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      Constitutional LawPublic Budgeting and FinanceLegislative Process
Abstract Hanna Ojamo: Arts Organizations of a New Era -
A Case Study of the Changes in Funding and Leadership in State-Subsidized Arts Organizations in Finland (Working title of PhD Thesis 2017–2021) How do changes in funding affect the... more
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      SociologyCultural PolicyLeadershipPolitical Science
Powerpoint Presentation (Part 1)
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      Legislative DraftingLegislationLegislative Process
This is a paper concerning gun control policy executed by the 113th U.S Congress as the legal answer for 2011-2012 mass shootings in the United States. The work presents legislative process, but also executive answer for crimes committed... more
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      American StudiesAmerican PoliticsCongress (American Politics)Legislative Politics
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      Constitutional LawEnglish Legal systemLegislative ProcessUk Law
Débats du LIEPP n°3, mars 2017. Special Issue. Axe "Evaluation de la démocratie". in Olivier ROZENBERG (dir.), La révision constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 a-t-elle renforcé le Parlement français ?
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceParliamentary StudiesQualitative Research
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      Legislative ProcessParliament of India
O artigo analisa a tramitação da Emenda Constitucional n. 22/1982, apresentada pelo último governo ditatorial e aprovada em junho de 1982, no contexto da abertura democrática no Brasil. A emenda promoveu um amplo pacote de reforma... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryConstitutional HistoryDireito Constitucional
A história constitucional brasileira é investigada de modo singular neste livro de Leonardo Augusto de Andrade Barbosa, derivado de sua tese de doutorado defendida na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília. O autor parte do... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsElection LawLegislative Studies
This Article explores a novel cross-national phenomenon: the emergence of a new judicial review model that merges procedural judicial review with substantive judicial review. While this model is not yet fully defined, it has already... more
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      Constitutional LawCourtsComparative Constitutional LawJudicial review
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      CourtsJudicial reviewParliamentary StudiesSupreme Court
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      Legislative PoliticsParliamentary StudiesLegislaturesLegislative Studies
Legal texts are often given interpretations that deviate from their literal meanings. While legal concerns often motivate these interpretations, others can be traced to linguistic phenomena. This paper argues that systematicities of... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LawApplied LinguisticsLinguistics
Príspevok sa zaoberá doktrínou racionálneho zákonodarcu, ktorá je v súvislosti s ústavnou konformnosťou legislatívneho procesu už pomerne často vynucovaná na najvyšších národných a európskych súdnych inštanciách. Prieskum ústavnosti je... more
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      Constitutional LawLegislative ProcessJudicial Review of the Legislative Process
Shortly after its entry into office in 2010, the Fidesz-KDNP government – supported by the two-thirds majority of MPs in the National Assembly – started to put in place major legislative reforms with the aim of changing the character of... more
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      PopulismLegislaturesLegislative StudiesLegislative Process
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      Semantic WebOpen GovernmentLinked Open DataLegislative Process
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      Constitutional LawCourtsComparative Constitutional LawJudicial review
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      Legislative PoliticsPolicy NetworksLegislative StudiesLegislative Process
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      Constitutional LawLegislative ProcessGame Theory and the LawMathematical Models of International Relations
El pasado 1 de enero de 2019 Jair Bolsonaro asumió la Presidencia de Brasil conformando un gabinete de Gobierno compuesto principalmente por militares y otras personalidades “independientes”. El nuevo presidente ponía fin a lo que hasta... more
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      Brazilian PoliticsLegislative ProcessPoder Ejecutivo Y Poder LegislativoJair Bolsonaro
O trabalho aborda um problema fático: os discursos travados no âmbito do Poder Legislativo – e que se convertem na política criminal brasileira – não se baseiam em informações, em dados, em pesquisas realizadas pelo Poder Executivo, por... more
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      Criminal PolicyLegislative StudiesLegislative ProcessProcesso Legislativo
RESUMEN Este artículo analiza las comisiones mixtas como pieza clave del proceso legislativo chileno. Para comprender adecuadamente los criterios interpretativos que rigen el trabajo de las comisiones mixtas se abordan dos elementos... more
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      Legislative StudiesLegislativeLegislative ProcessProceso Legislativo
This paper analyzes in a critical way the principles and rules used by the recent spanish law of administrative procedure to reinforce better regulation. It concludes with some reflections about the limits and problems of meta-regulation,... more
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      Better RegulationPublic Participation In GovernanceAdministrative LawPublic Law
Riflessioni sul ruolo delle commissioni legislative nell' iter legis ordinario alla luce della recente riforma del Regolamento del Senato
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      Legislative StudiesDiritto CostituzionaleLegislative ProcessIter Legis
In recent years, there has been growing and widespread discontent with the state of the legislative process in many legislatures. At the same time, there is an emerging trend of courts exercising judicial review of the legislative... more
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      CourtsJudicial reviewLegislaturesLegislative Studies
This course is essentially about the U.S. Congress, the central legislative branch in American Politics, and one of the most powerful and oldest of any democracy in world history. Although is it not what we think of when hearing the term... more
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      American PoliticsTeaching and LearningCongress (American Politics)Policy Analysis and Decision Making
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      InclusionDeliberative DemocracyDemocracyLegislative Process
RESUMEN El presente trabajo aborda dos temáticas. En primer término, se preocupa de analizar lo que sucede con la "forma original" de los textos en votación, a partir de la situación producida en la Sala de Sesiones de la Cámara de... more
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      Constitutional LawParliamentary StudiesLegislative DraftingLegislative Studies
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      American PoliticsPolitical SciencePoliticsU.S. Congress
The Texas Legislature should reject the employment-at-will doctrine in Texas. A carefully crafted new law could be created through the assessment of both the Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act and the Model Employment... more
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      DischargeMontanaTexasAt-will Employment
Legislative initiative is an issue of fundamental nature, as a institution starting the entire legislative process that results with a new law coming into force. Moreover, it is also a fundamental right - for individuals and bodies – to... more
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      Legislative ProcessCitizensDraft legislationLegislative Initiative
This essay offers a substantive introduction to the special issue on mending the legislative process. Discontent with the legislative process seems to be pervasive. But how could we move from the widely-shared lament that the lawmaking... more
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      Congress (American Politics)U.S. CongressLegislative PoliticsParliamentary Studies
Although the specialized literature about Brazilian Legislative has deeply explored the ability of the Executive of influencing on the legislative agenda, which is vast, it hasn’t investigated the ability of the Congressman himself... more
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      Congressional leadershipInformal InstitutionsLegislative ProcessBrazilian Congress
The relationship between the actors in the law making process is governed by the doctrine of separation of powers. Scholarly literature state that each of these actors is interdependent on the other and no single agency is able to... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePolitical ScienceLegislative DraftingMulti Agent System
The Fidesz-KDNP coalition parties were voted into office in 2010 with a two-thirds majority in the unicameral National Assembly, which gave them significant leeway to implement their political agenda smoothly. Nevertheless, the governing... more
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      Constitutional LawJudicial reviewRule of LawLegislative Studies
E l reglamento de la Cámara de Diputados no ha sufrido grandes modificaciones desde la época del dominio bipartidista del Partido Justicialista y la Unión Cívica Radical. Mientras tanto, la fragmentación legislativa-en términos del número... more
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      Latin American StudiesLegislative PoliticsArgentinaLatin American Politics (Political Science)
This work studies the performance of the agenda holders, a concept that covers the parliamentarians that in certain themes, centralize political articulations among other lawmakers, the Executive and representatives from business and... more
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      Legislative PoliticsLegislative StudiesLegislative Process
This thesis addresses parliamentary impact on government legislation using the Scottish Parliament as a case-study. It contributes to the ongoing debate about whether government dominates the legislative process, bringing a practitioner... more
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      Scottish PoliticsScotlandLegislationScottish Parliament
Abstract: The article discusses the legislative output of the Sejm of 1615. There is a common opinion in reference to the seventeenth century that the constitution was a concordant conclusion of the three parliamentary estates combined... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesParliamentary HistoryHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Área do Direito: Penal Resumo: Considerando o cenário de saturação da produção legislativa em matéria penal no Brasil, a fim de contribuir com a elaboração de estratégias de contenção do encarceramento em massa, o presente trabalho... more
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      Criminal PolicyEconomia PolíticaLegislative ProcessProcesso Legislativo
Η πολυνομία αποτελεί ένα φαινόμενο που συνοδεύει την ελληνική πολιτειακή και πολιτική πραγματικότητα ήδη από τα πρώτα βήματα του ανεξάρτητου εθνικού βίου. Πρόκειται για ένα ζήτημα σύνθετο, με εξαιρετικό νομικό, πολιτικό και κοινωνικό... more
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      Constitutional LawLegislative PoliticsLegislative DraftingLegislative Process
W artykule przedstawiono analizę przepisów Regulaminu Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej dotyczących funkcjonowania podkomisji na tle praktyki parlamentarnej siedmiu kadencji Sejmu (1991-2015). Sklasyfikowano podkomisje pod względem tematyki... more
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      ParliamentLegislative ProcessSejmproces ustawodawczy
This paper investigates the potential scope and significance of borrowing, especially technocratic borrowing, in the US legislative process. To do so, it first steps back to examine the political and institutional context in which this... more
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      Comparative LawComparative Constitutional LawAmerican Constitutional LawLegislative Process
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryDecision MakingEarly Modern History
This article discusses the Brazilian political reform process based on a case -study of the bill n. 1.210/2007 in the Chamber of Deputies. Through process tracing, the author examines the legislative procedures that lead to political... more
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      Qualitative Research MethodsProcess TracingLegislative ProcessPOLITICAL REFORMS
From the point of view of the participating or monitoring bodies, the legislative process may be found as unclear and unsatisfying in terms of citizens’ access. The state authorities should be interested in engaging the society in it more... more
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      Legislative ProcessLaw-MakingSocial ConsultationPublic Hearing
Discussion of liberal reforms has dominated research of Jordanian politics over the last three decades. While studies of electoral politics confirm that the ruling authoritarian regime managed to manipulate reforms to maintain the... more
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      Elites (Political Science)JordanNeoliberal reformsLegislative Process
Download abstract in French.

Numéro de CinémAction dirigé par Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris, éditions Charles Corlet.
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      Legislative PoliticsCinemaCinemaCinema
One of the main challenges facing the current Egyptian government is the challenge of the status of Islam in the structure of its constitutional law. The second principle of the last Egyptian constitution (approved in 2014) states the... more
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      al-AzharLegislative Process
Elinizdeki rapor, Türkiye’de anayasa hazırlık sürecine tüm tarafların katılımının kilit olduğu ve her çocuğun “hak sahibi bir birey” olarak bu sürecin temel parçası olduğu bilinciyle oluşturulmuştur. Yeni Anayasa hazırlıkları, bir arada... more
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      ParticipationChildren's RightsChildren's ParticipationAdvocacy