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This article analyses the style of a passage from Beowulf, in respectful imitation of the methods used by Erich Auerbach, and with particular reference to "low-information" poetry.
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      BeowulfHeroic PoetryOral Formulaic Poetryheroic ethos
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      Medieval LiteratureFilm StudiesMedieval German LiteratureLiterature and cinema
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      EthnomusicologyDance AnthropologyMongolian StudiesEthnic minorities
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureHeroic PoetryCodicology of medieval manuscripts
'Rolf H. Bremmer Jr. is then set the task of introducing "Old English heroic literature," which he achieves through some helpful musing upon the nature of heroes in their Germanic context, moving via an examination of poetry with a... more
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      Medieval LiteratureAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesOld English Literature
«Το επεισόδιο της μονομαχίας του Διγενή με την ‘αμαζόνα’ Μαξιμώ (και η ερωτική τους συνέντευξη που ακολουθεί) είναι από τα ωραιότερα της πρώιμης φιλολογίας μας» έγραφε στη Συνοπτική ιστορία της νέας ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας ο Λίνος Πολίτης,... more
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      Gender StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityByzantine Studies
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      Medieval LiteratureByzantine LiteratureRenaissance literatureHeroic Poetry
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      Heroic PoetryMedieval Spanish LiteratureCodicology of medieval manuscriptsPalaeography
The dramatic confrontation which ensues on the bridge of Khazad-dûm between Gandalf and the just-awakened Balrog not only constitutes one of the turning points in the War of the Ring, but it also provides a glimpse of what Tolkien may... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesMedievalismOld English LiteratureJ. R. R. Tolkien
Ha sido común considerar que la Odisea se encuentra contrapuesta a la Ilíada en diversos aspectos. En lo atinente al tema de la muerte, se ha señalado que entre ambas epopeyas existen diferencias sustanciales, pues aquello que es... more
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      Heroic PoetryHomeric poetryOdysseyDeath and Literature
The search for either myth or history in 'Beowulf' is attended by severe and perhaps insurmountable difficulties. More useful may be attempts to identify the poem as a 'mythistory' that confirmed a set of values among the Anglo-Saxons by... more
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      HistoryMythologyJungian psychologyArchetypes
"The Book of Karna" relates the events of the two dramatic days after the defeat of the great warriors and generals Bhishma and Drona, in which Karna - great hero and the eldest Pandava - leads the Kaurava army into combat. This first... more
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      ReligionHinduismAsian StudiesIndian studies
The Heliand is a rewriting of the Gospels in Old Saxon, reflecting daring efforts to not only convert pagans, edify catechumens and reinforce orthodox teachings, but also to present the Old Saxon vernacular as a language worthy of... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesOld English LiteratureRare Books and Manuscripts
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    • Heroic Poetry
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      FolkloreKosovoHeroismSerbian history
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      MythologyEddic PoetryMythology (Old Norse Literature)Heroic Poetry
In this paper I assess the implications for 'Beowulf' studies of the remarkable archaeological discoveries made since the 1980s at the village of Gammel Lejre, on the island of Zealand, Denmark. Attention is given to the possible role of... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyBeowulfHeroic Poetry
In India's great epic the Mahabharata, the eighth book, "Karna", recounts the events that occurred during the mighty hero Karna's two days as general of the Kaurava army. This second volume resumes on the war's seventeenth and penultimate... more
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      ReligionHinduismAsian StudiesIndian studies
Se ha señalado que Aquiles constituye tanto para los griegos antiguos como para nosotros el ideal del héroe y la muerte heroica, porque acepta su destino inevitable, el cual le ha deparado una vida breve y una muerte hermosa, las cuales,... more
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      Heroic PoetryIdeology and LiteratureIliadDeath and Literature
One could scarcely draw together two larger topics than the Mahābhārata (Mbh) and dharma. The former, a tale of a fratricidal and internecine battle interspersed with theme-expanding stories, moral tales, fables, and didactic tracts,... more
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      ReligionHinduismAsian StudiesHistory of India
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      HistoryHeroic PoetryEpic poetryFolk literature
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      Comparative LiteratureHeroic PoetryEpic poetryEl Cid
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      Celtic StudiesMedieval HistoryWelsh HistoryHeroic Poetry
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    • Heroic Poetry
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyRunestonesHeroic Poetry
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      Medieval StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOld Norse LiteratureOral Traditions
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      FolkloreOld Norse Literature18th & 19th CenturiesFolklore (Literature)
RESUMEN: El Cantar de mio Cid, una de las principales obras del canon literario español, es también una de las más importantes en el ámbito de la poesía épica medieval por sus valores estéticos, su influencia histórica y su fundamental... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval Iberian LiteratureChansons De GesteMythical-Heroic Sagas
A transcription of the passages Humfrey Wanley gave in his work Antiquæ literaturæ septentrionalis liber alter (1705), which is for some now lost letters the only source we have.
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      Medieval StudiesOld English LiteratureManuscript StudiesOld English Poetry
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureHeroic Poetry
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      HomerJapanese CinemaHeroismGreek Epic
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreDance StudiesAnatolian Studies
This paper examines the meaning and connectedness of Kleos (eternal glory, fame), Nostos (homecoming, heroic return) and Ponos (toil, ordeal, pain) in various myths from the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Epic Cycle. Despite being essential... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyGreek LiteratureHomer
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesOld English LiteratureLaw and Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesTextual CriticismOld English Literature
The ‘lonely/low hero’ is a personage depicted initially as a pitiful, isolated, friendless, sad orphan or foundling, but who appears to prove himself to be a powerful representative of a high-ranking family as the story unwinds. We find... more
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      Comparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureFolklore The figure of the giant has haunted the literatures of the ancient Mediterranean world, from the Greek Gigantomachy and other Aegean epic literatures to the biblical contexts... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative LiteratureAncient Mediterranean ReligionsMonster Theory
There are certain invariants of heroic poetry, elements that define it essentially: the theme – a narrative about “extraordinary deeds”, famous, adventurous topics, in the style of “traditional heroic mythology” (Marino) – and the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureHomerMythical-Heroic Sagas
On the front panel of the Anglo-Saxon ivory box " Franks Casket " the cruel revenge of Wayland the smith and the Nativity of Jesus are depicted side by side. This juxtaposition was interpreted as a contrast between the cruelty of paganism... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesOld Norse LiteratureMythology (Old Norse Literature)Heroic Poetry
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreEmotionFolklore
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      Old Norse LiteratureHistory Of EmotionsMedieval ScandinaviaIcelandic Literature
Problems of dating consistently haunt modern scholars who have no way of knowing whether a text written down in the fourteenth century might have been composed in the sixth,the tenth, or even later. Despite this, the enduring image of the... more
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      Welsh poetryHeroic PoetryMedieval Welsh Literature
MONTANER, Alberto, «Introducción a la épica de frontera (tradiciones románica, bizantino-eslava e islámica)», en Ressons èpics en les literatures i el folklore hispànic = El eco de la épica en las literaturas y el folclore hispánico, eds.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureBorder StudiesByzantine Studies
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      Old Norse LiteratureEpic LiteratureLatin EpicVergil
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      Philosophy Of ReligionQueer TheologyFeminismHeroic Poetry
Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetian Nartiada (Nart Sagas). In this article I try to identify traces of the archaic Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetic epic poetry. These relicts are... more
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      Mythical-Heroic SagasHeroic PoetryKurgansIndoeuropean Studies
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      Gender StudiesMedieval German LiteratureHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of Science
Certain medieval pseudo-historical Central European texts include plots mentioning the most significant Moravian ruler Svatopluk. Their summary is sometimes labeled as the so-called Svatopluk Legend. It describes the last battle of... more
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      Heroic PoetryComparative mythologyIndoeuropean StudiesHistory of Moravia
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      Old English LiteratureOld English PoetryHeroic PoetryGermanic heroic poetry