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      Cyprus StudiesByzantine StudiesHistory of CollectionsGreek Palaeography
Synekdemos, a geographical text of Hierokles presents the administrative structure of the Eastern Roman Empire in the early 6th century AD. Six dioeceses (large administrative units), 64 eparchiai (provinces) and 920 poleis (cities) are... more
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      PhilologyHistorical GeographyRegional GeographyCartography
INDICE: La Sapienza bizantina. Il contributo della Storia dell’arte (1896-1970) - Antonio Iacobini Le missioni di studio in Oriente e il Centro di Documentazione di Storia dell’Arte Bizantina (1966-2006) - Andrea Paribeni Il... more
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      PhilologyByzantine LiteratureItaly (History)Byzantine Studies
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
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      Biblical StudiesGospelsBible TranslationsChristianity and Rome
Studying Aristotle’s Politics in the 15th century. Summaries and anthologies in the Greek manuscripts, in S. FARRINGTON (ed.), Enthousiasmos. Essays in Ancient Philosophy, History, and Literature. Festschrift for Eckart Schütrumpf on his... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryAristotleMedieval Studies
Theophylact of Ohrid and the education system reform in Byzantium in the eleventh century
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      PhilologyByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
Among the preserved Aristophanes’ codices veteres, there is the Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional Mss/4683, an important manuscript for its paleographical and philological value which shows how Aristophanes was read and commented in Byzantium,... more
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      AristophanesCodicologyByzantine StudiesTextual Transmission
Sinaiticus arabicus NF 66 is made up of six fragmentary folia and three tiny parchment scraps. These were originally part of a codex of ca. 300 folia containing the Arabic translation of several lives of monastic Saints connected to the... more
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      Greek LiteratureOrphic poemsGreek MythGreek Palaeography
El manual de paleografía griega de Lidia Perria que ahora se traduce al español fue en el momento de su publicación (el año 2011) un acontecimiento felicísimo en el panorama de los estudios de paleografía, en los que nunca se había... more
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      Greek PalaeographyGreek PapyrologyGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLate Latin Literature
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      PhilologyPhilosophyClassical philologyAncient Greek Philosophy
The occasion for this collection of papers is the centenary of the publication of "The Scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes" by John Williams White (Boston-London 1914), a book that played a seminal role in setting the debate on the... more
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      ClassicsHomerAristophanesHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      Arabic LiteratureArab Christian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchModern Greek History
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      Greek Manuscripts and Textual CriticismGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPaleographyCodicology
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyPatristics
"This special issue of Comparative Literature Studies brings together talks, some extensively revised, others virtually unchanged, that were delivered at a conference entitled "What is Philology?" The gathering took place on Saturday,... more
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      New Testament Textual CriticismGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgyOrthodox Theology
Short manual of GREEK PALEOGRAPHY (71 pages containing many illustrations). An overview on majuscule (Uncial) and minuscule Greek bookhands. Please send comments. It is also available a Spanish version of this manual. Last updated... more
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      Greek PaleographyGreek PalaeographyGreek PapyrologyGreek Philology
The Book of Revelation has been something of an outlier within parts of the Christian tradition, as evidenced, among other things, by its peculiar canon-ical reception. As regards the earliest period of transmission, however, the Greek... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyNew TestamentTextual Criticism
The Greek text of Ephesians 1:1 features an amazing textual variation that centers on the destination of the letter, which location is found nowhere else throughout the book. Many of the earliest and best NT manuscripts display a complete... more
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      PhilologyNew TestamentTextual CriticismBiblical Studies
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      SeptuagintByzantine LiturgyByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationGreek Psalter
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureTextual Criticism
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesMedieval and Renaissance Greek Manuscripts; Greek Paleography; Byzantine ScriptoriaGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)
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      PalaeogeographyPapyrologyNew TestamentEarly Christianity
Настоящий сборник содержит материалы (статьи, тезисы, аннотации докладов) Международной научной конференции, в рамках которых обсуждаются актуальные вопросы греческой, латинской, славянской и отчасти восточной палеографии, кодикологии и... more
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      PhilologyManuscript StudiesCodicologyGreek Palaeography
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLiturgical StudiesLiturgyOrthodox Theology
🔗 A cura di Stefano Martinelli Tempesta. Anche se gli studi degli ultimi decenni hanno fatto emergere un numero cospicuo di traduzioni latine quattrocentesche dei Moralia plutarchei, resta nella sostanza... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureMedieval StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Orthographic variation within the manuscripts of the Greek NT is seldom a cause célèbre beyond the ranks of diehard textual critics. Even among these most will concede that orthographic irregularities amount to little more than evidence... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesGreek Language
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      HistoriographyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
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      HistoriographyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismHermeneutics
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      HistoriographyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismHermeneutics
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsHistoriographyTextual Scholarship
The publication of Josef Schmid's landmark work on the textual history of the Apocalypse seemingly established the Andreas Text Type as a fourth-century product. The primary evidence for Schmid's claim came from the fourth-century... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPapyrology
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      GnosticismGreek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Language
A short article on the origin and development of the longer Trinitarian text of 1 John 5:7-8 as found in the Textus Receptus. The typos that are present in this draft will be corrected before the final version is submitted for... more
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      Greek LiteratureMedieval LiteratureHigh Middle AgesMedieval History
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageHermeneutics (Research Methodology)
The Nomina Sacra: Highlighting the Sacred Figures of the Text (Pre-published version of Ch. 3, The Formation and Significance of the Christian Biblical Canon, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014)
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      ChristianityTheologyPatristicsNew Testament
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      PhilologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityGreek Palaeography
Le lexicon est une publication pédagogique proposant une vue d’ensemble des dispositifs élaborés dans différentes traditions linguistiques et culturelles (domaines latin, roman,grec, hébreu et arabe) pour la mise en page et la « mise en... more
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      PaleographyCodicologyGreek PaleographyLatin Palaeography
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorical LinguisticsGreek LanguageBalkan Studies
Le titre de cet ouvrage, Le livre manuscrit grec : écritures, matériaux, histoire, suggère diverses facettes que peuvent aborder des recherches menées sur les manuscrits écrits en grec, à Byzance et dans l’après-Byzance : l’attention... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryManuscript digitization
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      Cyprus StudiesGreek PaleographyByzantine LiturgyHistory of Cyprus
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      Liturgical StudiesManuscript StudiesByzantine StudiesGreek Paleography
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      GnosticismMilitary HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
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      Renaissance HumanismGreek Manuscripts (Palaeography, Codicology, Text Transmission)Theodorus Gazes
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      PhilologyIllustrationIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Byzantine Manuscripts Illumination