Disallowance Alert 2005

Disallowance Alert 2024

Disallowable Instruments

Part 5 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 provides for the parliamentary scrutiny of legislative instruments. Section 42 deals with notices of motion to disallow legislative instruments. In particular, subsection 42(1) provides that if either House of the Parliament, in pursuance of a motion of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days after any legislative instruments have been laid before that House, passes a resolution disallowing any of those legislative instruments, any legislative instrument so disallowed thereupon ceases to have effect.

The Acts Interpretation Act 1901 was amended on 1 January 2005 to introduce section 46B that provides for the parliamentary scrutiny of non-legislative instruments. Non-legislative instruments that are expressly declared by a provision of an enabling Act or instrument to be disallowable will be subject to the disallowance provisions contained in Part 5 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Any Senator or Member of the House of Representatives is entitled to give a notice of motion to disallow. The Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances gives notices of motion on behalf of the Committee relating to the its scrutiny of instruments.This disallowance alert provides information on

  • disallowance action initiated by the Regulations and Ordinances Committee
  • disallowance action initiated by individual Senators
  • disallowance action initiated by individual Members of the House of Representatives.

Regulations and Ordinances Committee
Individual Senators


Regulations and Ordinances Committee

The Chair on behalf of the Committee has given notices of motion to disallow the legislative instruments shown in the following table. The current status or outcome of the notice is also recorded.

If you have any queries on these notices please contact the Secretariat on:

Telephone (02) 6277 3799
Facsimile (02) 6277 5881
E-mail [email protected]


Date of Notice of Motion to Disallow

* Expiration of 15 sitting days


Aviation Transport Security Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 222 8/12/2005 11/5/2006 The Committee gave notice on 9/2/2006 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (27/2/2006). The Committee withdrew its notice on 27/2/2006.
Civil Aviation (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 224 8/12/2005 11/5/2006 The Committee gave notice on 9/2/2006 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (27/2/2006). The Committee withdrew its notice on 27/2/2006.
Building and Construction Industry Improvement Regulations 2005, Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 204 2/12/2005 29/3/2006 The Committee gave notice on 8/12/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/12/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 9/12/2005.
Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment [second edition] made under subsection 28(1) of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 2/12/2005 29/3/2006 The Committee gave notice on 8/12/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/12/2005). Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 78, Senator Wong objected to the withdrawal and the notice was transferred into her name (refer to Senator Wong's notice for further information).
Health Insurance (Obstetric Item 15999) Determination HS/02/2005 made under subsection 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 11/10/2005 7/12/2005 The Committee gave notice on 10/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (28/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 28/11/2005.
Variation to Licence Area Plan for Scottsdale Radio - No. 1 of 2005 made under subsection 26(2) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 11/10/2005 7/12/2005 The Committee gave notice on 10/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (28/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 28/11/2005.
Health Insurance (Allied Health and Dental Services) Determination 2005 made under subsection 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 5/10/2005 2/12/2005 The Committee gave notice on 7/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (8/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 8/11/2005.
Australian Passports Determination 2005 made under section 57 of the Australian Passports Act 2005 and section 8 of the Australian Passports (Application Fees) Act 2005 13/9/2005 28/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 10/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (28/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 28/11/2005.
Electoral and Referendum Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 125 13/9/2005 28/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 7/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (8/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 8/11/2005.
Foreign Passports Determination 2005 made under section 24 of the Passports Act 1938 13/9/2005 28/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 10/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (28/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 28/11/2005.
Public Accounts and Audit Committee Regulations 2005, Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 127 13/9/2005 28/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 10/11/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (28/11/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 28/11/2005.
Student Assistance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 123 13/9/2005 28/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Maritime Transport Security Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 115 8/9/2005 10/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 5/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (6/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 6/10/2005.
Crimes Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 81 7/9/2005 9/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [FACS], dated 26 April 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 7/9/2005 9/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [DEWR], dated 29 April 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 7/9/2005 9/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [DEST], dated 17 Mayl 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 7/9/2005 9/11/2005 The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Export Control (Meat and Meat Products) Amendment Orders 2005 (No. 1) made under regulation 3 of the Export Control (Orders) Regulations 1982



The Committee gave notice on 12/9/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (13/9/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 13/9/2005.
Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 75



The Committee gave notice on 11/10/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (12/10/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 12/10/2005.
Modification Declaration No. 1 made under section 177 of the Retirement Savings Account Act 1997



The Committee gave notice on 12/9/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (13/9/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 13/9/2005.
Veterans' Entitlements (Veterans' Children Education Scheme - Scholarships, Statistics, MRCA) Instrument 2004 - Instrument No. R11/2004 made under subsection 117(1) of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986



The Committee gave notice on 12/9/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (13/9/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 13/9/2005.
Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005, Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 18



The Committee gave notice on 13/9/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (14/9/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 14/9/2005.
HIH Royal Commission (Transfer of Records) Regulations 2005, Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 11



The Committee gave notice on 11/8/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (16/8/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 16/8/2005.
Guidelines in relation to the exercise of Compliance Powers in the Building and Construction Industry made under section 88AGA of the Workplace Relations Act 1996



The Committee gave notice on 14/6/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (15/6/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 15/6/2005.
Amendment No.1 to the Transitional Arrangements for Students Guidelines pursuant to items 4 and 8 of Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003



The Committee gave notice on 14/3/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (15/3/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 15/3/2005.
Administrative Guidelines made under section 238-10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003



The Committee gave notice on 14/6/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (15/6/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 15/6/2005.
OS-Help Guidelines made under section 238-10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003



The Committee gave notice on 14/3/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (15/3/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 15/3/2005.
Other Grants Guidelines made under section 238-10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003



The Committee gave notice on 14/3/2005 of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (15/3/2005). The Committee withdrew its notice on 15/3/2005.

(If a notice is not withdrawn or otherwise disposed of by the expiration of the 15 sitting days, the instrument is deemed to have been disallowed - Legislative Instruments Act 2003, s.42(2))


Individual Senators

Individual Senators have given notices of motion to disallow the legislative instruments shown in the following table. The current status or outcome of the notice is also recorded.












Date of Notice of Motion to Disallow





* Expiration of 15 sitting days









Wong Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment [second edition] made under subsection 28(1) of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 2/12/2005 The Senate Regulations and Ordinances Committee originally gave notice to disallow the Guide on 2/12/2005. On 8/12/2005 it gave notice of its intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/12/2005). Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 78, Senator Wong objected to the withdrawal and the notice was transferred into her name. The Senate debated the motion on 29/3/2006 but did not agree to disallow the Guide.
Ludwig Item 2 [Division 1.4E - Sponsorship: trade skills training (incorporating Subdivisions 1.4E.1 to 1.4E.4) of Schedule 7 of the Migration Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 9), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 240 30/11/2005 Senator Ludwig gave notice to move the motion on the next day of sitting (1/12/2005). This Business of the Senate has been carried over to 6/12/2005. On 6/12/2005 Senator Ludwig postponed his notice until 7/12/2005. On 7/12/2005 Senator Ludwig postponed his notice until 7/2/2006. The Senate debated the motion on 7/2/2006 but did not agree to disallow Item 2 of Schedule 7 to the Regulations.
Siewert Building and Construction Industry Improvement Regulations 2005, Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 204 28/11/2005 Senator Siewert gave notice to move the motion on the next day of sitting (29/11/2005). The Senate debated the motion on 29/11/2005 but did not agree to disallow the Regulations.
Bartlett Schedule 7 of the Migration Amendment Regulations 2005 (No 8), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 221 28/11/2005 Senator Bartlett gave notice to move the motion on 1/12/2005 (3 sitting days after giving of notice). This Business of the Senate has been carried over to 6/12/2005. On 6/12/2005 Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 7/12/2005. On 7/12/2005 Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 8/12/2005. On 8/12/2005 Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 7/2/2006. The Senate debated the motion on 7/2/2006 but did not agree to disallow Schedule 7 to the Regulations.
Evans Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [DEST], dated 17 May 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 6/9/2005 Senator Evans gave notice to move the motion on 12/10/2005 (12 sitting days). On 12/10/2005, Senator Evans postponed his notice until 7/11/2005.






Senator Evans withdrew his notice on 7/11/2005.
Evans Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [DEWR], dated 29 April 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 6/9/2005 Senator Evans gave notice to move the motion on 12/10/2005 (12 sitting days). On 12/10/2005, Senator Evans postponed his notice until 7/11/2005.






Senator Evans withdrew his notice on 7/11/2005.
Evans Social Security (Means Test Treatment of Private Trusts - Excluded Trusts) Declaration 2005 [FACS], dated 26 April 2005 and made under subsection 1207P(4) of the Social Security Act 1991 6/9/2005 Senator Evans gave notice to move the motion on 12/10/2005 (12 sitting days). On 12/10/2005, Senator Evans postponed his notice until 7/11/2005.






Senator Evans withdrew his notice on 7/11/2005.
Bartlett Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Export of Live-stock to Saudi Arabia) Order 2005 [F2005L01580] made under section 17 of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997 10/8/2005 Senator Bartlett gave notice to move the motion 17/8/2005. On 17/8/2005, Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 18/8/2005. On 18/8/2005, Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 5/9/2005. On 5/9/2005, Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 8/9/2005. On 7/9/2005, Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 4/10/2005. On 5/10/2005 Senator Bartlett postponed his notice until 6/10/2005. The Senate debated the motion on 6/10/2005 but did not agree to disallow the Order.
Bartlett Migration Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 6), Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 171 9/8/2005 Senator Bartlett gave notice to move the motion on the next day of sitting (10/8/2005). The Senate debated the motion on 10/8/2005 - debate was adjourned. Debate continued on 11/8/2005 - debate was adjourned. The Senate continued the debate on 18/8/2005 but did not agree to disallow the Regulations.
Bartlett and Murray 'Communications Allowance', being Clauses 10.4 to 10.13 of Determination 2005/09: Members of Parliament - Entitlements, made pursuant to subsection 7(1), (2) and (4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 20/6/2005 Senators Bartlett and Murray gave notice to move the motion on the next day of sitting (21/6/2005). The Senate debated the motion on 21/6/2005 but did not agree to disapprove Clauses 10.4 to 10.13 of the Determination.
Brown Determination 2005/07: Principal Executive Office (PEO) Classification Structure and Terms and Conditions, Table 1, PEO Band A reference salary A, and related details, made pursuant to subsections 5(2A), 7(3D) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 15/6/2005 Senator Brown gave notice to move the motion on the next day of sitting (16/6/2005). The Senate debated the motion on 16/6/2005 but did not agree to disapprove the Table 1, PEO Band A reference salary A, and related details in the Determination.
Carr Public Service Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.2), Statutory Rules 2004 No. 396 14/6/2005 Senator Carr gave notice to move the motion on 16/6/2005 (2 sitting days). The Senate disallowed the Regulations on 16/6/2005.
Marshall and Nettle Guidelines in relation to the exercise of Compliance Powers in the Building and Construction Industry made under section 88AGA of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 8/3/2005






The Senate debated the motion on 22/6/2005 but did not agree to disallow the Guidelines.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to ACPE Limited] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 15 November 2004 in relation to Adelaide College of Divinity Incorporated] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 August 2004 in relation to Australian College of Applied Psychology Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Australian College of Theology Council Incorporated] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Australian Institute of Public Safety Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Australian International Hotel School] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 9 November 2004 in relation to Australian Lutheran College] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 August 2004 in relation to Avondale College Limited] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 August 2004 in relation to Christian Heritage College] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 9 November 2004 in relation to Harvest Bible College Inc.] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 September 2004 in relation to Holmes Commercial Colleges (Melbourne) Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 1 December 2004 in relation to KvB Visual Concepts Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 29 October 2004 in relation to Marcus Oldham College] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 1 November 2004 in relation to Monash International Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 6 September 2004 in relation to Moore Theological College Council] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 15 November 2004 in relation to Oceanic Polytechnic Institute of Education Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Queensland Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to South Australian Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 26 November 2004 in relation to Sydney College of Divinity Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 12 November 2004 in relation to Sydney Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 August 2004 in relation to Tabor College Incorporated] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 6 September 2004 in relation to Tabor College (NSW) Inc.] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 6 September 2004 in relation to Tabor College (Victoria) Inc.] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 9 November 2004 in relation to The Australian Institute of Music Limited] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 27 August 2004 in relation to National Institute of Dramatic Art] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.
Nettle Approval and Notice of Approval [dated 11 November 2004 in relation to Wesley Institute] made under section 16-50(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 7/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice to move the motion in 11 sitting days (14/6/2005). On 8/3/2005 Senator Nettle gave notice of her intention to withdraw the notice on the next day of sitting (9/3/2005). Senator Nettle withdrew her notice on 9/3/2005.

(If a notice is not withdrawn or otherwise disposed of by the expiration of the 15 sitting days, the instrument is deemed to have been disallowed - Legislative Instruments Act 2003, s.42(2))