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This article explores the role of posture in the language learning process, and concludes that it is sometimes critical for learning success. Principles of learning and moving are outlined. The history of physical movement in study is... more
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      Critical TheoryEnglish LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second Language
Abstract. An education of quality is a basis for the development and transformation of society. Nevertheless, teaching innovation is barely considered by the Spanish agencies of academic staff evaluation that determine the professional... more
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      Communication and media StudiesEvaluation of Academic StaffTeaching Innovation Project
In recent years, a process of reformand innovation in higher education has been witnessed. A change in the evaluation of student learning in universities is necessary for new teaching-learning proposals to be developed. The authors... more
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      Higher EducationTeaching SkillsGamificationLearning Process
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEvaluationLearningmethodology of teaching EFL
Este trabajo muestra la evolución en un proyecto presentado en la edición anterior de las Jornadas. El mismo pretendía mostrar como acción innovadora, el fomento de la investigación en el alumnado como medio para profundizar la... more
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      Teaching InnovationsTeaching Innovation Project
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingICT in EducationInnovation and Creativity in Education
"Taller de Innovación Docente"
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      International EconomicsLearning and TeachingMultinational CorporationsWorld Economy
Resumen. Las redes sociales, y en concreto Twitter, se han convertido en parte esencial de las rutinas periodísticas. En ámbitos como el periodismo internacional su uso ha favorecido, además de la cobertura móvil y en tiempo real,... more
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      EducationTwitterJournalism StudiesContent Curator
Modern eğitimin temel hedefi, öğrencilere insanoğlunun günümüze kadar ulaştığı bilgi birikimini aktarmanın yanında, yeni bilgiler üretmek, öğrencilerin becerilerini geliştirmek ve kazanılan bilgileri hayatın her alanında kullanılabilir... more
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      Geography EducationTeaching Innovation Project
"A collection of 19 chapters examining different aspects of the use of geoinformation and GIS in European education, includes examples of good practice and developments in schools, and higher education. This is published by the IGU,... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingTeacher EducationScience Education
El presente artículo de investigación expone los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente titulado “Discriminaciones de género en el consumo y difusión de la música: la Web como espacio de enseñanza-aprendizaje”, iniciado durante... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist MusicologyTeaching Innovation Project
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      Latin American literatureLiteratura LatinoamericanaProyecto De Innovación DocenteTeaching Innovation Project
In the current context of constant educational change and adaptation, this book examines a range of Educational Innovation Projects (EIPs) aimed at dynamizing and improving teaching-learning processes in the field of Social Communication... more
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      EducationMedia StudiesNew MediaJournalism
Las escuelas de arquitectura han convertido recientemente el antiguo Proyecto Final de Carrera en un Máster ‘habilitante’ de un año de duración; un efecto colateral de la adecuación de los estudios universitarios españoles al marco... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationArchitecture Design Studio pedagogical methodsMASTERS DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURETeaching Innovation Project
Resumen Este artículo aprovecha el cambio de paradigma que acontece en la Enseñanza Superior para converger con el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, para plantearse una aportación de orden epistémico y didáctico, adecuada a la... more
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      Digital HumanitiesEvaluationLearningMedieval Iconography
The present paper analyzes an innovative teaching experience, Transmedia Narrative, in the field of Higher Education. This experience based on the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method and collaborative processes, that has a solid... more
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      Higher EducationAdaptationStorytellingPersonal Learning Enviroments
Sabariego, M. (Coord.) et al. (2014). El valor de la recerca formativa per a la innovació docent i el desenvolupament competencial. Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona.
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      CompetencesFormative ResearchTeaching Innovation ProjectEuropean Higher Education Area (EHEA)
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      Discourse AnalysisChristianityCultural StudiesRhetoric
El ciclo de mejora en el aula que se presenta en este trabajo, aplicado en la asignatura “La sociedad Iberoamericana: Etnicidad, Interculturalidad y Ciudadanía”, está basado en una metodología de aula invertida, una modalidad de... more
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      Teaching and LearningUniversity TeachingDOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIAFlipped Classroom
This paper shows how a holistic approach was taken by the modern educationists to make teaching child-centered despite the difficulties they encountered from the system.
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      EvaluationLearningmethodology of teaching EFLTeaching Activities
Las pruebas de actualidad que vienen realizándose en las asignaturas de redacción periodística de la UPV/EHU durante la última década han puesto de relieve una enorme paradoja en este apartado: Los aspirantes a periodistas y comunicadores... more
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      Web 2.0JournalismPeriodismoTIC, Elearning, Web 2.0
Este artículo relata un proyecto de innovación docente en el área del Periodismo desarrollado en la Universidad del País Vasco en colaboración con el ente público vasco de comunicación EITB. En ella, se utilizaron las herramientas propias... more
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      Web 2.0JournalismE-learningInnovation statistics
There growing interest in retention among researchers, much of which has centred on the extent to which new students can be helped to integrate into the institution. This paper reports on a study of non-traditional students in UK... more
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      Adult EducationDisability StudiesHigher EducationEvaluation
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      PhotographySecondary EducationEducación SecundariaHistoria de la fotografía
El presente texto plantea una propuesta de innovación docente en el marco de la asignatura “European Legal History”, de reciente creación en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Valladolid. En este contexto, se avanza en la... more
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      European Legal HistoryArt and the LawHistoria del DerechoTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
El presente texto muestra la reflexión de fondo y el material de investigación con el que se trabajó en un ejercicio de innovación docente dentro de la asignatura Arquitectura y Sostenibilidad, especialmente en la anualidad 2017-18. En la... more
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      GentrificationSustainable ArchitectureCreative ClassTeaching Innovation Project
A learning community is a collaborative network involved in maintenance and innovation which is based on common aims, shared meanings, common approaches, commitment to effective implementation and mutual accountability. All of these... more
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      Organizational Learning CultureVirtual OrganizationsBusiness EcosystemTechnology Clusters
This paper discusses the fundamental elements of inquiry-based learning. Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that guides learners to inquire or generate meaningful questions that lead to the relevant answers. In inquiry learning learners... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEvaluationLearningmethodology of teaching EFL
The proponent, a TVE Beauty Care Teacher for five years in Bro. Andrew Gonzalez Technical High School who seek to obtain solution to improve student’s knowledge, skills and attitude that may affect overall TVE performance. In order to... more
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    • Teaching Innovation Project
Description: "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."-Albert Einstein. With this motto in mind, Sean employs a diversity of tactics to create an atmosphere both inside and outside the classroom in... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCritical PedagogyLearning and Teaching
El documento presente es fruto del trabajo y las experiencias que, en el ámbito de la innovación educativa, los autores vienen desarrollando y aplicando desde el año 2007 en las materias y asignaturas que imparten en la licenciatura de... more
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Resumen Este artículo pretende dar a conocer el proyec-to de innovación docente Gamificando grafías. Documentos y escritura para un aprendizaje activo en la era del COVID-19, concedido por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide en el curso... more
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      Teacher EducationPaleographyDiplomaticsPaleografia
Las herramientas tecnológicas han impregnado plenamente la Educación Superior. No obstante, el mero añadido no garantiza per se su calidad. Este artículo expone los resultados de un proyecto de innovación para fomentar el aprendizaje... more
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    • Teaching Innovation Project
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      EvaluationLearningPreschool Educationmethodology of teaching EFL
Proyecto de innovación llevado a cabo durante el curso 2002-2003 en el IES Cañada de las Eras de Molina de Segura (Murcia). Recibió una mención de honor en los Premios nacionales a la innovación educativa 2002.
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    • Teaching Innovation Project
Technological tools have permeated higher education programs. However, their mere introduction does not guarantee instructional quality. This article presents the results of an innovation project aimed at fostering autonomous learning... more
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    • Teaching Innovation Project
III Congreso Género y Comunicación, Sevilla, abril 2016
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      Gender StudiesJournalismGender EqualityTeaching Innovations
We present the problems that the implementation of the new degree in English Studies has created for first-year subjects taught in English. The first choice that was made was to work as a team with the support of an MQD (2009MQD 00082).... more
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      Innovative teaching and learning approachTeaching Innovation Project
In the current context of constant educational change and adaptation, this book examines a range of Educational Innovation Projects (EIPs) aimed at dynamizing and improving teaching-learning processes in the field of Social Communication... more
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      EducationMedia StudiesNew MediaJournalism
Spanish and English phonological systems vary considerably regarding the number of vowel sounds (12 in English, but only 5 in Spanish). This makes that Spanish-speaking students present many difficulties when interacting orally in... more
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      Listening ComprehensionManaging Change Creativity and InnovationOral comprehensionEducational Intervention
The study utilized design thinking in Physics Olympics. Physics Olympics is a schoolwide event of practical performance tasks where it provided opportunities to engage students and ensure dynamic and thought-provoking learning experiences... more
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      Science Teaching MethodsTeaching Innovation Project
The flipped-classroom method is acquiring importance as a pedagogical technique to improve the learning performance of students. So far, most studies have examined the possible applications of the flipped-classroom method in the natural... more
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      Mixed Methods ResearchFlipped ClassroomTeaching Innovation Project
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      Listening ComprehensionOral comprehensionEducational InterventionTeaching Innovation Project
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      EducationSpanishTeacher EducationLiterature
Ponencia “DTeco en los Estudios Árabes e Islámicos”, en el Simposio Internacional Innovación Docente en Lengua Árabe “Retos de la docencia de la lengua árabe en la universidad española: gestión e innovación metodológica”, Universidad de... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsDesign thinkingInnovative teaching and learning approachArabic Natural Language Processing
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de innovación docente basado en el autoaprendizaje de contenidos prácticos con la utilización de la información disponible en internet y la plataforma e-learning de la... more
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      Innovative teaching and learning approachInnovative teachingTeaching Innovation Project
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      Medieval German LiteratureManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabula
Hace dos décadas la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer de Bejiing consiguió aunar la voluntad de 189 gobiernos en torno al plan más ambicioso hasta entonces formulado para impulsar los derechos de la mujer. El programa denominado... more
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      Gender StudiesGender EqualityEstudios de Génerostatistics with SPSS and Excel
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      EvaluationLearningInteractive Teaching techniquesTeaching-learning Methods and Techniques