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Estudi i edició de la traducció arabollatina feta per Arnau de Vilanova del "Llibre dels medicaments simples" d'Abu-s-Salt de Dénia, que visqué a la Península Ibèrica i al Nord d’Àfrica entre els segles XI i XII. El volum inclou un estudi... more
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)TranslationsMedieval MedicineArnau de Vilanova
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance literatureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Ludovico Ariosto
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      Dante StudiesItalian philologyDante AlighieriMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
The paper briefly presents a project which aims to edit the as yet unpublished collection of about two hundred Waldensian vernacular sermons.
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      Romance philologyPreachingMedieval Occitan LiteratureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)VolgarizzamentiLucanus
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)VolgarizzamentiStoria Della Lingua ItalianaSallustius De Coniuratione Catilinae
En el presente artículo pretendemos observar, principalmente, la translatio del poema épico "Africa" de Petrarca a la obra de Antoni Canals, "Scipió e Anibal", en-marcado dentro de la prosa catalana de finales del XIV-principios del XV,... more
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      Latin LiteratureTranslation StudiesMedieval Catalan LiteraturePetrarch
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      Dante StudiesItalian philologyDanteDante Alighieri
Anyanyelvűség a középkori liturgiában: A Halotti beszéd és Könyörgés műfaji kérdéseihez. In: Horváth, Balázs; Bartók, Zsófia Ágnes (szerk.) Írások a Pray-kódexről. Budapest: Argumentum Kiadó, ELTE BTK Vallástudományi Központ,... more
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Medieval Liturgy
Individuata nel corso degli spogli miranti alla catalogazione delle Bibbie in italiano (XIII-XV sec.), la traduzione in lingua di sì della Lectura super Apocalipsim di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi che qui si presenta costituisce l’unica... more
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      Italian StudiesSpiritual FranciscansMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Italian Philology, Medieval Literature, Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
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      Medieval StudiesRomance philologyMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
In this first volume of critical essays ever devoted to Jean Renart's work, contributors draw on political and social history, women's studies, translation theory, musicology, and literary theory to illuminate Jean's remarkable... more
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      Sexuality and chivalry/courtly loveEmbroidered TextilesMedieval MusicMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
En este trabajo se examinan varios pasajes de las estorias alfonsíes (General estoria y Estoria de España) que son traducción de los mismos textos latinos para comprobar qué cambios sufren los textos en el proceso de traducción y en el de... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoriographyLucanHeroides
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Medieval Chronicles
This essay sprang out of a simple question: what evidence was there for medieval European women’s engagement as readers with the increasing abundance of medical literature in the High and later Middle Ages? I was working in the mid and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the Book
Il volgarizzamento edito in questo volume è il più antico testo italiano dedicato alla vita leggendaria di Alessandro Magno, una traduzione verbatim della recensione J3 della Historia de Preliis, realizzata in Toscana, probabilmente da un... more
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      Romance philologyByzantine IconographyMiniature BooksAlexander the Great
J. C. Buckler, Tackley's Inn and Three Mediaeval Houses in Oxford, J. Munby, published in Oxoniensia Vol. XLIII (1978), 123. The demolition in 1872-3 of Nos. 108-12 High Street, Oxford revealed several important medieval features which... more
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      AntiquarianismMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Bono GiamboniVolgarizzamentiVegetius
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      PlutarchItalian philologyMedieval Crown of AragonMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
Chinese traditional wedding is a marriage ceremony established with a pre-arrangement between families involving a ritual procession. In this respect, this study deals with the semiotics translation of Chinese traditional wedding signs in... more
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      Translation StudiesIndonesian LanguageChinese StudiesTranslation and Ideology
In these essays Peter Dronke looks at some of the relations between sacred and profane ideas and images, and Christian and pagan motifs, particularly in the early Middle Ages. The first two parts of the book dwell on aspects of (in the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
NOTE: For the *Trotula* tradition in Middle English, please refer to my later survey: Monica H. Green, “A Handlist of the Latin and Vernacular Manuscripts of the So-Called Trotula Texts. Part II: The Vernacular Texts and Latin... more
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      AndrologyHistory of MedicineChaucerMiddle English
Vernacular architecture is a building style that is designed dependant on local needs, availability of construction materials and reflecting on the local traditions. At any rate initially, vernacular architecture didn't consist of... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Rural Studiovernacular architecture of 21st century
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      Historical LinguisticsRomance philologyMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Volgarizzamenti
The so-called "miracle of the black leg", in which Saints Cosmas and Damian miraculously perform the first leg transplant, was made famous by Jacobus de Voragine's "Legenda aurea" and has been a source of inspiration for artists and... more
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      Comparative LiteratureHagiographyMedieval French LiteratureMedieval Studies
A cura di Lino Leonardi e Speranza Cerullo. L. Leonardi, Volgarizzare ovvero tradurre nel Medioevo italiano. Introduzione al convegno. Documento di presentazione al convegno - C. Delcorno, Domenico Cavalca traduttore di testi religiosi.... more
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      PhilologyLatin LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
“From ‘Diseases of Women’ to ‘Secrets of Women’: The Transformation of Gynecological Literature in the Later Middle Ages,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 30 (2000), 5-39 – Abstract This study documents a subtle but highly... more
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryGender HistoryHistory of Medicine
This is the 2020 edition of my "cheat sheet" of info on Trota/the Trotula. Note that there is a more recent version, from 2023 ( 'Trotula' is a title, not a woman's name. The 'Trotula' is the title... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGender History
This list, published as an Appendix to my 2000 book, *Women's Healthcare in the Medieval West: Texts and Contexts*, provides a summary list of all texts on women's medicine that are known from medieval western Europe. All languages are... more
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      German LiteratureIrish LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of Medicine
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Volgarizzamenti
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      Hungarian LiteratureMedieval HungaryMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Nyelvészet
This article provides a preliminary textual and contextual study of the earliest Italian translation of Homer's Odyssey, produced by Girolamo Baccelli (c. 1514-c. 1580) and published in Florence by Bartolomeo Sermartelli in 1582. The... more
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      HomerRenaissance HumanismMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Odyssey
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This essay critiques the idea--common in feminist historiography--that throughout the Middle Ages "women's health was women's business." Using the evidence of women as medical practitioners (which is minimal) and that of texts on women's... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of Medicine
Scholarly work on all aspects of women, gender, and medicine has exploded in the past 30 years, largely due to the influences of women's and gender studies. Texts on women's medicine, in Latin as well as the medieval vernaculars, have... more
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      Medieval HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of MedicineMedieval Studies
The study aimed to correlate the reading comprehension and translation performance of English linguistic students, then inform some pedagogical implications for the teaching of reading comprehension in translation classes in order to... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation Studies
The essay includes a critical edition of the Bellum Alexandrinum and the Bellum Africum. Both were translated into the vernacular by Pier Candido Decembrio in 1438 as a part of the translation of the whole Corpus Caesarianum which Filippo... more
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      Renaissance HumanismMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Pier Candido DecembrioFilippo Maria Visconti
This research attempted to evaluate the quality of Persian translation of drug leaflets. The researchers randomly selected a set of 30 pharmaceutical leaflets collected between March-August, 2015. The leaflets were analyzed based on... more
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      English LiteratureTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsQuality Management
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      Arthurian StudiesMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)The Tristan legendMiddle Age Literature Tristan
The present paper studies diverse procedures related to Venuti " s strategies of domestication and foreignisation in Farsi dubbing and subtitling of the English movie, Warcraft directed by Duncan Jones. The procedures of both... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsFilm Studies
This is a "stub" for the 2019 edition of my "cheat sheet" of info on Trota/the Trotula. The most recent version posted is from 2023 ( See... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of Medicine
Introduzione, edizione critica e commento del volgarizzamento dell'Epistola V e dei due volgarizzamenti (A e B) dell'epistola VII di Dante.
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      Dante StudiesEpistolographyMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
Ces documents inédits-et semble-t-il uniques-intéressent à la fois l'étude du latin médiéval et celle des relations entre juifs et chrétiens, en Ashkénaz, au XIIIe siècle. Ils offrent plusieurs pages de latin translittéré tout en se... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyRare Books and Manuscripts
Il libro VI delle Metamorfosi si apre con un mito, quello di Aracne e Minerva, in cui centrale è l’ecfrasi delle tele composte dalle due sfidanti per mostrare la propria maestria nell’arte della tessitura. Il saggio si propone di... more
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      EkphrasisMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)VolgarizzamentiTorquato Tasso
Liturgical paradigms in the 17th century. Ioan Zoba from Vinţ and the evolution of Romanian liturgy [Reintregirea Publishing House, 2016] The main part of this work is dedicated to the archpriest Ioan Zoba from Vinţ (nearby Alba Iulia,... more
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      Liturgical StudiesHistory of the BookEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
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      Middle EnglishMysticismHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
This collection of thirteen essays addresses the intellectual, religious and literary culture of medieval Anatolia and the early Ottoman realm of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, focusing on texts written in Arabic, Persian and Old... more
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      Ottoman LiteratureOld Anatolian TurkishMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Islamic Manuscripts
THIS IS A BOOK PREVIEW. IT DOESN'T INCLUDE NOTES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND INDICES. The Slavic Letters of St. Jerome is the first book-length study of the medieval legend that Church Father and biblical translator St. Jerome was a Slav who... more
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      History of IdeasMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryCzech History
A Journal of Religious Art and Culture | Revue d'art et de culture religieuse
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      PhilologyIconographyArt HistoryTranslation Studies
"Quaeris quid agas, in quo te occupes? Modalität der Notwendigkeit in der «Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei» Wilhelms von St. Thierry in lateinischer und mittelhochdeutscher Fassung". Im Beitrag werden einige Ergebnisse einer text-... more
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      HistoriographyMedieval Latin LiteratureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Late Medieval Religion, Monasticism and Devotion