Independent Technical Evaluation Reference Group of Adaptation Fund Sets Evaluation Priorities at Biannual Meeting

In line with the mandate from the Adaptation Fund Board, the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG) held its regular biannual meeting from July 13-16, 2023. The meeting was attended by Debbie Menezes (Chair), the AF-TERG members Claudio Volonte, Susan Legro, Sithabiso Gandure, including the newest member, Christine Woerlen. The meeting also welcomed the new AF-TERG Secretariat Coordinator and Senior Evaluation Officer, Vladislav Arnaoudov.The meeting focused on the outstanding priorities of the AF-TERG for FY 23-24, particularly those related to the introduction of the Adaptation Fund’s new Evaluation Policy, which is planned to become operational from October 2023.  The meeting also discussed other key priorities including quality assurance of final evaluations and new approaches to ex-post evaluations, and kick-started the process of development of AF-TERG’s next multi-year work plan that is scheduled to be presented to the AF Board in March 2024. The members of the AF-TERG recognized the evolution that group has undergone during the first three years of its operations and the need to adjust its work in line with the requirements of the AF-wide Evaluation Policy as well as the Second Medium Term Strategy (2023-27) of the Adaptation Fund.The meeting reviewed the progress made in relation to the Board-mandated evaluations on the AF accreditation, project and programme scalability, as well as the on-going AF rapid evaluation which is expected to become a building block towards the next overall evaluation of the Fund. Finally, the members of the AF-TERG discussed the approaches toward strengthening the Fund’s capacity building efforts for Monitoring , Evaluation and Learning (MEL) activities as well as the overall knowledge management function of the Fund.You can find out more about the AF-TERG’s work on our website. You can also get in touch with us at [email protected] and [email protected].