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Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the pre Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its... more
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      Architectural EngineeringHistoryAncient HistoryRussian Studies
The purpose of this research was to investigate the history of the Mykolayiv Sea Port from the beginning of marine trade in the region of modern Mykolayiv-city to the beginning of the XX cent. in the context of the historical development... more
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      HistoryDevelopment EconomicsLocal and regional historyUkrainian History
In general, histories of the Russian Revolution do not touch upon events in the Baltic provinces of the empire in any detail. Only the apparently exceptionally large number of Latvians who supported the Bolsheviks in the election to the... more
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      History of EstoniaSocial DemocracyRussian EmpireHistory of Latvia
Open access: After falling under the power of the Russian Crown, the Northern Black Sea steppe from the end of eighteenth century crystallized as the Russian... more
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      Historical AnthropologyGender HistoryHistory of SexualityMicrohistory
В коллективной монографии исследуются проблемы международных отношений в Центральной Азии во второй половине XIX в. Объектом исследования выступают специфические и важные в геополитическом отношении регионы — Илийский край (Кульджа) и... more
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      Central Asia (History)History of the Russian Empire
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      Modern HistoryHistory of UkraineHistory of Eastern EuropeHistory of Serbs
The slides for my presentation illustrate my talk on the major developments of this White Russian emigre church from 1920 to 2007
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      Russian StudiesRussian NationalismRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian History
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      Economic HistoryMaritime HistoryBlack Sea StudiesHistory of the Russian Empire
Николаев в Восточной (Крымской) войне 1853–1856 гг. : Неизвестные архивные документы / Nikolaev during the Eastern (Crimean) War 1853–1856 : Unknown archival documents / Е. Г. Горбуров, Л. Л. Левченко, Е. В. Беляева. Николаев : Илион,... more
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      History of the Russian EmpireИстория Российской империиHistory of NikolaevEastern (Crimean) War 1853–1856
Події, які мали місце на території сучасної України в добу Нового часу варті розгляду не лише з погляду українського державотворення, а й у контексті всіх процесів, що відбувались в європейському регіоні, незалежно від їхнього значення... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of UkraineHistory of Eastern EuropeHistory of Serbs
While scholarly interest in the influence of Tatar intellectuals on Turkish nationalism has been strong, less attention has been paid to the interactions between Russian Azerbaijani and Ottoman Turkish intellectuals. This study applies... more
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      Ethnic StudiesNationalismPan-TuranismNationalism And State Building
The 1888 commemoration of the 900th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus’ in Kiev constitutes one of the great performances of Alexander III’s scenario of power. Participants gathered to celebrate St. Vladimir’s choice of Orthodox... more
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      Cult of SaintsRussian Orthodox ChurchUkrainian HistoryHistory of the Russian Empire
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      HistoryInternational RelationsMaritime HistoryHistory of International Relations
The Ethnic and Religious Policies of the Tsarist Regime in the Kingdom of Poland: the "Kholm Question" as a Case of Russian Nation-Building (1831-1912) This study aims to provide an analysis of Russian nationalism and of the policies of... more
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      Russian intelligentsiaMemory StudiesMental MapsUkrainian Nationalism
This article examines the history of the fair and unfair societies and the consequences of their disintegration in the history of Central Asia. The author writes: "Why have our ancestors, who have united the twenty-seven nations in... more
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      Social JusticeColonialismRussian Foreign PolicyJustice
The article attempts to consider integrally and consistently key aspects of Ivan Horvat’s life before and after his emigration to the Russian Empire. It deals with the problem of Horvats’ family origin and the activity of Ivan in the... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of UkraineHistory of Eastern EuropeHistory of Serbs
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      Russian StudiesUzbekIdentity politicsCentral Asian Studies
The article is devoted to the biography of one official representative of Great Britain in Ekaterinoslav province and ports of the Sea of Azov. Details of activities of William George Wagstaff have been studied on tha base of archival... more
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      History of DiplomacyHistory of the British EmpireHistory of UkraineHistory of the Russian Empire
Introduction to an edited volume on the 1916 Revolt. In it my co-editors and I review the Soviet and post-Soviet historiography on the revolt, and outline the contribution we feel the volume makes.
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      Central Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)History of the USSRFirst World War
Авторами опубликованы итоги источниковедческого изучения истории первой Государственной Думы Российской Империи (1906). Издание подготовлено при содействии фонда VolkswagenStiftung
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEastern European StudiesRussian Studies
Бойко-Гагарін А.С., Гишка В. Унікальна підробка австрійського крейцера – дєньга 1748 р. з надкарбуванням. Нумізматика і фалеристика. № 2. Київ, 2022. С. 6–7.
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      Austrian HistoryRussian EmpireTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual HistoryAustro-Hungarian History
THE LEGACY OF CYRIL AND METHODIUS THROUGH THE LENS OF MEFODIEVSKII IUBILEINYI SBORNIK (1885) The purpose of this article is to analize the historical and ideological background of the Mefodievskii Iubileinyi sbornik, a collective work... more
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      History of IdeasContemporary HistoryRussian NationalismRussian intelligentsia
Публикуются три записки представителей высшей бюрократии царствования Николая I, посвященные формированию правительственной политики в Западном крае Российской империи (территории современных Литвы, Белоруссии и Украины). Эти документы... more
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      Российская империяNorthwestern Provincesнациональная идентичностьHistory of the Russian Empire
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      Economic HistoryBlack Sea StudiesOil Business DevelopmentHistory of the Russian Empire
Анатацыя: У артыкуле адзначаюцца асноўныя элементы " заходнерусізму " як ідэалогіі. Асаблівая ўвага надаецца ўплыву " заходнерусізму " на сучасныя беларускія дэбаты вакол ідэнтычнасці і выкарыстання яго дзяржавай. Abstract: The article... more
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      Belarusian StudiesBelarusian HistoryHistory of the Russian Empireзаходнерусізм
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Матриця для воскових моделей для підробки 20 копійок 1912 року з Житомирської області. Экспедыцыя працягласцю ў жыццё: зборнік навуковых артыкулаў памяці Аляксандра Плавінскага / уклад. і навук. рэд.: М. А. Плавінскі,... more
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      Russian EmpireCounterfeitsCoin counterfeitingHistory of the Russian Empire
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      Russian StudiesHistory of ReligionRussian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Clergy
Славянофил Ю.Ф. Самарин – первый общественный деятель, вступивший в длительное противостояние с «немецкой партией», которая в статье рассматривается как проостзейская группировка в придворных, правительственных и общественных кругах. Ее... more
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      SlavophilesHistory of RussiaHistory of Russian LiteratureSlavophilism
Различные политические детали т.н. «референдума», организованного Кремлём 16-го марта 2014 также ставят под сомнение популярный среди удивительно многих западных политиков, журналистов и дипломатов тезис, согласно которому подавляющее... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyRussian History
Бондаренко О.В. Андрій Бойко-Гагарін. Фальшивомонетництво в Україні в імперську добу (1795–1917). Монографія. Переяслав: Домбровська Я.М., 2020. 396 с. Український селянин. Вип. 24. Черкаси, 2020. С. 108.
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      Comparative History of the Russian, Ottoman, and Chinese EmpiresRussian EmpireTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual HistoryHistory of the Russian Empire
Call for papers
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      History of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Russian Empire
This article argues that Estonian song festivals were a powerful ritual of political mobilisation. Throughout their history, however, they had to be accommodated to narratives of ruling regimes. Taking Patrick Hutton's concept of such... more
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      History of EstoniaCulture in the Soviet UnionChoral Singing as Cultural PracticeEstonian Language and Culture
Wie kam es zu einer Entfremdung zwischen Russland und Georgien, zweier Länder desselben chalkedonensisch-orthodoxen Glaubensbekenntnisses, deren kulturelle Verbindungen bis ins Frühmittelalter zurückreichen? Georgische Einflüsse lassen... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
В статье рассматриваются последствия реформы духовного образования 1808 г. для экономики православного прихода Российской империи. С целью обеспечить финансирование системы духовного образования власти в 1808 г. изъяли накопления... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchChurch HistoryRussian History
Дисертація присвячена діяльності генерала І. Хорвата в Новій Сербії у другій половині XVIII ст. У роботі комплексно розкрито як військово-адміністративні, так і суспільно-господарські аспекти діяльності генерала на території краю.... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of UkraineHistory of Eastern EuropeHistory of Serbs
Stella Ghervas, "La Sainte-Alliance: un pacte pacifique européen comme antydote à l'Empire", in Europe de papier. Projets européens au XIXe siècle, ed. Sylvie Aprile et al. (Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2015), pp.... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
В статье дается обсуждение дискуссии о промышленном развитии Российской империи в конце XIX - начале ХХ вв. Дискуссия выявила две существенно различающиеся точки зрения о характере и темпах этого развития, дающие как оптимистичную, так и... more
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      Economic HistoryIndustrial HistoryIndustrializationистория России
Настоящее исследование посвящено формированию представления о национальной истории татар-мусульман на страницах периодической печати Российской империи начала ХХ в. Работа основана на анализе материалов журнала «Шура» (1908-1917). В... more
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      история РоссииHistory of the Russian EmpirePre-revolutionary Tatar periodical pressтатарская пресса начала ХХ века
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      Modern HistoryHistory of UkraineHistory of Eastern EuropeHistory of Serbs
From Citizens to Subjects challenges the common assertion in historiography that Enlightenment-era centralization and rationalization brought progress and prosperity to all European states, arguing instead that centralization failed to... more
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      Urban HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthEast European Enlightenment
The problem of relationships between the center and outlying regions of the Russian Empire had always particular acuteness. Both historically determined ethno‐cultural and socio‐political mosaicity of Russia and nature of the Russian... more
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      History of RussiaHistory of the Russian Empire
NEWLY DISCOVERED DOCUMENT OF LEVAN SHARVASHIDZE The paper examines and introduces into scientific circulation a new historical document found at Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts: “A Letter of Abkhaz Prince Levan... more
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      History of GeorgiaHistory of the Russian EmpireHistory of Abkhazia
We are accustomed to seeing the role of the Russian Empire in post-Napoleonic Europe presented as that of a profoundly conservative and often reactionary force, interested primarily in either expanding its own territory and sphere of... more
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryBalkan HistoryLegal History
Aliaksandr Laneuski, Workers "Exchanges" in the Russian Empire at the beginning of 20th century as a prototype of concept of "The Right to the City" [in] Grodnae et orbi. Гарадскія супольнасці і гарадское асяроддзе XIV-XX ст. Матэрыялы... more
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      Russian Revolution 1905History of the Russian EmpireThe Right of the City
В статье описываются малоизвестные и недооцененные в исторической литературе формы церковного управле- ния конца синодального периода — епархиальные съезды, ставшие заметным явлением в России начала XX века. Документы, относящиеся к их... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Russian EmpireEcclesiology of Conciliarity
182. Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Бердичів як центр збуту фальшивих грошей у Російській імперії. Місто, історія, культура, суспільство. № 1 (12). Спеціальна рубрика "Місто й оновлення". Київ, 2021. С. 193-200. DOI: 10.15407/mics2021.12.195. URL:... more
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      Russian EmpireHistory of the Russian EmpireBerdichev
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      Medallic ArtArt of MedalHistory of the Russian EmpireArt medals
„აფხაზეთის სამთავროს დაჭერა რუსეთის მიერ და ოსმალეთის პოზიცია „კავკასიის არქეოგრაფიული კომისიის აქტების“ მიხედვით“ სოხუმი და აფხაზეთი ძალიან სტრატეგიულ ადგილს იჭერენ კავკასიისათვის. აქედან იწყება გზა როგორც ჩრდილოეთ, ისე – სამხრეთ... more
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      History of GeorgiaHistory of Ottoman EmpireHistory of the Russian EmpireHistory of Abkhazia
The research is dedicated to questions related to the origin and evolution of the opposition to the Russian tsarist government and the Finnish national revival by Svekoman's movement. The authors investigated the influence of the social... more
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      Nationalism And State BuildingHistory of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingFinnish HistoryHistory of the Russian Empire
Boiko-Gagarin A.S. Sposoby vyroby falsonych papierovych platidiel v ruskom imperiu v 19. a na pociatku 20. storocia. Numizmatika. Casopis Slovenskej numizmatickej spolocnosti pri SAV. № 29. Bratislava, 2020. P. 57-68.
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      History of Paper MoneyRussian EmpireTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual HistoryCounterfeits