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      Resistance (Social)early modern Russia (Muscovy)Gender and Sexuality in Russia
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Gender and Sexuality in RussiaWitchcraft in Russia
Sources, contexts and circumstances of the writing of An Ode on the Capture of Polatsk by Jan Kochanowski
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      History of CartographyNeo-latin literatureRenaissance CartographyPolish Literature
Honorable Mention, 2012 Early Slavic Studies Association Distinguished Scholarship Award A pivotal period in Russian history, the "Time of Troubles" of the early 17th century has taken on new resonances in post-Soviet Russia. Current... more
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      ReligionEconomic HistoryRussian StudiesHistory of Religion
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    • early modern Russia (Muscovy)
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Magic in Russia
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      Mongolsearly modern Russia (Muscovy)The Steppe Frontier
«clashed with them at the Church of the Resurrection in Molody»: Materials about the campaign Devlet I Giray at Moscow in 1572 Crimean Embassy book 1571-1578. It is the first full publication of the case of the arrival of Ivan IV the... more
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      Russian StudiesEarly Modern History16th Century (History)Russian History
... June 28, 1648), Leningradskoe Otdelenie Instituta Istorii SSSR (henceforth, LOII), sobranie AMArtem'eva, no. ... In an effort to cut state expenses and build financial reserves, the head of the treasury,... more
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Historical StudiesMoscow Uprising
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      History of Golden Hordeearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Medieval RussiaTatars
В статье предлагается комментированный перевод четырёх шведских писем-донесений из Новгорода от июня 1682 г., рассказывающих о московском стрелецком восстании середины мая 1682 г. Письма, хранящиеся в стокгольмском государственном архиве,... more
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Early modern diplomacyRussian-Swedish connections in the 17th centuryСтрелецкое восстание 1682 г
The problem of the genesis of the Russian state has been a subject of debate among politicians and historians for several centuries. This discussion is stimulated, inter alia, by the ardent national aspiration for self-identification of... more
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      HistoryTime of Troublesearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Novgorod the Great
... If female magic differed at all from male magic, it was more in being geared more toward ameliorating domestic situations, but the differences are too minor to allow one to describe distinct male and female languages of magic along... more
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      AnthropologyGenderWitchcraft (Magic)early modern Russia (Muscovy)
Book contains articles concerning different aspects of Polish - Lithuanian Commonweath relations with early modern Russia
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Early modern PolandEarly Modern History of Ukraine
Кирпичников И.А. Рязанская служилая элита в конце XV – первой трети XVII века: дис. ... к.и.н. М., 2021. Диссертация посвящена истории рязанской служилой элиты в конце XV – первой трети XVII в. Центральной проблемой исследования... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryPolitical ElitesHistory of Elites
This text arose in answer to a request for a review of the section on the Russian roots of the Aminoff (Aminev) family, as presented in a book from 1978 by Berndt Herman Aminoff on the genealogy of his family, by then the most numerous... more
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      NobilityRussian HistorySocial HistorySwedish History
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      Russian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryAstrologyRussian History
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      ProsopographySiberiaRussian HistoryAgrarian History
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesOnomastics
В статье рассматривается первый этап жизни митрополита Филиппа (в миру – Федор Степанович Колычев) (1566–1568 гг.). Автор сосредотачивается на изучении мотивов и обстоятельств его ухода в Соловецкий монастырь. В работе оспаривается... more
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      Russian StudiesHagiographyEarly Modern HistoryMonastic Studies
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      European HistoryEarly Modern Historyearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
В статье рассматриваются особенности биографий ряда руководителей Русской церкви XVI в. Показано, что для успешной церковно-административной карьеры покровительства представителей политической и церковной элиты, как правило, было... more
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      Russian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMonastic StudiesRussian Orthodox Church
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      GeorgiaRussian Artearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Russian Icon painitng
The author analyzes the historiography of the Third Rome concept and divides the attitude of scholars to this idea in contemporary scholarship into two approaches, absolutely different in their understanding of what the Third Rome is and... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical Philosophyearly modern Russia (Muscovy)The Third Rome
A Brief Account of the Heresy that Assailed the Russian State in the late fifteenth and earth sixteenth centuries
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryJudaismearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
В статье рассматриваются происхождение и основные факты биографии рязанского епископа Ионы (1522–1547 гг.). Устанавливается, что, вероятно, являясь уроженцем Владимира или его округи, он в относительно раннем возрасте принял постриг в... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchChurch History
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Witchcraft in Russia
The critical edition of The Principal Navigations is under contract with Oxford University Press in 14 volumes. It will provide an unparalleled resource for researchers and teachers working on early modern travel, trade and colonialism.... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryGerman StudiesRussian Studies
During the 16th century, several European states were regularly engaged in forming an anti-Ottoman alliance. The goal was to cooperate in the elimination of the Ottoman power and expansion in Europe. In addition, traditional European... more
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      History of IranHabsburg StudiesSafavids (Islamic History)Safavid Period
Study of the 16th-century political thinker Ivan Peresvetov with respect to the treatment of Christianity and Islam in his works.
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      Russian StudiesCriminal JusticePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
The article deals with the representations of „Muscovy“ and „Alba Russia“ on the 16th century maps and developments of these Renaissance choronyms in the 17 - 18th centuries, and „Muscovite“ toponymy on the lands of the Grand Duchy of... more
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      History of CartographyRenaissance CartographyHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
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      TotalitarianismSlavicLiterary studiesearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
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      Russian LiteratureCeltic StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
This monograph deals with the production of manuscripts in Russia in the 16th century as a social phenomenon. Most studies devoted to the history of manuscripts focus on the renowned centers of book culture, primarily monasteries. Little... more
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      Russian StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMonastic StudiesManuscript Studies
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Polish-russian relationsIvan the TerribleMuscovite Russia
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      Romanian HistoryHistory of MoldovaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthUkrainian History
В статье рассматривается важная категория иноков русских монастырей эпохи Средневековья – соборные старцы. Если ранее в историографии они рассматривались исключительно на материале мужских монастырей, то в данной работе впервые специально... more
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      Russian StudiesGender HistoryMonastic StudiesEarly Modern Europe
Unter den Quellen fremder Herkunft, die das Thema Rußland in der Zeit Ivans des Schrecklichen behandeln, nimmt der Bericht Albert Schlichtings eine besondere Stellung ein. Der literarisch ansprechende und durch eine Fülle von Einzelheiten... more
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Ivan the TerribleMuscovite RussiaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Porta,Muscovy and Ukraine in 1676
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Peter the GreatRussian CosmographiesImperialism in Siberia
Preprint version of my essay in the proceedings of the conference "Cultural Encounters: Tensions and Polarities of the Transmission from the Late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment' held at the Warburg Institute, University of London (17... more
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      Renaissance StudiesAstrologyCount Giovanni Pico della Mirandolaearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
Кирпичников И.А. Рязанская элита после присоединения княжества к Москве: проблемы интеграции // Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики. 2021. № 2 (84). С. 68–78. Исследование посвящено истории рязанской элиты в период между ликвидацией... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPolitical Elites
В данной статье проанализировано, каким образом различные аспекты наличия у Речи Посполитой границы с Московским государством отражались в выступлениях сеймиков Великого княжества Литовского в первой половине XVII в. Среди затрагиваемых... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      AstrologyHistory of AstrologyRussian HistoryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)History of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.Lithuanian Russian RelationsLivonian War
This article examines the factors that influenced the creation of the first Russian (so-called “anonymous”) printing press around 1553. The article shows that the first attempts to introduce printing took place as early as the 1540s (as... more
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      Russian StudiesBook HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and Manuscripts
The Truce of Andrusovo (1667) stipulated an exchange of prisoners of war. The paper describes the legal framework created by the Russian government to find and repatriate eligible prisoners (clergy, nobility, and military personnel) while... more
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      Prisoners of WarHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Szlachta
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      Russian StudiesBook HistoryRare Books and Manuscripts16th Century (History)
В статье на основе анализа записей на Годуновских Псалтирях рассматривается вопрос о распространении идеи «Третьего Рима» в России в конце XVI в. В этом столетии Третьим Римом именовалась либо Русская земля, либо Российское царство.... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      Russian HistoryUkrainian Historyearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Cossacks