Apple Authorized Service Provider Program

The Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) program is designed for companies interested in offering in-warranty and out-of-warranty repair service for any Apple product. Qualifying companies can gain access to genuine Apple parts, tools, training, service guides, diagnostics and resources to perform these repairs.

Who can apply?

Companies, organizations, and universities and colleges in regions where Apple has a direct service presence may apply to become an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

Authorized Apple Resellers and businesses that specialize in service in regions where Apple has a direct service presence may apply to become an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

Parts resellers and distributors are not eligible for this program.

What are the requirements?

Business requirements

Organizations applying for Authorized Service Provider status are required to have been in operation for a reasonable period, with audited financial records available for review by Apple. A credit line is required and must be agreed with the Apple Finance team in the appropriate region. The organization should actively promote the Apple brand as part of their business along with AppleCare service and support products.

Operational requirements

Authorized Service Providers are required to meet Apple’s standards at all times with regard to service levels, certification of technicians and availability of service to customers. Authorized Service Providers are required to complete a minimum of 200 repairs per quarter. Apple periodically audits and reviews Authorized Service Providers to ensure these high standards are consistently met. Apple’s repair tools, training, service guides, and diagnostics must be kept confidential.


The organization must maintain a commercial walk-in service location with dedicated service personnel in an easily accessible location. The premises must include a clean and presentable reception area for customers who require a walk-in service, and a secure workshop area for repairs, storage of parts and incoming units for repair. A residential address is not acceptable as an authorized service location.

Technician Certification

Authorized Service Providers are required to use Apple Certified Technicians when repairing Apple products.

To support the completion of the 200 repair-per-quarter minimum, an Authorized Service Provider should employ at least one Apple Certified Technician.

Becoming certified to repair Apple products requires passing exams through an online Authorized Testing Center. Certifications are updated on a per product basis annually. The certification exam fees are waived for businesses that have been approved to be an Authorized Service Provider.

Detailed information about Apple Certifications preparatory courses and exams can be found here.

To Apply

Please submit an email to [email protected] providing all of the information below:

  • Legal business name (Inc. DBA if applicable) under which the business conducts its operations
  • Principal/owner
  • Location address(es) (note: Apple does not accept home offices or PO Boxes)
  • Location phone number
  • Your business domain email address
  • Your business website
  • Previous experience or history with Apple as a Service Provider or Reseller
  • Business purpose including customer segment or type


  • Apple will not consider applications that do not meet the program requirements.
  • Meeting program requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.
  • Apple reserves the right to reject any application without comment.
  • Apple will not consider applicants that use Apple trademark terms as part of any company name or web pages unless such use complies with the Apple Trademark Terms.

Learn more about all of the service and repair programs Apple offers here.