar
Sol Lanteri y Juan Luis Martirén
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesAgrarian StudiesRural History
The creation of the Additional Court of Michigan Territory in 1823 subjected many American Indian people to Anglo-American legal concepts.  Nevertheless, they adapted a variety of strategies to ensure their success in legal proceedings.
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      American Indian HistoryLegal HistoryFrontier Studies
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      Economic HistoryFrontier StudiesHistoria EconomicaFronteira
Se analiza iconografía de una serie de estelas grabadas, descontextualizadas pero con probable sitio de hallazgo cercano a la frontera con Argentina. De alli que su filiación seria la CULTURA YAVI. Las imagenes grabadas confirman el... more
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      IconographyMuseum AnthropologyFrontier StudiesRock art research
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      EthnohistoryNative American StudiesHistorical AnthropologyIndigenous Studies
El surgimiento de la ciudad de Mercedes (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) se encuentra estrechamente ligado a la historia de las relaciones interétnicas fronterizas del período colonial, no siempre armoniosas. Analizamos ciertas... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesAnthropologyLatin American and Caribbean History
Análisis interpretativo de la obra "La frontera de cristal" de Carlos Fuentes con el objeto de identificar y diferenciar en la misma el concepto de FRONTERA HUMANA y demás categorías afines y asociadas a los procesos migratorios.
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      Social SciencesLiteratureHermeneuticsMigration Studies
Livro organizado pela Prof Dr Joana Bahia (Uerj) e Prof Dr Miriam Santos (UFRRJ)
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      Brazilian StudiesMigration StudiesEducation and MigrationFrontier Studies
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      Social MovementsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyRussian HistoryFrontier Studies
ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to understand how security works at frontiers in Brazil, bringing to light some of its controversial aspects. From the analysis of the structure set up by the Federal Government and based on... more
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      Frontier StudiesBorders and FrontiersBorder control
Focusing on the Amazonian borders allows us to discuss the beacons of great historical narratives. On the one hand, notions such as progress and backwardness have unfolded there in the formation of large estates, environmental... more
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      Border StudiesBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryBrazil
Applying Fr. D. Turner's frontier theory and M. Foucault's concept of heterotopic spaces the author studies “other” spaces created by Russian railway men and Cossacks in Northern Manchuria in the late 19th – first half of the 20th... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesChinaRussian HistoryFrontier Studies
Ponencia en el XXI Curso de Verão "Novas fronteiras, outros diálogos: cooperação e desenvolvimento”. Centro de Estudos Ibéricos. Guarda, Portugal, 6 al 9 de julio de 2021.
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      International MigrationFrontier StudiesMuseography
Las fronteras tienen caras. No se trata solamente de atributos metafóricos, en el sentido de partes del espacio que una comunidad organizada dirige y muestra hacia lo exterior, sino de caras físicas, humanas, que contribuyen al... more
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      SemioticsBorder StudiesVisual SemioticsCognitive Semiotics
For the past decade, Boko Haram has relentlessly terrorized northeastern Nigeria. Few if any explanations for the rise of this violent insurgent group look beyond its roots in worldwide jihadism and recent political conflicts in central... more
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryAfricaPolitical Violence and Terrorism
La notion de frontière a beaucoup évolué au cours de l’Histoire. Si elle a pu être considérée, au début du Moyen Âge, comme une zone inculte, imprécise, située aux marges de l’espace habité, elle devient par la suite une terre de conquête... more
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      Medieval HistoryBorder StudiesSurvey ResearchFrontier Studies
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      Travel WritingFrontier StudiesBorders and FrontiersFronteras
II WORKSHOP INTERNACIONAL MUDANÇAS E CONTINUIDADES ESPAÇOS FRONTEIRIÇOS E MENTALIDADES DE FRONTEIRA 20-21 de Julho de 2015 Dia 21 - Fronteira no Espaço Religioso (I) Construire le territoire paroissial pour construire la... more
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      Frontier StudiesMoyen AgeEspace Et TerritoireEglises Du Moyen Age
Cyber entrepreneurship is a relatively new frontier in the entrepreneurship field that utilizes the internet of things in doing business, which is shifting from the traditional way. However, there is a lack of systematic review of cyber... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyCyberculturesFrontier Studies
Longue de 3 200 km, la frontière entre la Bolivie et ::>nférences à l'université de _'.)ffaine et membre du laboratoire =~OD I G (Pôle de recherche pour organisation et la diffusion :ie l'information géographique). le Brésil traverse les... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryBorder StudiesGeopoliticsBrazilian Studies
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      Urban HistoryMedieval urban historyMedieval Iberian HistoryFrontier Studies
Texto publicado no site Outras Palavras e no Blog Somos Migrantes
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      Resistance (Social)Frontier StudiesDireitos HumanosSegregação Socioespacial
In political geography of Venezuela and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana are inevitable references to his historical disputes related to the undefined border demarcations. It is a 1 Este articulo forma parte del Proyecto de... more
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      Political ScienceFrontier StudiesGeografía Política
Cómo citar: Uribe, Simón, Silvia Otero-Bahamón e Isabel Peñaranda. 2021. "Hacer el estado: carreteras, conflicto y órdenes locales en los territorios de las FARC". Revista de Estudios Sociales 75: 87-100.... more
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      Latin American StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesColombiaPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
In times when the public, political and academic discourses flourish with contributions that deliberate on whether it is 'all quiet on NATO's Eastern flank', Jakub J. Grygiel and A. Wess Mitchell are among a handful that dare advance a... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEuropean Security and Defence PolicyMilitary and PoliticsFrontier Studies
Este artigo visa discutir os conflitos agrários e o mercado de terras na região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. O estudo parte da problemática dos conflitos agrários nas fronteiras internas e centra sua análise no estudo de caso da “Gleba... more
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      Frontier StudiesBorders and FrontiersFronterasMercado de terras
AboutFrom Colony to Nationhood in Mexico: Laying the Foundations, 1560 1840 Book From Colony to Nationhood in Mexico: Laying the Foundations, 1560 1840 was merged with this page In an age of revolution, Mexico's creole leaders held... more
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      Indigenous StudiesState FormationHistory of Colonial MexicoFrontier Studies
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      Mexico HistoryFrontier StudiesMexico en el siglo XIX
Esta particular aventura etnográfica e intensa investigación sobre las modalidades y las rutas que emplean los tratantes de personas en la Amazonía peruana para seducir a sus víctimas y conducirlas hasta los lugares en los que ocurren... more
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      Sexual ViolenceSlaveryHuman TraffickingAnti-slavery
The frontier defense system of the Kingdom of Hungary, which consisted of guard settlements, gates and border fortifications-made of piles of stone and earth, rows of fallen trees, artificial hedges – as well as ditches (gyepű in... more
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      Medieval HistoryBorder StudiesMedieval HungaryFrontier Studies
The rise and decline of Atlantic piracy has been used to gauge the level of commercial, administrative, naval, and diplomatic control that Britain exercised in the Atlantic. Indeed, historians have suggested that by 1730, Britain had... more
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      Early Modern HistoryState FormationState BuildingBorderlands Studies
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
Грибовський В. В. Картина «Козак Мамай»: витоки образу й ногайські паралелі // Україна в Центрально-Східній Європі. Київ: Інститут історії України, 2021. Вип. 19–20. С. 285–334. На основі застосування структурно-функціонального і... more
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      FolkloreEurasian NomadsFrontier StudiesEarly Steppe Nomadic peoples migrations and social life
En este artículo indago las tensiones, incertidumbres y expectativas que emergen en el espacio-tiempo indefinido que transcurre entre la concepción y materialización de un megaproyecto de carretera en el piedemonte Andino-Amazónico... more
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      ColombiaAmazoniaMateriality (Anthropology)Visual Ethnography
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryTactics (Military Science)Frontier Studies
L’analisi delle realtà regionali contemporanee è stata per lo più condotta finora su spazi politicamente omogenei. Lo sviluppo dell’Europa delle regioni ha però fatto riemergere una trama di rapporti che trascendono le barriere... more
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      Italian StudiesAlpine historyFrontier StudiesBorders and Frontiers