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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureTranslation StudiesRomanticism
Persian poets since Rūdakī have drawn on the letter symbolism of the Perso-Arabic alphabet. Visually, its characters have attracted poets who find the likeness of the beloved in their shapes. Spiritually, it enjoys a special status as the... more
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      Persian LiteraturePoetryLiterary SymbolismSufism
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      Persian LiteratureWomen WritersWomen's Writing (Literature)Iranian Literature
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      Persian LiteratureFeminismFeminist Research Methods
In Francesca Orsini and Katherine Butler Schofield, eds. Tellings and Texts: Music, Literature, and Performance in North India (Open Book, 2015
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      Persian LiteratureEthnomusicologySanskrit language and literatureMughal History
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesTranslation StudiesPersian Literature
Examines the literary topos of dawn, the "Alba," in Persian poetry in comparative perspective, first considering the Alba poem in medieval Provencal lyric in southern France and northern Italy, establishing how the theme of the parting of... more
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      SemioticsPersian LiteratureArabic PoetryCultural Semiotics
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryIslamic Law
This dissertation examines the ways in which three female Iranian writers have inverted the patriarchal dynamic of Iranian society by asserting their radically feminine voices through literature. However, it will be revealed how each of... more
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      Persian LiteratureMarjane SatrapiAzar NafisiForugh Farrokhzad
This essay examines the role and meaning of Shaykh Mushrif al-Dīn “Saʻdī” Shīrāzī’s Gulistān in late Mughal India. As the prose primer for a Persian education, the Gulistān encompassed the double meaning of adab, as exemplar both... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
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      World LiteraturesPersian Literature
Title in Italian: "La letteratura tagica fra riforme e rivoluzioni (1870-1954). Con uno studio preliminare delle Ëddoštho [Memorie] di Sadriddin Ajnī e appendici bibliografiche" The thesis focuses on the period of reforms and... more
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      Persian LiteratureMiddle East StudiesTajikIranian Studies
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      Persian LiteratureTajikIranian StudiesCentral Asian Studies
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      Russian StudiesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesCentral Asian Studies
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesTajikistan
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      Greek LiteraturePersian LiteratureArmenian StudiesGreek Language
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      Persian LiteratureShahnama of Firdosi
Water stands as one of the most symbolically significant images in most of the world’s religious communities. Yet Islam’s intellectual, contemplative, and popular traditions accord distinctive and variegated meaning to this image,... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureWaterQur'anic Studies
The Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Bonn is advertising two Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant Positions which are attached to the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Islamic Studies (Prof. Dr. Judith Pfeiffer).... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPersian LiteratureMiddle East StudiesHistory of Science
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureHistory of ReligionReligious Studies
جامع‌الحکایات اثر نصرالله بن شهرالله ترمذی از جمله نفایس نسخه‌های خطی منحصربه‌فرد کتابخانۀ مجلس شورای اسلامی است که با گزینش و تصحیح علیرضا ذکاوتی قراگزلو منتشر شده است
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      Persian LiteratureLiteraturePoetryPersian Language
متن کامل در آدرس زیر قابل دانلود است """"""On Not Translating Hafiz Dick Davis, Ohio State University Tr. Behnam Mizababazadeh & Mostafa Hosseini In this paper Dick Davis tries to... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePersian LiteratureMysticismJohn Milton
Cartas Persas aos Trópicos. Envio abaixo link para download e consulta gratuita do meu livro Cartas Persas aos Trópicos, sobre Renascimento do Oriente Médio no qual exponho minha troca de correspondência por dois anos entre 2003 e 2005... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePersian LiteratureLiteraturePopular Culture
شان موسوم به چلیپای شکسته و گردونۀ مهر، از نقشمایه های اصیل و دیرینۀ هنر ایران است. این نشان را ازآن رو گردونۀ مهر می نامند که به آیین مهرپرستی تعلّق دارد و در متون مقدّس نیز مهر سوار بر گردونه ای وصف شده است. صلیب یا چلیپای شکسته با... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian CulturePre-Islamic Iran
Persian translation of SHANKARA ACHARYA'S NIRVAN SHATAKAM, translated by Chandragupta Bhartiya

निर्वाण-षट्कम् - फ़ारसी अनुवाद - चन्द्रगुप्तभारतीयः
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      Persian LiteratureSanskrit language and literature
Faryamanesh, Masoud, 2019, "Bilawhar wa Buyūḏasf", Perso-Indica. An Analytical Survey of Persian Works on Indian Learned Traditions, F. Speziale - C. W. Ernst, eds. available at
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      Persian LiteratureIndian studies
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      Islamic LawPersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureTheology
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      Persian LiteratureShahnameh
Videoconferenza disponibile su YouTube al link allegato. Si propone un itinerario tra le sete ispirate alla vita romanzata del re persiano Bahràm V (421-439 d.C.). Grazie a questi preziosi manufatti, l'eco di un racconto orientale si è... more
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      Persian LiteratureSilk Road StudiesCarolingian StudiesMedieval Art
Forty years of publishing activities with the publication of about 1,000 books. In this book, the introduction of all books with the alphabetic list of products, thematic list, books published in Arabic, and the history of MZI = مجمع... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabicCataloguingPersian Language
Persian title of the article: جُستاری در بررسی بازتاب و اثرگذاری داستانهای رستم پهلوان در آثار هنری عصر قاجار(مطالعه موردی: کاشی کاری های سلطنتی و نقاشی های حسین قوللر آغاسی) که در هشتمین همایش ملی متن پژوهی ادبی ارائه گشته است.... more
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      Persian LiteratureQajar PeriodPersian CultureQajar Art
A close reading of Amir Khusrau's Persian-language Alexander Romance titled "Aina-ye Eskandari", in the footsteps of A.M. Piemontese and M. Casari. Focus on Alexander's representation as a scientist-king in Khusrau's narration of the... more
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      Persian LiteratureLiteratureIslamic StudiesAlexander the Great
Colonialism is one of the phenomena that have had a harsh impact on the east. Due to the cruel treatment of the colonized by the colonizers, many classes of the people within the oppressed nations have risen against the oppressors. Among... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureEnglish
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      Persian LiteraturePoststructuralismEco-criticism
Braucht das kollektive Gedächtnis die Literatur? Welche Rolle spielt sie für das Erinnern? Und welche Vorteile gegenüber anderen Medien bieten fiktionale Texte für die Erinnerungskultur? Literatur kann das Vergessen überwinden,... more
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      Persian LiteratureMemory StudiesSecond World WarPolish Literature
An essay about the classic Persian novel 'Savushun' and its relevance in terms of contemporary Iranian politics.
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      Persian LiteratureLiteraturePolitical ScienceIranian Studies
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryPersian LiteratureMiddle East Studies
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)
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      Persian LiteratureBook HistoryIslam in ChinaIslamic Studies
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageIranian History
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      Persian LiteratureTheologyIranian StudiesInterviewing
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    • Persian Literature
چاپ‌شده در «گزارش میراث» پاییز و زمستان ۹۵ - منتشرشده در تابستان ۹۶
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      Persian LiteratureMiddle East StudiesIranian StudiesManuscript Studies
Translations of two poems by Persian modernist poet Bijan Elahi (1945-2010)
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesPersian LiteratureMiddle East Studies
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      ReligionComparative LiteraturePersian LiteratureIslamic Contemporary Studies
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesIranian HistoryPersian Poetry
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LexicographyFahlaviyat
حرف اخیر 2 قصۀ مرد قوی هیکل و بچۀ مو درخشان یک افسانۀ 2300 ساله است که مربوط به یونان قدیم میشود. این قصه تقریبا از بین رفته بود و تنها چیزیکه بر جا مانده بود پنج قطعه ای از نو یسندگان قدیمی یونان بود. در باز یکجا کردن این قطعات باید... more
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      Persian Literatureادبیات