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Privacy Policy

Why this Privacy Policy?

Visiting this site may result into the processing of data concerning identified or identifiable persons.

This page provides information on the processing operations performed on the personal data of the users visiting the ATCO2 project web site.

The information provided here only applies to the ATCO2 web site and does not concern  any other online web sites, pages or services that can be accessed via the link but relate to resources outside ATCO2 domain.

The information is also based on the Article 29 Working Party Guidelines on Transparency under Regulation 2016/679.

Identity and contact data of the controller

The data controller is the web site owner and ATCO2 project partner: Idiap Research Institute. Idiap’s legal adviser can be reached at the following address: (legal at

Idiap’s mandate is to promote the cultural, social and economic development of Switzerland by the training of the new generation of top-tier scientists and professionals and to develop research excellence for the Society and its Economy. Idiap processes personal data in particular in line with its three academic core tasks which are the Education, Research and Innovation, and its supporting services.

Processing is carried out under the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act dated 19 June 1992 (FDA/R.S 235.1) as well as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “General Data Protection Regulation”, or “GDPR”).

In case you need any information or support concerning the processing of your personal data, please contact us at the following address: (legal at

What data will be collected?

Browsing data

The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this website acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of Internet communication protocols.

This data category includes IP addresses and/or the domain names of the computers and devices used by any user connecting with this website, the URI/URL ( Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, the returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment.

These data are necessary to use web-based services and are also processed in order to

  • extract statistical information on service usage (most visited pages, visitors by time/date, geographical areas of origin, etc.);
  • check functioning of the services.

Browsing data are kept for no longer than 26 months and for statistical purposes only (except where judicial authorities need such data for establishing the commission of criminal offenses).

Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects, however it might allow user identification per se after being processed and matched with data held by third parties.

Data voluntarily communicated by users

Sending messages to the e-mail and postal addresses mentioned on this website or filling in the contact form made available on the ATCO2 website, or sending private messages to ATCO2 social media pages and profiles (where such option is available) is done on the basis of a freely chosen, explicit, and voluntary option.

This implies the acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address, which is necessary in order to reply to any request, as well as of such additional personal data as is contained in the message(s) and/or in the form. Specific information notices will be displayed on the pages made available to users for providing certain services, sending messages and requests.

Cookies and other tracking device

There are three types of cookies used in the ATCO2 website: 1) cookies for the basic functioning of the website, 2) cookies for Google Analytics and 3) cookies collected by Twitter.

1)    Basic Cookies
Cookies are used for improving the user browsing experience, to remember information about your browser and your preferences.
Find hereafter cookies for the basic functioning of the website:

  • language:  used to remember your language setting. Expiration time: session
  • captcha: used to remember your actions on the contact form. Expiration time: session
  • cookiebar: used to remember your cookie preference. Expiration time: one month

2)    Cookies for Google Analytics
The ATCO2 website uses Universal Analytics plugin developed by Google. This plugin uses these 3 cookies:

  • _ga – Used to distinguish users; expiration time: 2 years
  • _gid – Used to distinguish users; expiration time: 24 hours
  • _gat – Used to throttle request rate; expiration time: 1 minute.

These cookies are used only for statistical purposes within the ATCO2 project (e.g number of visitors, page view). IP addresses are fully anonymized. More information can be found here.

3)    cookies collected by Twitter
Third-party cookies are collected by Twitter since the ATCO2 website contains a Twitter widget.
Twitter uses the following types of cookies:

Authentication and security: To log you into Twitter.

Preferences: To remember information about your browser and your preferences.

Analytics and research: To help us improve and understand how people use our services, including Twitter buttons and widgets, and Twitter Ads.

Personalized content: To customize our services with more relevant content, like tailored trends, stories, ads, and suggestions for people to follow.

Advertising: To help us deliver ads, measure their performance, and make them more relevant to you based on criteria like your activity on Twitter and visits to our ad partners' websites.

Personalization across devices:  By better understanding how devices are related, we can use information from one device to help personalize the Twitter experience on another device. More information can be found here.

Place where personal data are processed

The processing operations related to the web-based services that are made available via this website are carried out at Idiap offices, exclusively by duly authorised staff in charge of said processing, or else by persons tasked with such maintenance activities as may be necessary from time to time. Data are hosted at Idiap virtual servers located in Idiap’s premises.

Purposes, scope and legal basis of the processing

As concerns data voluntarily provided by users, they will be processed only for the specific and legitimate purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, which are summarised below.

Type of data Purpose(s) Legal basis
Data processed automatically by the web site (Anonymized IP address, language, captcha, cookiebar, Correct functioning of the ATCO2 web site. Legitimate interest
Data voluntarily communicated by users (name, e-mail address, data contained in the on-line forms) Replying/fulfilling the user’s requests User’s explicit informed consent


Personal data sent by e-mail or via on-line forms will only be processed to reply to senders and to comply with their requests.

Any personal data that are provided by users requesting information, answers to questions and materials such as brochures, DVD, newsletters, etc. is only used to provide the service and/or discharge the tasks requested and is disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for the said purposes.

Only data strictly necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes will be processed.

The legal basis for the processing will be the users’ informed consent.

Collected data, browsing data and tracking devices data are processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the controller as provided by section 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, in the present case this interest is constituted by the proper functioning of the website, the realization of user statistics and on the basis of the consent of the users as provided by section 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.

Third party Twitter data processing:

What information does Twitter collect through Twitter for Websites and how is that information used?

When you view Twitter content or Twitter products integrated into other websites using Twitter for Websites, Twitter may receive information including the web page you visited, your IP address, browser type, operating system, and cookie information. This information helps Twitter to improve their products and services, including personalized suggestions and personalized ads. Learn more about the information Twitter receives and how they use it in their privacy policy and cookies use.

How long does Twitter keep this information?

To protect privacy, Twitter never associates this web browsing history with users’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, or Twitter handles, and they delete, obfuscate, or aggregate it after no longer than 30 days, as explained in their Privacy Policy.

Modalities of processing

Personal data are processed with electronic and manual means, for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected as indicated below; the logic involved in this will be strictly consistent with the above-mentioned purposes. Specific adequate technical and organizational security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorization.

Recipients or categories of recipients of the data

Personal data resulting from web-based services may be communicated to other ATCO2 partners, only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. The complete list of partners with contact details is available here.

Personal data may be communicated to competent authorities (e.g. police, Courts) upon request, in compliance with applicable law, e.g. for the prevention of crimes or to defend a right in legal proceedings.

Data will be processed by duly authorized personnel at Idiap or by other ATCO2 partners.

Data may be processed by technical personnel, whether internal or external to Idiap, only to the extent that it is strictly needed to solve technical (e.g. IT) problems and/or to provide technical assistance.

No personal data will be disseminated, unless foreseen for project dissemination and communication activities and with the explicit consent of the data subjects.

Voluntary nature of the provision of personal data

Subject to the specifications made with regard to browsing data, the provision of personal data to the ATCO2 website (e.g. via e-mail and/or on-line forms) is free and fully voluntary.

Consequences of failure to provide personal data

If users fail to provide the personal data needed to reply to users’ requests, it may be impossible to reply to their requests.

Data storage period

Personal data will be stored only for the period strictly necessary to  guarantee the basic functioning of the website and to reply to users’ requests and, in any case, no longer than 26 months (duration of the ATCO2 project).

Transfer of personal data to third countries

No personal data will be transferred by Idiap to countries outside Switzerland and the European Union. Nevertheless third parties like Twitter and Google have their own regulations on this topic.

Find hereafter the personal data that might be transferred to third countries.

Through the Twitter widget integrated in the ATCO2 website, Twitter may receive information including the web page you visited, your IP address, browser type, operating system, and cookie information. Learn more about the information Twitter receives and how they use it in their privacy policy and cookies use.

Through Google Analytics, Google may receive information including the web page you visited, browser type, operating system, and cookie information. IP addresses are fully anonymised. More information can be found here.

Data subjects’ rights

The ATCO2 web site users, as data subjects, have the right to obtain at any time from the controller, without constraint, at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay or expense:

  • confirmation as to whether or not data relating to them are being processed and information as to the purposes of the processing, the categories of data concerned, all available information on the source of the data, and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are disclosed;
  • communication to them in an intelligible form of the data undergoing processing and of any available information as to their source;
  • where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
  • knowledge of the logic involved in any automatic processing of data concerning them at least in the case of automated decisions;
  • the character of the automated processing in relation to its use for decision-making, including profiling;
  • as appropriate the rectification, anonymization, pseudonymisation, erasure or blocking of data the processing of which does not comply with the provisions of applicable laws, in particular because of the incomplete or inaccurate nature of the data;
  • notification to third parties to whom the data have been disclosed of any rectification, erasure or blocking carried out in compliance with the previous paragraph, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

Users have the right to object in all cases, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of their personal data.

Users have the right to data portability, i.e. to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit them to another controller.

The controller shall provide a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. For any further copies requested by the data subject, the controller may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. Where the data subject makes the request by electronic means, and unless otherwise requested by the data subject, the information shall be provided in a commonly used electronic form. The right to obtain such copy shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Requests should be e-mailed to (webmaster at

Withdrawal of consent

In all those cases in which processing is based on consent, users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Users can exercise this right by contacting (legal at

Automated decision-making

No decisions on users are made solely on the basis of the automated processing of their personal data, including profiling.


This Privacy Policy may be updated as necessary, for instance following updates in applicable laws. The updates will be applicable as soon as they are published on the website. Users are kindly invited to check it periodically. The present Privacy Policy may change with the Law and the doctrine of the Federal Data protection Officer.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

Swiss Law and in particular the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) is applicable. The place of execution and of jurisdiction is at the registered office of Idiap.

Website disclaimer

Website is the property of the Idiap Research Institute (Idiap).

Idiap takes great care when presenting information on its websites. Idiap cannot be held responsible for third-party content, even if ATCO2 website link or refer to them.

Idiap reserves the right to modify or erase content published on its websites without prior notice and at any time.

For any questions regarding data protection or the use of cookies, please contact (info at

Google Analytics and users data
On most of its websites, Idiap uses Google Analytics to collect non-personal visitor data in order to generate metrics that will help improve its content and better organize information. Idiap uses the anonymized version of Google Analytics which transmits only a subset of the visitor’s IP address to Google.

Like all analytics software, Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files inserted in the user’s computer, in order to help websites analyze their traffic. By visiting and using ATCO2 website, you agree to allow Idiap webmaster as well as Google collect your anonymous data.