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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Tamil Language
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      ChristianityPhilosophyTamil LiteratureSingapore
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      HindiSustainable Multilingualism
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      Language EducationSecond Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsHindi
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
A production study is presented that investigates the effects of word order and information structural context on the prosodic realization of declarative sentences in Hindi. Previous work on Hindi intonation has shown that: (i) non-final... more
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      Speech ProsodyIntonationInformation StructureWord order
This is a very basic drill exercise to pracise combining the pronouns with the kā postposition and subsequently with compund postpositions in Hindi.
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      HindiTeaching Methodology of Hindi LanguageHindi Languaage Teaching
Draft of book in writing by Vibhakar Lele, BE, BSc, LLB, based upon his English book Autobiography of A Natha Siddha Yogi/ Marathi book Eka Natha Siddha Yogyache Atmavritta. This book is i Hindi for the benefit of majority of other Hindi... more
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      Hindi LiteraturePhilosophyIndian studiesYoga Meditation
All major religious traditions across the globe carry the same messages, which are love, compassion and forgiveness. These aspects are to be an important part of our daily lives and should help us work on contributing towards the welfare... more
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      ReligionBuddhismHinduismComparative Religion
This paper examines the explanatory value of the transitivity scale of two-place predicates proposed by Tsunoda (1981, 1985, 1991) as applied to the ease or difficulty of the acquisition of the Japanese object case particle wo by Hindi... more
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      MathematicsSecond Language AcquisitionLinguisticsHindi
An article in Hindi on 'Synonymy and Polysemy in Hindi'.
Published in Dristipat Magazine (ISSN-2231-3079) issue - November 2014.
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      Languages and LinguisticsHindi/UrduHindiSynonyms
Page 211 xz keh.k ,oa uxjh; fo|kfFkZ ;ks a ds ikfjokfjd ifjos "k dk muds vkRefo"okl ij iz Hkko dk rq yukRed v/;;u "kks /k funs Z f"kdk "kks /kkfFkZ uh MkW 0 chuk dq ekjh Jherh iz frHkk "kekZ ,e- ,-] ,e-,M-] ,e-fQy-] ih&,p-Mh-,e-... more
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    • Hindi
कबीर के काव्य में प्रगतिशील चेतना
कबीर के काव्य में मानवंताविषयक दृष्टिकोण , जातीभेद, सामाजिक धार्मिक व्यवस्था पर कडा विरोध किया है भारतीय समाज मे वर्ण  व्यवस्था पर विरोध करते हुए नजर आते है, पारंपरिक  व्यवस्था का खंडन किया है
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      Hindi LiteratureHindiHindi Urdu Language and LiteratureHindi Katha Sahitya
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      Cognitive ScienceSyntaxLinguisticsOptimality Theory
Աշխատանքը իրենից ներկայացնում է ներքոնշյալ գրքի համապատասխան բաժինների համառոտ շարադրանք։
Десницкая А. (авт.), Кацнельсон С. (ред.) “История лингвистических учений. Древний мир”, стр. 58-109
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      LanguagesAncient HistoryHindi LiteraturePhilosophy
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      HindiPremchandAbhishek AvtansLeiden University
Effect of inflation on economic activity and eventually on well-being of people has always been a primary concern for policy makers and has gained the attention of much study. The question raised by many economists is that whether... more
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One of the extensively-talked and less-studied aspect of cricket’s consolidation as a game of national passion in India in the age of decolonization was the way in which it was publicized through the multilingual radio commentaries... more
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      Public SphereHindiSocial History of Sport (cricket)Cricket and National Identity
Ujjayini is a city with many shades and hues, captured by its many names. Designated as Avanti or Vagdevi the goddess of shining speech,1 Ujjayini is seen as the goddess who protects and preserves the living beings in their germinal form... more
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      HindiIndologyUjjayini PratikalpaUjjain The City Eternal
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      WomenHindiIndentured Labour
The historical Shiva, living around 7000 years ago, always worked for the welfare of all living beings, according to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti in his book Namah Shiváya Shántáya. Shiva introduced Dharma to help human beings attain the... more
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Learn to speak Hindi by yourself. Credits to whom it may concern. All the documents I've shared have their own authors, I'm only uploading them to give people the easiest way to search them. Please buy the original books to help the... more
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      HindiAprender hindiLearn hindi
आदर्श केंद्रित लोकतांत्रिक समाज की आधारशिला रखने वाले गुलाब सिंह की रचनात्मक प्रस्तुतियाँ 'ऑफ़ स्टेज' नहीं, बल्कि ‘ऑन-स्टेज' हैं। इस 'ऑन-स्टेज प्रस्तुति' से भाव-संवेदन एवं परिवेश के स्तर पर भावकों को आधुनिक समाज की संगत एवं विसंगत छवियाँ... more
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      Hindi LiteratureHindi/UrduHindi CinemaHindi
List of Guyanese (English) loanwords in Sarnami Hindi/Bhojpuri spoken mostly in the area of Nickerie in Surinam around 1970. Sarnami is a living dialect or sub language of Hindi in the West Indies.
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      Historical LinguisticsHindiSarnami Bhojpuri
This volume brings together researchers whose rich insights make for a comprehensive and upto-date account of Singapore's rich linguistic diversity. Applying a combination of empirical, theoretical, and descriptive approaches, the authors... more
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      MultilingualismLanguage Planning and PolicySingaporeIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
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      ReligionHindi LiteratureLiteratureHindi/Urdu
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būḍhī kākī  is a story written by Premchand in 1918 in Urdu and was published in Urdu magazine Tehzeebe Niiswaan (तहज़ीबे नीसवाँ). This story was later adapted into Hindi and published in the Hindi journal śrīśāradā (श्रीशारदा) in 1921
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      Hindi LiteratureIndian studiesHindi/UrduHindi
हमने ईसप, जातक, पञ्चतन्त्र और हितोपदेश की नीतिकथाएँ पढ़ी हैं। पर क्या हमने महाभारत की नीति कथाएँ पढ़ी हैं? हम महाभारत के मनुष्य पात्रों के बारे में जानते हैं। पर क्या हम महर्षि वेद व्यास की महान् संहिता में चतुर सियार, ढोंगी हंस, जानकार... more
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      HinduismSanskrit language and literatureHindiMahabharata
In this discourse, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1922-1990), a spiritual teacher (also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti) and social philosopher, describes how the languages of India evolved from pre-historic times to the present. P.R. Sarkar... more
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      LanguagesHindi LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
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    • Hindi
The main objective of this study is to analyze the role of banking sector in the economic development of Pakistan particularly the role of Islamic banking and its prospects in the country in future. The Meezan bank emerged as the prime... more
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    • Hindi
Course information for intermediate Hindi offered to US-based students. Assumes one year of prior language instruction or equivalent exposure through other means.
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      Languages and LinguisticsSouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaTeaching of Foreign Languages
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    • Hindi
Photography Composition Notes in Hindi
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      PhotographyFine Art PhotographyHindiComposition
The Urdu language has suffered a process of evolution and reforms. In this book this process is explained from a historical linguistics point of view, noting those factors natural and otherwise which have influenced the language to be in... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
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This is a simple conversation-based exercise to practice causative verbs in Hindi. It consists of 9 question sets which the students (and/or) the teacher can ask each other.
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      Hindi/UrduHindiHindi languageTeaching Methodology of Hindi Language
Many studies have been conducted on decision making, but little has been known about participatory decision making as an essential ingredient in the quest for better organizational management. Research has shown that participatory... more
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An article in Hindi on linguistic diversity and knowledge based society.
Published in नई धारा (Feb-March 2009)
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      Languages and LinguisticsHindi/UrduHindi
This is the fourth edition of the Mahāvīrī commentary by Svāmī Rāmabhadracārya on the Hanumān-Cālīsā. Originally authored in one day in the year 1983, this commentary in Hindi was acclaimed as the ‘best explanation of the Hanumān-Cālīsā’... more
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नवगीत पर सन 2021 में आथर्स प्रेस, नई दिल्ली से यशस्वी नवगीतकार डॉ अवनीश सिंह चौहान द्वारा संपादित 'नवगीत वाङ्मय' नाम से एक और संकलन प्रकाश में आया है, जो चार पर्वों में संकलित, नाम के अनुरूप नवगीत की समग्रता को समोये हुए है। इस ग्रंथ में... more
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      Hindi LiteratureLiteratureHindi/UrduHindi Cinema
Learn to speak Hindi by yourself. Credits to whom it may concern. All the documents I've shared have their own authors, I'm only uploading them to give people the easiest way to search them. Please buy the original books to help the... more
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      HindiAprender hindiTeach yourself
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    • Hindi
कृष्णा सोबती के रचनाशील व्यक्तित्व में अवज्ञा का स्वर प्रमुख है. ज़िंदगी में गहरे पैठ, समाज की परंपरागत जकड़बंदियों को अस्वीकार करते हुए, जीवन के भिन्न पक्ष से साक्षात्कार करने की बेचैनी, उनकी कृतियों का केंद्र है. ‘डार से बिछुड़ी’, ‘मित्रो... more
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      Hindi LiteratureWomenFeminismWomen Writers Call for Paper Dear All, Jankriti – An International Magazine Based on Discourse (ISSN: 2425-2725) is International peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, published Monthly and devoted to... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHindi Literature
History of political decisions and events relevant for Hindi language policy
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      SociolinguisticsIndian studiesLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityHindi