Code of conduct

Art Detective contributors should ensure that their comments are factual and that their opinions are supported by evidence. Rude or abusive comments will not be tolerated and Art UK will redact such comments.

When you are involved in discussions please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Be polite and respectful
  • Keep to the topic
  • Be as concise as possible
  • Provide evidence or explain the reasoning behind your opinions
  • Provide basic references if quoting other sources
  • Do not use swear words
  • Do not make personal comments and criticisms
  • If you wish to report a comment click the ‘report’ button (found next to the comment)
  • Respect the decisions of group leaders and the collection that owns the artwork under discussion
  • Do not include your own contact details, or those of another person, in a discussion
  • Do not promote your business or anything else in our discussions (unless a scholarly reference)
  • Do not upload anything illegal or which promotes illegal activity

The details in your public profile can only be seen by participating collections and group leaders.

If you wish to contact the Art Detective Manager, please email [email protected]