Find out your ultimate Eco-Warrior name! [Text based]

This is the text based version of our eco-warrior name generator

All good protectors of the environment need a name and title, so we've put together this handy list to help you find yours using just your name, birth month and your favourite way of being green!

As Blue Peter's birthday is in October and we LOVE our BP Gardens, we would be...

Brave Enthusiast, the Green Thumb!

First: Find the first letter of your first name

A Awesome

B Brave

C Creative

D Daring

E Eco

F Friendly

G Green

H Habitat

I Igneous

J Jurassic

K Kind

L Little

M Mighty

N Nature’s

O Original

P Planet

Q Quartz

R Righteous

S Super

T Terrific

U United

V Valorous

W World

X Exuberant

Y Young

Z Zealous


Second: Find your birth month

January Warrior

February Knight

March Protector

April Champion

May Surveyor

June Beach Boss

July Mountain

August Stalagmite

September Stalactite

October Enthusiast

November Scout

December Explorer


Third: Choose your favourite way to be green

The Beach Cleaner

Of Sustainable Food

Of Biodiversity

The Hedgehog Hotelier

The Energy Saver

The Carbon Footprint Reducer

The Green Thumb

The Campaigner

The Conservationist

The Recycler

The Upcycler

The Future Enthusiast


What did you get?

Let us know your name and title! Head to the comments on the main page to tell everybody your new Eco-warrior persona!

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