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      Functional GrammarIPGenerative linguisticsArguments
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      LanguagesIndigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsIndigenous Languages
El uso social de la lengua suscita a diario dudas y curiosidades. Dudamos al elegir un método para aprender una lengua, ignoramos cuántas lenguas se hablan en el mundo, tenemos la sensación de que cada vez hablamos peor; pensamos que los... more
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      SociologyLanguages and LinguisticsSpanishSociolinguistics
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      Speech ProsodyMetrical PhonologyGenerative linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxLinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
Focus sensitive operators (like only, also and even) are usually taken to operate on focus alternatives to their prejacent and, more specifically, on a contextually restricted set of propositions (‘C’) which are identical to the prejacent... more
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      SemanticsProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsLinguisticsSemantics/Pragmatics interface
In this paper, I will present a cross-linguistic analysis of the syntax of items signalling temporal distance. Basing on insight form cartography and nanosyntax, I will shown that the mechanism of Phrasal Spell-out (and the Superset... more
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      SyntaxLinguisticsMorphology and SyntaxLinguistic Typology
In this talk I try to make progress in capturing an informal observation about only and even, which, although rather old, has not been formally captured by traditional formal entries of these two particles. The observation is that only... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsLinguisticsExperimental Pragmatics
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      Languages and LinguisticsMorphosyntaxMorphologyLinguistics
The present study investigates the use of code-switching between Vietnamese and English in casual conversations and focuses on how and why conversational participants code-switch. The data include recordings of talk among a small... more
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      Language EducationSociolinguisticsEnglish languageTESOL
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      Second Language AcquisitionSyntaxSentence processing (Languages And Linguistics)Romance Linguistics
First, introductory lecture to the six-lecture course for school students on generativism.
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      Generative linguisticsGenerative Syntax
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      Japanese Language And CultureSyntaxJapaneseGenerative linguistics
While matrix clauses pronouns are almost never dropped in matrix clauses in Russian, silent pronouns are licensed in almost all kinds of embedded clauses. Null pronouns in such positions share similarities with PRO, but they also differ... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntaxControlFormal syntax
How to download Sir Arthur Evan’s Scripta Minoa, Volumes 1 & 2, (Linear B), in their entirety: Until recently, anyone searching for Scripta Minoa could download the files from Heidelberg University. But it is no longer possible to do so... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
This paper provides an analysis couched in the framework of Distributed Morphology (Halle & Marantz 1993) of the distinction between stress-sensitive affixes and stress-neutral affixes, as was first observed by Chomsky & Halle (1968). We... more
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      MorphologyDistributed MorphologyGenerative linguisticsDerivational Morphology
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsResearch MethodologyLanguage Evolution
When we speak, we use sounds. Through these sounds, we are able to understand each other. This is because there are different types of relationships that exist between the sounds that we use in speech acts. This is the principal objective... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyLinguistics
Construction grammar(s) and the Minimalist Program occupy opposite, but equally polar, positions in the pre-scientific setting of studies that attempt to scientifically unravel the make-up of human languages. Both schools share a basic... more
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      SyntaxComparative LinguisticsConstruction GrammarGenerative linguistics
Indonesian has three morphemes that are commonly used to express futurity, namely 'akan', 'mau', and 'pasti'. I argue that for certain speakers, the meanings of these three morphemes all contain a future modal, and that two of the... more
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      SemanticsCausationModalityTense and Aspect Systems
Bantu languages, which are spoken throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, permit wh-questions to be constructed in multiple ways, including wh-in-situ, full wh-movement, and partial wh-movement. Shona, a Bantu language spoken by about 13... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxMorphosyntax
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a representação sintática do aspecto perfect. Assumiu-se a existência de tipos distintos de perfect: perfect universal / situação persistente, perfect existencial / resultativo, perfect... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsAlzheimer's DiseaseSyntax
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      Cognitive SciencePhonologySpanish LinguisticsLaboratory/Experimental Phonology
This paper brings diachronic and synchronic evidence for the claim that the Parameter of Definiteness coined by Danon (2010) is active in the syntax of the Romanian nominal phrase. We analyze the status of the definiteness feature in the... more
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      Comparative LinguisticsRomanian LanguageRomance LinguisticsGenerative linguistics
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      Chinese linguisticsGenerative linguistics
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      Discourse AnalysisSyntaxLanguage TypologyGenerative linguistics
This textbook approaches second language acquisition from the perspective of generative linguistics. Roumyana Slabakova reviews and discusses paradigms and findings from the last thirty years of research in the field, focussing in... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionBilingual EducationBilingualism and Multilingualism
La siguiente tesis estudia un amplio número de construcciones del español rioplatense que contienen un clítico marginal de acusativo femenino (la y las). Adoptando el marco de la Morfología Distribuida (Halle & Marantz, 1993 y trabajos... more
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      SyntaxMorphosyntaxDistributed MorphologyGenerative linguistics
Abstract The Island constraints, proposed by Ross (1967) and developed further by other scholars, are the structures out of which elements cannot move. Wh-in-situ languages and syntactic movement languages show different characteristics... more
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      SyntaxTurkish LinguisticsGenerative linguisticsWh-movement
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive SemanticsSyntax/Semantics
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      BiolinguisticsGenerative linguisticsCrithical Thinking, Critical PedagogyCrithical Theory
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      Latin Language and LiteratureTheoretical LinguisticsLatin LanguageGenerative linguistics
STRUCTURE OF WH-QUESTIONS AND WH-MOVEMENT IN ENGLISH AND BOSNIAN/CROATIAN/SERBIAN Theoretical accounts and description of the syntactic operation of Movement (Internal merge) is based largely on the structure of wh-questions and the... more
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      English languageCroatianSyntaxEnglish Grammar
En este artículo exploramos una serie de desafíos relativos a la enseñanza de gramática en el nivel superior en la formación de docentes y traductores de inglés. Planteamos, fundamentalmente, la necesidad de abordar la enseñanza de la... more
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      English GrammarEducaciónGenerative linguisticsInglés
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsMusic and LanguageSemantics
This new book by Daniel Everett stands as a significant contribution to the discussion of language evolution because it puts forward the strongest claims so far in what has been an important exchange, probably the most visible in recent... more
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      Indigenous LanguagesLinguisticsPirahã LanguageSouth American indigenous languages
Abstract. "Are there ... phonological rules which can be stated more appropriately in terms of the syllable than in terms simply of segments?" (J. ANDERSON, 1969). The existence of numerous phonological processes which cannot be... more
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      PhonologyIcelandicGenerative linguisticsSyllable Structure
The paper provides a partial phonological and phonetic description of the segmental system of L2 Telugu English (TE). Previous research on the subject has been carried out in the context of a more general notion of Indian English (IE), so... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyPhonetics
Archaeology seems to support the idea of widespread Minoan trading contacts and a significant number of Minoan colonies. The distribution of the place name “Minoa” in the Aegean and in the eastern and central Mediterranean also appears to... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
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      Information TechnologyCorporate EnvironmentalismHumanitarianismEnlightenment
In this paper I discuss two types of adjectival modification in Polish, namely the semantics of prenominal and postnominal adjectives. I discuss different entailment patterns related to the placement of adjectival modifiers and the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSlavic LanguagesLinguistics
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      Critical ThinkingBiolinguisticsGenerative linguistics
This paper presents an analysis of sentences featuring superficial coordinations of unlike categories in English, such as John is a Republican and proud of it (NP and AP) and Pat is stupid and a liar (AP and NP). We argue that, despite... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntaxLinguistics
La fonología moderna y su aplicación a la lengua española es el tema principal de esta obra. A través de los diferentes capítulos, se introduce al lector a la evolución de los enfoques teóricos que han dominado el estudio de la fonología... more
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      Historical LinguisticsOptimality TheorySyllable TheoryGenerative linguistics
В данной главе обсуждается проблема соотношения коммуникативно-нерасчлененных (thetic) и коммуникативно-расчлененных (categorical) предложений в рамках формальной модели синтаксиса и просодико-синтаксического интерфейса. Применяется... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesSyntaxFormal syntax
Sollecitato da alcuni amici che non sono specialisti in linguistica, propongo una discussione dell'argomento chomskyano della povertà di stimolo (sezioni 1–3 dell'articolo). Inoltre, si offre una panoramica del dibattito su questo tema... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsTheoretical LinguisticsNoam Chomsky
This is an essay discussing the difference between the Generative Theory and the Cognitive Theory in the context of the Second Language Acquisition. It also points out the reason for the more realistic position of the latter.
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      Cognitive PsychologyEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
In this thesis, I propose that the distribution of nominal phrases is constrained by the relative positions of phi-features that nominal phrases contain. More specifically, I propose a condition according to which two syntactic nodes... more
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      SyntaxSyntactic TheoryIranian LanguagesErgativity
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      HistoryDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics