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Abstract: Moldova is an ex-Soviet country in the southestern part of Europe between Romania and Ukraine. Historical Moldovia or ‘Kara Bogdan’ in the Ottoman terminology, became a vassal state of the Ottoman mpire in 16th century. As a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEndangered LanguagesLanguage EndangermentOld Turkic
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      GagauzGagauz Language В первом томе серии "Чакиры" представлена биография гагаузского просветителя и отца современной гагаузской письменности протоиерея Михаила Чакира. В работе представлен обширный материал... more
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      BiographyChurch HistoryBessarabiaGagauz
Most of the Gagauz population live in Bucak region in the South of Republic of Moldova. Gagauz people's language has the closest accent to Turkish language spoken in Turkey. The Gagauz gained their autonomy September 23 in 1993.Their... more
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      MoldovaEconomy of MoldovaGagauz
Новый источник по истории села Чок-Майдан, Комратского района
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      Russian HistoryHistory of MoldovaMoldovaBessarabia
Gagavuz Yeri, 23 Aralık 1994 yılında Moldova parlamentosunda kabul edilen kanunlarla özerk bir statü kazanmıştır. Parlamentosu, başkenti, bayrağı ve dili gibi devlet faktörleri bulunan Gagavuzlar eski bir tarihe ve kültüre sahiptir.... more
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      MoldovaEconomy of MoldovaGagauz
Cu privire la bulgarii și găgăuzii în Sfatul Țării
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      History of MoldovaMoldovaMoldaviaMoldavian History
Türk halkları arasında kahir ekseriyetin aksine, İslam kültür çevresi dışında kalmaları, Oğuz boylarına mensup olmalarına rağmen ise Oğuz Yabguluğu’nun dağılması sonrası güney göç yollarını değil de kuzeyi tercih ederek Doğu Avrupa’ya... more
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      Polovtsians, Kumans, KypchaksTürk TarihiGenel Türk TarihiGagauz
Catedrala „Sf. Ioan Botezatorul” din Comrat
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      GagauzGagauz Language
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      Romanian HistoryBulgariaRomanian StudiesRussian History
The Republic of Moldova was one of fifteen states to emerge from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. With weak historical legacy of statehood, deteriorating economy and serious national divisions, the young state lacked many of the... more
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      DemocratizationNationalismNationalism And State BuildingDemocracy
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      Central Asian StudiesSyntaxTurco-Iranian WorldLanguage contact
Bugeacul: din trecut în prezent. Culegere de studii dedicată dr. în istorie Ivan Grec.
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      History of MoldovaMoldovaMoldaviaMoldavian History
""During the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe came close to a violent break-up similar to that in neighboring Moldova, which witnessed a violent secession of the Transdniestria region. Numerous... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
Overview article on the Gagauz language
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      Turkic LinguisticsTurkic languagesGagauzGagauz Language
Protoiereul Mihail Ceachir – un cărturar al Bisericii din Basarabia. Materialele conferinței naționale.
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      BasarabiaGagauzрусская православная церковьБессарабские болгары
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      Okuma EğitimiYazma EğitimiYabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign languageTürkçe öğretimi
Alcătuitorii culegerii / Составители сборника: Виктор Цвиркун, Иван Думиника, Виталий Сырф.
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      BessarabiaRomania Russia BessarabiaBasarabiaInterwar Romanian national identity
Günlük konuşma dilinde ve yazı dilinde çeşitli amaçlarla kullanılan, kullanıldığı bağlamda anlatımı daha etkili ve çarpıcı kılan atasözleri, Gagauz Türkçesinde söleyiş terimiyle karşılanır. Gagauz halk edebiyatı sözlü malzeme bakımından... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBalkan linguisticsProverbsSyntax
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    • Gagauz
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      Turkish LanguageGrammarTurkish Language and LiteratureTürk Dili ve Edebiyatı
Türk dilinde fiillerin semantik özelliklerine göre ele alınması bazı fiiller arasındaki ayrımın belirgin bir biçimde ortaya koyulmasını sağlar. Fiillerde ortak nokta harekettir. Ancak dur-, kalk-, git-,gel-, otur- gibi fiiller fiziksel... more
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      SemanticsTurkish LanguageSemanticÇağdaş Türk Lehçeleri
Numerous Gagauz case shifts listed in Özkan 1996 and seemingly pointing to a very intensive tendency towards case syncretism are discussed by this author. Six conclusions are presented in the last paragraph of the study.
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
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      GagauzGagauz HistoryGagauziya
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      GagauzTurkish Dialects of Cyprus
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      Russian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTurkish and Middle East StudiesRomanian Studies
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      Social SciencesEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyIdentity (Culture)
Ozet Bu bildiride, Gagavuz Yeri’ni de yakından ilgilendiren Doğu Avrupa’daki gelişmelerin kuresel bağlamı analiz edilecektir. Unlu siyaset bilimci A. F. K. Organski, Soğuk Savaş devam ederken yaptığı calışmalarda uluslararası sistemdeki... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern EuropeCentral and Eastern EuropeA F K Organski
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      Ethnic StudiesEthnicityEthnic Conflict and Civil WarMoldova
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      FolkloreGagauzTürk Halk Müziği
In this article, authors analyzed the information given in the"Lists of the trans-Danubian immigrants, who have settled in Bessarabia". These lists were made up in 1818, as a result of work of the Commission scheduled by Dmitry... more
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      DemographyRussian StudiesHistorical DemographyRomanian History
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    • Gagauz
Gagauzca Kuş Adları, Названия Птиц в Гагаузском Языке
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      OrnithologyBird (Ornithology)Gagauzornithonyms
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      GagauzGagauz LanguageGagauz History
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      History of MoldovaMoldavian HistoryBessarabiaBasarabia
Gagavuzca, iki tipik Balkan dili olan Bulgarca ve Rumence ile 700 yıl etkileşim halinde olmasının doğal bir neticesi olarak zamanla Balkan dillerine ait bazı özellikleri bünyesinde geliştirmiş veya onlara benzemiştir. Bunlardan biri de... more
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      PhonologyBalkan linguisticsPhoneticsBalkan Studies
A pro-Communist and pro-Russian separatist movement emerged and came to power in the Gagauzia region of Moldova in the late Soviet Union by declaring a republic there. But this conflict remained largely non-violent, in contrast to such... more
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      Eastern European StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Alevi StudiesGagauz
In southern Bessarabia, a multi-ethnic region on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, one ethnic group, the Turkic speaking Gagauz, have managed to negotiate a unique autonomy status with the Moldovan government in 1994. Neither their Bulgarian... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyEthnic minoritiesLanguage PolicyUkraine
Although it is easy to fathom why Eurolinguistic research tends to concern what is called Standard Average European (see Haspelmath 2001) rather than peripheral non-Indo-European languages of Europe this author’s opinion is that a... more
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      LanguagesModern LanguagesEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
İkilemeler, sadece yan yana gelmiş iki sözcüğün tekrarından ibaret olmayan, bu yolla yeni kavramlar inşa ederek anlamı ve anlatımı güçlendiren dil birlikleridir. Türkçenin en eski dönem eserlerinde dahi kullanımına atıfta bulunulan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntaxLinguistics
Öz Türkistan steplerinden Kafkasya'ya, Anadolu'dan balkanlara kadar engin bir coğrafyayı etkisi altına alan Türk halklarının kültürel birikimleri; yöreselden evrensele uzanan sayısız zenginliğe sahiptir. Bu sayısız zenginliğin içerisinde... more
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      Joseph CampbellArchetypesCarl G. JungTürk Halk Bilimi
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      Gagauzгагаузысистема питания
Колонии болгар в Бессарабии (1806-1856). Автореферат диссертации на соискание уч. степени "доктора истории". Кишинев, 2017.
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      History of MoldovaMoldovaMoldavian HistoryBessarabia
This article describes the process of self-determination and the creation of a territorial autonomy of the Gagauz people in the Republic of Moldova. It also analyses the situation in the autonomy after the change of government in Chisinau... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesAutonomyMoldova
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      YunanistanGagauzGagauz Language
Рецензия на книгу Степана Булгар "Гагаузы в Первой мировой войне".
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      Russian StudiesRomanian HistoryRomanian StudiesRussian History