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This paper attempts to demarcate the class of Akan verb-noun compounds like bɔ́-àdéɛ́ [create-thing] 'creator', to discuss their properties and to present a Construction Morphology account of the properties. Working with the view that... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsAkanNominalizationCompounding
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyLanguages and LinguisticsSpanish
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      Language Variation and ChangeMorphology and SyntaxNominalizationNominalizations
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      Spanish LinguisticsLexical-Functional GrammarArgument StructureNominalization
This study is concerned with the properties, structural representation and derivational patterns of deverbal nouns (DNs) in Modern Hebrew. A recurring question arises in the context of such 'hybrid' formations: precisely how similar or... more
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageMorphosyntaxQuantitative Research
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsLinguistics
Ideology plays an important role in our life. Translation and language are always sites of ideological encounters. Translation is represented through a dominant ideology of any society. If translation theories and ideology put under... more
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      GenreIdeologyNominalizationlexical choices
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      Amazonian LanguagesSwitch-ReferenceNominalization
Die von Verben abgeleiteten Substantive realisieren vielfach ganz oder teilweise die Valenz des Basisverbs. Dabei können die deverbalen Aktanten (i) innerhalb desselben Wortes (Rektionskomposita), (ii) in der vom Deverbativum gegründeten... more
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      Text GrammarNominalization
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      PerceptionArgument StructureNominalization
This paper focuses on the innovative nature of Sakhalin Ainu with respectto nominalization. Based on a cross-dialectal comparison, I suggest that zero-nominalization [(NP…) V]NP reflects the oldest stage (I), while the strategy ofadding a... more
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      Japanese StudiesTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
This paper examines the life-cycle of versatile nominalizers in Chinese, with special attention to how they develop into attitudinal stance markers. Based on cross-dialectal and diachronic data, we first identify a wide range of extended... more
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      Chinese linguisticsLinguisticsNominalization
In Ainu language there is nominalizing suffix:-i/-hi and there is indefinite patient prefix: i-. It is possible to say that the prefix has meanings of " something " , somebody " and the suffix has meanings of " item " , " issue ". V and... more
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      MorphologyNominalizationAinu languageAinu language history
The Ainu (Southern Hokkaido) relative clause construction is built on the model of the nominal attributive construction, while the noun-complement construction is based on that of the nominal possessive construction in which the head is... more
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      Japanese StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSyntaxJapanese
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricSystemic Functional LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
Does anything like 'Standard Sino-Tibetan nominalization' exist in Hmong-Mien languages? It has been suggested that Iu Mien nyei and Xong nangd/naond may be examples. Here it is suggested that White Hmong and Green Mong li/le may be... more
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      RelativizationNominalizationPossessive constructionsTibeto-Burman languages
In my article, I analyze the syntactic behaviour of sentential arguments in Russian. Three types of sentential arguments: those with the infinitival form of the verb, with the marker čto and with the marker to, čto. The principal aim of... more
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In this thesis, I study the differences in form and interpretation presented by event-denoting nominalizations. Frequently, languages have more than one type of event nominalization, such as deverbal nouns derived by means of suffixes... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Morphology (Languages And Linguistics)Word formation
Drawing on overarching methodological frameworks of Hallidayan grammatical metaphor, Fairclough's perspective on critical discourse analysis and rhetoric, this study attempts to posit a novel, integrated and practical approach to... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricSystemic Functional LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
This thesis researches on aspect and tense in Rukai by focusing on their interpretation and interaction. The issues center on two component parts: the association between morphology and eventuality/situation type, and that between... more
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      Austronesian LanguagesFormosan languagesRukaiTense and Aspect Systems
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      Gender StudiesCritical Discourse StudiesLanguage and IdeologyCritical Discourse Analysis
This paper focuses on lexical nominalization, clausal nominalization and complementation, and relativization in Isbukun Bunun (Formosan, Austronesian). Based on fieldwork in Taoyuan, Kaohsiung in Taiwan, it shows the similarities and... more
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      Austronesian LanguagesBununAustronesian linguisticsRelativization
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      SemanticsSyntaxCorpus LinguisticsMorphology
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      PredicationAdjectivesNominalizationIntersective Reading
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsMorphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
PhD Thesis - in Portuguese. An onverview on the behavior of nominalizations in Brazilian Portuguese and a deep discussion considering three different lexical frameworks: Grimshaw (1990), Pustejovsky(1995) and Bassac, Mery & Retoré (2007).
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      Lexical SemanticsArgument StructureLexical Semantics, Interface Syntax and Lexical Semantics, Brazilian Portuguese DescriptionBrazilian Portuguese

in N. Podzemskaia (éd.), LIGEIA, numéro spécial Abstraction dans les arts : concept à définir, 2009, pp. 242-249
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      AbstractionNominalizationAbstract Nouns
What are linguistic features, and how do they manifest themselves in natural languages? The Georgian language provides a particularly acute set of challenges to linguists in the way it questions received assumptions about grammatical... more
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      Georgian LanguageMorphosyntaxDistributed MorphologyAspect
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      Japanese Language And CultureRelative ClausesNominalizationPossessive constructions
過而不改、是謂過矣 (孔子) This paper discusses foundational issues in nominalization, focusing on empirical , conceptual, and theoretical problems that have plagued the field for years. Current definitions of nominalization are based on narrow... more
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      Semantics/Pragmatics interfaceLanguage TypologyMorphology and SyntaxNominalization
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      AbstractionNominalizationNominalisationsAbstraction (Linguistics)
This paper focusses on the concept of ‘grammatical metaphor’ as it has been introduced in the framework of systemic functional linguistics. It first explains ‘metaphor’ in general, as it is traditionally known, and renames this, following... more
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      SemanticsSystemic Functional LinguisticsMetaphorFigurative language
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      Historical LinguisticsLanguage TypologyParticiplesNominalization
This paper investigates the usage of the Japanese sentence-final construction no(da) in 27 postings collected from online question-and-answer forums. This linguistic feature appears frequently in both spoken and written Japanese... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureModalityLinguisticsNominalization
Mémoire de Master 2  (2016)
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The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the main sources of antipassives based on a 120-language sample. The sample includes the 48 languages with an antipassive in the WALS (Polinsky 2013) + 72 further languages in which an... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationLinguistic Typology
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      Historical LinguisticsAustronesian LanguagesFormosan languagesLinguistic Typology
Almost every linguist working on the grammar of the language has noted that Akan has an interesting way in which nouns are formed from many different structures – lexical and non-lexical. What has not been done, however, is a deliberate... more
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      NominalizationCompoundingDeverbal NounsAkan Languages and Linguistics
Bu çalışmanın konusu, bugünkü Tataristan coğrafyasında başta edebiyat olmak üzere, basın (gazete, dergi vs.), yayın (Tv ve Radyo yayınlarında) ve eğitim (ilk ve orta öğretimde zorunlu) alanlarında kullanılmakta olan "yazı dili"... more
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The paper characterizes the PP–nominal (prepositional phrase + nominalization) pattern in Biblical Hebrew and Rabbinic Hebrew (e.g., עלינו לעשות ‘it is our duty to do’) and discusses its relation to the so-called evaluative or חג״ם... more
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      SyntaxBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)PrepositionsNominalization
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxConditionalsSino-Tibetan Linguistics
Nominalisierung in der türkischen Sprache - In der Fortsetzung des Artikels über die Nominalisierung im Türkischen ist die Rede von den Verbalnomina, sowie von deren Bedeutungen und Funktionen in der Struktur des Matrixsatzses. Der Autor... more
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      SyntaxTurkish LanguageTURKISHSentence Structure
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsTibetan StudiesCognitive LinguisticsGrammaticalization
These volumes of the Syntax of Dutch discuss the internal make-up and distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article,... more
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      SyntaxPronounsArgument StructureArticles
RÉSUMÉ.-Le problème de l'ethnocentrisme en linguistique est toujours à l'ordre du jour, et théories et descriptions sont encore trop souvent sous la dépendance de la structure des langues à partir desquelles grammaire et linguistique se... more
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      TypologyEnglish languageFrench languageTurkish Language
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      Eugenio MontaleMúsicaNominalizationIrma Brandeis
Matisoff (2003) reconstructs an “adjectival prefix” *gV-, based on work by Wolfenden (1929). As a result of surveying grammatical descriptions of more than 90 Tibeto-Burman languages, the present study provides evidence to reconstruct... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsNominalization