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This paper concerns the art and artistic legacy of Eghishe Tadevosian (1870-1936), the famous Armenian painter who was active in Russia, Armenia, Georgia.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusicMusic History
Kotlomanov A.O. Twilight Biennale: Russian art life as if it mattered. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2018, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 320–324. (In Russian) Котломанов А.О. Сумерки биеннале: российская художественная жизнь, как если бы она имела значение... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumContemporary ArtHistory of Museums
Издание посвящено творческой биографии академика архитектуры И.В. Жолтовского (1867-1959). Авторы предприняли попытку детализировать и верифицировать информацию о дореволюционном периоде биографии Жолтовского и его итальянской поездке... more
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      Russian & Soviet ArtRussian Art HistoryRussian ArchitectureRussian and Soviet art and culture
В.Э. Борисов-Мусатов – один из самых значительных мастеров русского символизма. Его поиски в области колорита, линий, построения пространства, техники увенчались многими находками неизвестных ранее приёмов изображения. Художнику удалось... more
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      Art TheoryPhotography19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art
The article investigates the process of birth and development of the scientific approach to restoration in Russia which starts in the Eighteenth century but assumes its modern form only in the Twentieth century. The selected topic is... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of conservation thought19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art History
Ознакомительная версия. Полная версия на сайте музея "Собрание" - Издание посвящено многолетнему партнерству двух ювелиров – Фёдора Лорие, вставшего во главе семейной фирмы, и самобытного... more
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      Art HistoryRussian HistoryHistory of CollectionsFaberge
This is the fourth volume in the ICOMOS series on the Thematic Studies on Rock Art. The three previous volumes have focused upon: Latin America and the Caribbean (2006); Rock Art of Sahara and North Africa (2007) and Rock Art in Central... more
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      Chinese StudiesRock Art (Archaeology)Korean StudiesJapanese History
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtRussian & Soviet Art19th- 20th- century Russian Art
This book brings together thirteen scholars to introduce the newest and most cutting-edge research in the field of Russian and East European art history. Reconsidering canonical figures, re-examining prevalent debates, and revisiting... more
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      Russian & Soviet ArtRussian avant-garde art19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art History
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchEmbroidered TextilesMedieval ArtChristian Iconography
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 1. Монументальная скульптура. Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 4. С. 55—65. Kotlomanov A.O.... more
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      Russian StudiesContemporary ArtPublic ArtPost-Soviet Regimes
The presented edition shows us a completely new era of collecting in Russia. If in 1991-2015 there was an accumulation of collections, when Russian collectors be-came buyers at Russian sales in 90% cases of the largest antique auctions in... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryHistory of SculptureSculpture
Развитие графики в XIX веке вплотную связано с развитием печатного дела, ведь она печаталась преимущественно в журналах («Нива», «Колокол», «Всемирная иллюстрация» и других). Культура Российской Империи второй половины XIX века совершила... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryIllustrationArt Criticism
Имя московского архитектора и инженера первой четверти ХХ века Никиты Герасимовича Лазарева нельзя назвать совершенно забытым, однако специальных работ о нём в литературе нет, а немногочисленные справочные статьи содержат неточности и... more
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      Russian Art HistoryRussian ArchitectureSocial History of Russian and Soviet Art
Котломанов А.О. Тимур Новиков и «нулевые». Петербургское современное искусство в поисках идентичности // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2012. Вып. 2. С. 173—183. Kotlomanov A.O. Timur Novikov and the Zero years.... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary ArtsRussian & Soviet Art19th- 20th- century Russian Art
"Московский журнал" №8, 2011 (248)
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      PortraitsPaintingRussian HistoryRussian Revolution
Anche in: Storia della civiltà europea. Vol. 16 - il Novecento. Arti visive, RCS Quotidiani - Special edition for Il Corriere della Sera, Milano 2008, ISBN: 9771828050157, pp. 42-47. Dal mondo antico allʼinizio del terzo millennio:... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtModern ArtHistory of Art
Although traditionally associated with the ascendance of National Romanticism, Slavic folklore, and the Neo-Russian style in painting, architecture, and the decorative arts, the Abramtsevo artistic circle was also privy to the inception... more
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      Orientalism in artRussian ArtRussian Art History19th-century Russian art
In connection with the controversy around the Tretyakov Gallery exhibition "NotForever. 1968—1985" it's analyzed the range of texts on the problems of the methodology of art history analysis. Among the issues raised in these publications... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Social History of ArtMethodology (Art History)Russian & Soviet Art
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryOld Rus'Russian Art
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesMusicMusic History
В контексте «освоения классики», объявленного в начале 1930-х гг. принципом социалистической архитектуры, наследию А. Палладио уделялось особое внимание. Происходило это в значительной степени благодаря деятельности И.В. Жолтовского,... more
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      Russian Art HistoryRussian ArchitectureAndrea PalladioIvan Zholtovsky
Chambers pays tribute to Kazimir Malevich, and interprets his "Black Square" by moving this iconic geometric figure towards Neosuprematism.
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      Russian StudiesNew MediaDigital Interfaces for Composing Artworks (by genre and for new genres)New Media Arts
The current trends of Russian monumental sculpture are analyzed in the context of the discussion of new sculptural memorials that have appeared recently in Moscow. The main focus is on the history of the creation of a memorial to the... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtSocial and Cultural AnthropologySociology of Arts
In connection with the erection of the monument to Vladimir the Great in Moscow, contemporary trends in historical monumentalization in Russia are considered, as well as similar processes in other countries. Traced is the history of the... more
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      Political ArtRussian & Soviet ArtReligious art19th- 20th- century Russian Art
Имя московского архитектора и инженера первой четверти ХХ века Н. Г. Лазарева нельзя назвать совершенно забытым (в том числе, благодаря тому, что он был отцом крупного историка искусства Виктора Никитича Лазарева), однако специальных... more
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      Russian Art HistoryRussian Architecture
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      Landscape (Art)Visual Arts19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art
André Nikolajevič Grabar (1896-1990) – today esteemed as one of the twentieth century's most important scholars of medieval art history – endured the upheaval of his life path by emigrating, from Russia to France by way of Bulgaria,... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesByzantine Studies
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      Art Criticism19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian ArtRussian Art History
Kotlomanov A.O. It's boring and pathetic, but it’s art: Venice biennale 2017. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2017, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 373–377. (In Russian) Котломанов А.О. Это скучно и пафосно, но это искусство: Венецианская биеннале — 2017 //... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary ArtsModern & Contemporary ARtRussian & Soviet Art
These pages are dedicated to Professor Juan Alberto Kurz, teacher at the Department of History of Art of the University of Valencia. This article recounts his pioneering contribution to the field of art studies and, more specifically to... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryRussian Art HistorySocial and Cultural Aspects of Russian History
Имя академика архитектуры Ивана Владиславовича Жолтовского (1867-1959) прочно ассоциируется с Москвой, однако не так хорошо известно, что начало творческой карьеры зодчего связано с Петербургом. Несмотря на наличие ряда монографических... more
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      Russian Art HistoryRussian ArchitectureAcademy of ArtIvan Zholtovsky
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      19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art HistoryHistory of SiberiaKrasnoyarsk
Kotlomanov, Alexander. “In the Era of Post-Neo-Empire... Art Life in Russia in 2019 / 2020”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts 10, no. 2 (2020): 366-375. (In Russian). Котломанов А.О. В эпоху постнеоампира... Художественная... more
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtRussian & Soviet ArtRussian Art
Sokolov I. Tea and tea party in Russian art: 19th and 20th centuries. Coffee Tea in Russia: & business magazine, No. 3 (112) for the 2014. – PP. 20 – 24. Соколов И.А. Чай и чаепитие в Российском изобразительном искусстве: XIX – XX вв. //... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt History
The Transgressive Art of Vasily Klyukin. Russian and European Post-modernism on the crossroads. All-in-One Integrated Art-Object: The Visual culture of Experiment. The Time-Capsules of Vasily Klyukin: From Kinetics to Cosmic Egg.... more
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      PostmodernismRussian & Soviet ArtRussian ArtRussian Art History
The history of the community associated with the White Lake (Beloe Ozero) is a rich one. This article covers a brief overview of the developing community from medieval through modern times, and then focuses the majority of its attention... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryRussian Art HistoryRussian Architecture
The article is devoted to two little-known I. N. Kramskoy’s paintings on themes from the life of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky, executed for the Russian church in Copenhagen. The circumstances of the appearance of this commission from Yu.... more
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      Russian & Soviet Art19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian ArtRussian Art History
Анализ портрета Марии Сергеевны Донауровой (Блицыной) работы Карла Гампельна. Делается анализ о возможных ее связях с родом Донауровых
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      Art HistoryRussian HistoryRussian Art Historyистория России
This paper is about the Armenian painter Yuri K. Burjelyan (1921-?) who was active in Russia.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt History
Шурыгина О.С., Печёнкин И.Е. Иван Жолтовский и Императорская академия художеств // Наука, образование и экспериментальное проектирование. Тезисы докладов международной научно-практической конференции профессорско-преподавательского... more
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      Russian Art HistoryRussian ArchitectureIvan Zholtovsky
The talk points out the singularities of the case of budding artist Rudolf Wacker as one of several hundreds of painters in Siberian captivity during WWI. It places him in the context of the camp community of Tomsk as well as the local... more
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      SiberiaPrisoners of WarRussian Art HistoryWWI
Review of the book "Unknown Re-Mi" (2017) by Larissa Vulfin, about Nikolai Remizov, famous Russian and American artist.
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      Cultural Transfer StudiesRussian ArtRussian Art HistoryRussian Satire
Kotlomanov A.O. Noncritical realism: symptoms of Russian art life of 2016. Vestnik SPbSU. Series 15. Arts, 2016, issue 4, pp. 101–108 (In Russian). Котломанов А.О. Некритический реализм: симптомы российской художественной жизни 2016 года... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
İZMİR'E GELEN RUS SANATÇILAR VE KENTE İLİŞKİN GÖZLEMLERİ Tarihi çok eskilere dayanan ve birçok kültüre ev sahipliğe yapmış eski bir kent olan İzmir, yüzyıllar boyunca gezginleri, sanatçıları ya da farklı nedenlerle gelenleri çoğu zaman... more
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      Russian ArtRussian Art HistoryRussian artists working abroadİzmir
Sokolov I.A. Coffee, XIX century: «is practically unknown for commoners» // Coffee & Tea in Russia: business magazine, No. 3 (112) for 2014, PP. 26 – 29. Соколов И.А. Кофе, XIX век: «простонародью почти не известно» // Кофе & Чай в... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryRussian StudiesCoffee
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      Russian History19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art History
Chapter in P. Barta (ed.), Gender and Sexuality in Russian Civilisation Gender and Sexuality in Russian Civilisation considers gender and sexuality in modern Russia in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Chapters look... more
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      19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art HistoryHistory of Russian ArtAlexander Ivanov