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The De resurrectione of Methodius of Olympus offers a refutation of the arguments, put forward by the opponents of the doctrine of the carnal resurrection of man, in particular, by Origen. This thesis offers a new critical edition of the... more
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      PatristicsOld Church SlavonicSyriac StudiesTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonic
The De resurrectione of Methodius of Olympus offers a refutation of the arguments, put forward by the opponents of the doctrine of the carnal resurrection of man, in particular, by Origen. This thesis offers a new critical edition of the... more
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      PatristicsOld Church SlavonicSyriac StudiesTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonic
The De resurrectione of Methodius of Olympus offers a refutation of the arguments, put forward by the opponents of the doctrine of the carnal resurrection of man, in particular, by Origen. This thesis offers a new critical edition of the... more
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      PatristicsOld Church SlavonicSyriac StudiesTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonic
In this paper, the author analyses three dialogues of a writer of the late third and early fourth centuries, Methodius of Olympus : On Free Will, On Resurrection and The Symposium. The first part of the article focuses on the question of... more
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      TheologyPatristicsGreek PatristicsMethodius of Olympus
Die zehnte Patristische Tagung fand nach 20 Jahren wieder in Wien statt, wo diese Tagungen 2001 begonnen hatten. Das Thema „Erbsünde?“ wurde von Referenten aus 17 europäischen Ländern bei griechischen, lateinischen und syrischen Autoren... more
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      TheologyPatristicsGreek PatristicsLatin Patristics
Greek New Testament manuscripts frequently format the genealogy of Jesus in Luke in multiple columns. This format has led copyists to introduce errors in the sequence of names by reading the text in the wrong direction. This article... more
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      New Testament Textual CriticismGospel of LukeCatenaeGenealogy of Jesus
Are pastors excluded from managing Church resources to focus on spiritual matters only?
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      Church AdministrationBaptistsPastoral Ministry
Данная статья поднимает проблему подлинности шестой проповеди гомилетического корпуса свт. Прокла Константинопольского, традиционное название которой «Похвала Божией Матери». В связи с тем, что предшествующие исследователи при озвучивании... more
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      PatristicsAuthorship AttributionMariologyHomiletics
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While we can’t be dogmatic in this case, I think we should consider the possibility the repentant thief could have been an already eternally saved man. Here could be an example of an individual who trusted God to forgive his sins and save... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentBiblical TheologyFaith
Le manuscrit Mossoul Scher 92 a attiré à plusieurs reprises l’attention des chercheurs travail-lant sur les manuscrits syriaques. La brève description donnée par Scher est énigmatique et permet seulement d’identifier le manuscrit comme... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismManuscript StudiesSyriac Studies
Recent research has repeatedly found that rabbinic and patristic traditions of interpretation have at some points come surprisingly close to each other: the question arises as to whether we can speak of this kind of (exegetical)... more
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      Rabbinic LiteratureBiblical InterpretationBiblical ExegesisHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      TheologyJewish ThoughtKabbalahJewish Theology
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      Classical philologyOrigenHistory of philologyOrigen of Alexandria
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      TheologyTeologiaCatholic ChurchHistory of the Papacy
Asediul Medinei - o rezistență care a durat și după înfrângerea Imperiului Otoman (1916-1919)
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      Arabian PeninsulaImperiul OtomanPrimul Război Mondial
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    • Mathematics
Although Origen and his Hexapla are well known among biblical scholars, questions about his philology, particularly textual criticism, persist. The Hexapla contained very important texts and translations of the Hebrew Scriptures, but... more
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      PatristicsSeptuagintAncient HebrewOrigen
Estudio sobre la significación hagiográfica e iconográfica de la hispano-lusa Beatriz de Silva (ca. 1426-agosto 1491) así como de la italiana Osanna Andreasi (1449-1505), dos casos muy representativos de toda una generación de mujeres... more
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Italian review of an important book on Power & Truth (Faithe % Politics) by one of the most important English Biblical Theologian.
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismPolitical Science
in: Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques 69, No. 2, 2023, p. 406
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      PatristicsEarly ChurchEarly ChristianityBaptism
in: Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques 69, No. 2, 2023, p. 413
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      TheologyPatristicsEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
in: Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques 69, No. 2, 2023, 422-423
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      PatristicsEarly ChurchEschatology and ApocalypticismTertullian
in: Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques 69, No. 2, 2023, p. 427-428
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      TheologyPatristicsEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
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      ReligionGreek LiteratureArmenian StudiesAsceticism
Аннотация. Введение. Христианство, развивавшееся в особых исторических условиях на территории византийской Газы, постепенно сформировало в регионе уникальную школу духовного наставничества, связанную с именами выдающихся подвижников.... more
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      AsceticismByzantine monasticismPalestine GazaChristian Anthropology
Десятый том серии «Полное собрание творений святых отцов Церкви и церковных писателей в русском переводе» посвящен богословскому и полемическому наследию свт. Афанасия Великого, архиепископа Александрийского (297-373). Он содержит... more
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Tolkien’s mystical aesthetics and patristic theology. The study aims to reveal the impact of the patristic tradition on Tolkien’s views about the acceptability of myth and myth-making within Christianity. In the Antiquity and the Middle... more
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      PatristicsJ. R. R. TolkienIconoclastic Controversy and Iconophilia
Badanie poezji antycznej różni się od badania innych źródeł narracyjnych z tego okresu. Wynika to z takich przyczyn, jak trudność rozróżnienia zdania autora od zdania wykreowanej przez niego persony czy z niepewności związanej z... more
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      Roman EgyptEarly Roman EmpireLiteratura RomanaDecimus Iunius Iuvenalis
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      HistoryPatristicsHistory of ChristianityMedieval Church History
Bucură-te, Sfinte cuvioase părinte Sisoe, slava și lauda monahilor!
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      ReligionChristian Spirituality
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Contraries are things that appear to be in direct opposition to one another; the Yin-yang and Hegelian models are distinct approaches to examining this relationship, with the former positing that everything in existence inherently... more
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      ReligionChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
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      ChristianityPatristicsSpiritualityEarly Christianity
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      Medieval MonasticismCartusian studiesWilliam of Saint-Thierry
This study examines the spiritual dimension of salt by exploring the religious symbolism attributed to salt in the Old Testament and patristic writings. We will deepen the biblical episode of the transformation of Lot's wife into a pillar... more
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      PatristicsBiblical StudiesOld TestamentSymbolism
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryMedieval LiteraturePatristics
Un ensayo sobre los principios y fundamentos matemáticos que Dios estableció para la creación del Universo, de la especialización en la Tierra y de los Seres Humanos
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La historia que Agustín de Hipona nos cuenta de sí mismo en sus Confesiones nos confronta con la esencial ambivalencia del lenguaje y la textualidad. Por un lado, los textos son ocasión para que los hombres se pierdan en cuestiones vanas... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyHermeneuticsAugustine of Hippo
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Рад настоји да утврди темеље за потоњу духовноповесну и филолошку анализу јенског романтизма као једне од средишњих појава у историји европске културе. Есеј се превасходно усредсређује на сарадњу Шлајермахера, Новалиса и Фридриха Шлегела... more
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      NovalisGerman romanticism and idealismFriedrich SchleiermacherJena Romanticism
TIGINT 2024 2 Pietro ΠΕΤΡΟΥ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ 2ª Lettera di Pietro a tutti i Cristiani TIGINT Traduzione Interlineare Greco Italiano del Nuovo Testamento nuovo, testamento, bibbia, interlineare, italiano, greco, traduzione,... more
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      New TestamentBible TranslationNew testament exegesisBiblia
Centar za empirijska istraživanja religije (CEIR, Novi Sad) u saradnji sa brojnim obrazovnim ustanovama i organizacijama, tradicionalno, od 2000. godine, organizuje godišnje i od nacionalnog značaja naučne konferencije. Ovogodišnja, 23.... more
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      ReligionTheologySociology and Anthropology of ReligionReligion and psychology
In recent years, the debate on the role and methodologies of the digital humanities has seen considerable development, including in the specific-but disciplinarily vast-domain of Religious Studies. Even if it is a recent debate, its... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMedieval History
This chapter examines monastic writings of the fourth- and fifth-century, produced in and about the ascetic milieus of Egypt’s deserts. The topic I focus on is the significance of ageing in that literature. First, I discuss the perception... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismSpiritualityChristian Spirituality
The field of faith and science—also known as science and religion or theology and science—has developed significantly in the last seventy years, dismantling the “conflict” narrative. It did so, however, within the confines of an academic... more
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      PatristicsScience and ReligionTheology and ScienceNeopatristic Synthesis
Clement Alexandrinul și-a adus o foarte importantă contribuție la articularea tradiției ascetice și mistice a Bisericii. Lui i se datorează, în mare măsură, transmiterea mai vechilor tradiții apocaliptice, atât prin așsternerea în scris a... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismChristian MysticismJewish Mysticism
Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. Grec 450 Grec 450 ATHENAGORAS Atheniensis. Auteur du texte. Grec 450. 1363. Embora seja o mais antigo, Codex Parisinus graecus 450 não é o único... more
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      Historical TheologyEarly ChristianityChristian ApologeticsPatristic Exegesis
Robert Crouse is a noted Patristic and Medieval scholar, and a teacher and priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. Through his committment to the texts of our spiritual and intellectual tradition, Father Crouse has instilled a deep love... more
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      Medieval HistoryPatristicsAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Anglican Theology