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    Public service

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    This Month

    The man who made economic rationalism popular

    Working out how to lower his household water bill set Professor Tom Parry on the road to lowering prices for electricity, water and transport in NSW.

    • Michael Easson

    ‘Too late to prosecute’: Fraud rife among NDIS managers

    The integrity chief for the NDIS says nine out of 10 plan managers surveyed showed “significant indicators of fraud” including using scheme money for drugs and alcohol.

    • Tom Burton

    This tiny government office is gunning for the big four

    The nascent group says it can’t keep up with demand for its services, and will assist the Defence Department as it sets up its own consulting division.

    • Maxim Shanahan


    They battled blokey workplaces. Now these 33 women enforce the rules

    Energy regulator Clare Savage and competition chief Gina Cass-Gottlieb are among 33 women leading Australia’s regulatory bodies, once the domain of male enforcers.

    • Tom Burton

    Anti-vax claims flood Senate inquiry. Officials say they’re wrong

    The ABS, Health Department and actuaries say there is no evidence to support claims there were more deaths from non-COVID causes due to government vaccine mandates during the pandemic.

    • Tom Burton

    Crisis-focused Home Affairs fails to prepare for security threats

    A review of the $6.3 billion Home Affairs department has found it is too focused on crisis management, and lacks the trust of other key intelligence agencies.

    • Tom Burton

    The real reason for spending $1b on PsiQuantum

    Defence planners have long worried how vulnerable military information systems are to GPS being taken out by an adversary.

    • Tom Burton

    NDIS reforms can’t wait for a ‘magical unicorn day’: Shorten

    Disability Minister Bill Shorten says premiers should stop using disabled people as a political football, after the states called for delays to NDIS reforms.

    • Tom Burton

    Labor’s green superpower plan will need a new public service

    Expertise in green hydrogen, photonic quantum physics, large-scale lithium batteries and next-generation mineralogy are not skills you typically see on Canberra CVs.

    • Tom Burton

    Contractors in the firing line as public service headcount soars

    The number of bureaucrats has increased nearly 10 per cent in one year alone and some $1.8 billion has been allocated to overhaul staffing at Services Australia.

    • Tom Burton

    Why headcount matters when it comes to budgets

    As any finance chief will attest, the number of bums on seats tells you most of what you need to know about an organisation’s underlying size and costs.

    • Tom Burton

    Size of Victorian government to be cut for first time in 15 years

    Tight control over salaries and operating expenses will result in reduced average expenditure of 2.2 per cent over forward estimates.

    • Tom Burton

    Domestic violence rates fall over decades but one stat hasn’t changed

    The rate of women killed by their partners has fallen by two-thirds over the past 34 years, but women remain twice as likely as men to be victims of intimate partner homicide.

    • Tom Burton

    Treat violent men like terrorists or gangsters, experts say

    Swift sanctions, including jail, are needed to stop domestic violence, say researchers, who argue no amount of “respectful relationships training” will stop some men.

    • Tom Burton


    Pezzullo takes first step to redemption

    The former Home Affairs secretary admitted his mistakes and accepted his disgrace, and knows he will not be working with the Commonwealth for some time.

    • Tom Burton

    Federal contract bidders will need to hit sustainability targets

    Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said government departments would use their purchasing power to reduce waste and promote recycling, part of new reporting rules.

    • Tom McIlroy

    Taxpayers should be furious over public service’s ‘ghost’ offices

    On a recent Friday in Canberra, a deflated public servant friend revealed that there were only three people at work on a floor space that can seat 30 to 40.

    • Updated
    • John Kehoe

    Meet the doctors whose virtual ED is easing the load on hospitals

    In outer Melbourne, a virtual emergency department has offered 250,000 patients treatment and created a model to help keep ageing Baby Boomers out of hospital.

    • Tom Burton

    APRA’s lavish $70,000 Christmas Party

    Do you think all that time peering over the expenses of financial institutions has induced a spot of envy within the APRA social committee?

    • Updated
    • Myriam Robin

    The Senate’s mock outrage games shame all

    Threatening corporate leaders with jail time over an accounting contrivance is part of a trend where the national parliament is becoming a theatre for showboating and mock outrage.

    • Tom Burton