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Last year, at this conference, I discussed how distinctions between nature and culture, and humans and animals, can arise from the technical processes of food production (see "Food as an object of cultural technical study "). Drawing on... more
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      Future StudiesAnthropologyMedia StudiesCyborg Theory
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusicologyTechnology
Le développement dans l’art contemporain de pratiques artistiques qui se situent à la croisée de plusieurs médiums (intermedia, mixed media, multimedia) ou qui ont recours aux « nouveaux médias », tout comme dans le domaine du... more
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesArt TheoryFilm Studies
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Review of T'ai Smith's Bauhaus Weaving Theory in The Journal of Modern Craft.
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
Since at least the early 1990s with the publication of groundbreaking works such as Manovich's The Language of New Media, the rise of digital and online media into every facet of our lives has been conceptualized through distinctions... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia ArchaeologyDigital Media
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsSubjectivitiesMartin Heidegger
Neste artigo será analisada a virada epistemológica proposta por Martín-Barbero ao deslocar sua atenção das mediações culturais da comunicação para as mediações comunicativas da cultura. O foco principal da análise estará concentrado na... more
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      Communication TheoryMedia TheorySociology of Communication
Este ensayo presenta una discusión y análisis sobre el caso Cybersyn, desde una perspectiva de arqueología de medios, poniendo particular atención en los desarrollos teóricos y metodológicos planteados por los académicos Friedrich Kittler... more
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      Media StudiesMedia ArchaeologyHistory of TechnologyMedia Theory
William Faulkner in the Media Ecology explores the Nobel Prize–winning author immersed in the new media of his time. Intersecting with twentieth-century technology such as photography, film, and sound recording, these twelve essays... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryFilm StudiesFilm Theory
While “media geography” has coalesced in recent years as an identifiable subdiscipline of human geography, media geography did not emerge from a linear history, nor does it have a clearly defined or singular focus. Compiling this edition,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGeographyHuman Geography
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyAestheticsVisual Studies
Kniha Jazyk nových médií vyšla poprvé v době, kdy internet ještě neovládaly obří korporace a mnozí v technologiích spojených s novými médii viděli příslib optimistické budoucnosti. Dnes už práce Lva Manoviche působí spíše jako historický... more
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      Video GamesMedia TheoryNew Media Archeology
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      Cultural StudiesMusic and MediaMedia TheoryMediology
Perception et média, cinéma et théorie, sémiotique et poétiques... Le point, à partir de M. Chion.
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesPerceptionMedia Studies
This paper will be a revitalisation of Bataille's theories of community by looking at the spaces of communion that digital telecommunication have opened up. Thinking through Deleuze and Guattari's work on the "virtual," the paper will... more
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      Media StudiesDigital HumanitiesSocial NetworksSocial Networking
Short sketch of certain features that connect different audiovisual media, and that are the starting point of their differentiation.
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      Film TheoryMedia Theory
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      Social TheoryMedia StudiesMedia TheoryVisibility
Ez a tanulmány Takács Péter tiszteletére íródott, és egy olyan államelméleti megközelítést mutat be, amely párhuzamosan Takács Péter törekvéseivel: nem kapcsolódik közvetlenül a joggyakorlatok dogmatikai vitáihoz, annál általánosabb... more
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      Constitutional LawCritical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryState Theory
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      CyberneticsMedia TheoryVilem FlusserPaul Virilio
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      HistoryNeuroscienceMedia SociologyPsychology
There is a growing interest in Virtual Reality (VR) in philosophical and cognitivist research. In this paper, I want to frame the discussion within 4E cognition, post-phenomenology, and mediology. The aim is to show how the effectiveness... more
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      Embodied CognitionMedia TheoryEnactivismVirtual Reality
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      Michel FoucaultMedia Theory
The text presents digital games (including serious games) as medium of communication, considered as subjects in the discipline of media science. Under certain conditions, games are suitable for the effective transfer of theoretical and... more
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      Media StudiesSerious GamesVideo Games and LearningVideo Games
Currently, at the edge of the new digital frontier, automation and smart algorithms are gaining immense social attention, enticing, as mechanization and machines in the previous centuries, as much wonder as awe. Countless magazine... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Humanities
The research in question has documentary-bibliographical and descriptive content, since it is proposed to lift concepts, ideas and values related to the frequent use of the field of narrative, considering its notional complexity, its... more
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      Science EducationDigital MediaNarratologyScience Fiction
Qu'est-ce que le « spectaculaire » ? Comment l'étudier ? Et l'étude des images doit-elle adopter des précautions particulières face au « spectaculaire » ? Que veut dire au juste, finalement, qu'une image est « spectaculaire » ?
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      SemioticsSociologyCommunicationVisual Studies
Roberto Simanowski weiß zwar, dass die „Wende von Interpretation und Konzeption zu Zählen und Zeigen“ vollzogen ist. In Abfall beschreibt er dennoch Mittel und Wege, vor der „ernstzunehmende[n] Siegermeldung“ nicht die weiße Fahne zu... more
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      Information TechnologySocial NetworksDigital MediaCultural Theory
Booklet from Collective Contract exhibition (The FRAG Collective 25 February -26 March 2022, POP-UP Gallery, the Academy of Arts in Prague) connecting some of the key problems of WORK / ENTERTAINMENT / REST today. text by Václav Janoščík... more
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      Critical TheoryLabor EconomicsArt TheoryContemporary Art
Marcus S. Kleiner, Marcus Stiglegger (2015), »Vom organlosen Körper zum Cinematic Body und zurück – Über Deleuze und die Körpertheorie des Films in Gaspar Noés Enter The Void«, in: Olaf Sanders, Rainer Winter (Hrsg.), Bewegungsbilder nach... more
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      PhilosophyVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
This article focuses on the changing nature of media studies in Russia. The author explores the ‘ferment in the field’ concept, introduced in the communication research in the early 1980s and developed further in 1990s, 2000s and nowadays... more
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      Media TheoryRussiaMedia theory and Research
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      EducationMass CommunicationMedia TheoryLinguistics
В статье на примере неиммерсивных игр (тамагочи, дигимонов, Pokémon Go, первазивных игр) рассматривается предложенное Й. Хейзингой понятие магического круга, то есть границы между игрой и не-игрой. Неиммерсивные медиа рассчитаны на особый... more
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      Game studiesNew MediaDigital CulturePervasive Gaming
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      Contemporary ArtMedia TheoryLinguistic TheoryConceptual Art
La conférence vise à illustrer une des notions fondamentales de l’esthétique contemporaine : la « réflexivité ». Il s’agit du fait qu’une œuvre ou une expérience artistique parle, entre autres, d’elle-même ; que l’art est, surtout, un... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationVisual StudiesArt History
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      Media StudiesJournalismMedia ArtsMedia Art
En la medida en que la «aldea global» continúe organizándose de acuerdo a los principios de eficiencia y practicalidad dictados por la mano invisible del mercado, el cambio hacia lo virtual será progresivo y cada vez más presente en el... more
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      Internet StudiesCritical Theory of TechnologyMedia TheoryOnline Education
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      Media StudiesTextilesMedia TheoryErich Auerbach
The female voice in cinema has been discussed throughout film sound theory as persistently de-acousmatised, denied the power of narrative creation and relegated to onscreen, visual space. This paper will contrast this visual containment... more
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      PhilosophyMedia StudiesFeminist TheorySound studies
This chapter explores the past, assesses the present and delineates the future of a media practice approach to citizen media. The first section provides an extensive overview of the different currents in research on media practices,... more
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      Social MovementsPractice theoryMedia ActivismMedia Theory
Práca pojednáva o fenoméne technického obrazu a jeho vzťahu k umeleckej grafike v stredoeurópskom priestore. Skúma fenomény súvisiace s novými formami grafiky, prípadne s modifikáciou tradičných grafických techník v... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtPhotography TheoryMedia Theory
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesModern LanguagesHistory Of Computing
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesInternational CommunicationGlobalization
La valenza atmosferica che contrassegna la nozione di medialità invita a ripensare la dimensione partecipativa della produzione artistica e, in particolare, di quella più direttamente orientata alla costituzione di ambienti che rendono... more
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      Visual StudiesContemporary ArtMedia TheoryVisual Arts
Analysis of the concept of medium; different types of media; importance and nonimportance of technology.
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      Film TheoryMedia Theory
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia TheoryFilm and Media Studies
This is a review published in the journal New Media & Society of Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Updating to remain the same: Habitual new media. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2016; Xiv + 246 pp.; ISBN: 9780262034494, $32.00 (hbk)
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      Media StudiesNew MediaInternet StudiesMedia Theory
The contributors to Assembly Codes examine how media and logistics set the conditions for the circulation of information and culture. They document how logistics—the techniques of organizing and coordinating the movement of materials,... more
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      Labor EconomicsPolitical EconomyCommunicationMedia Studies