Knots Basics

Daisy chain

Embellish daisy chains for a charming bracelet. 1 On 1 yd. .9m of Fireline, attach a stop bead Basics, p. 10 , leaving a 12-in. 30cm tail. 2 Pick up two 11s seed beads, three 8 seed beads, two llas, and three 8s. Sew back through all the beads, exiting from the first 11 figure 1, a-b . 3 Pick up an 11 , a 4mm bead, and an 11s, and sew through the 4 To make the connecting tab between the daisy loops, pick up an 11s, and sew through the next 11 on the ring. Pick up an 11 , sew through the 11 just...

Geometric lace

Seed beads enhance two bracelets inspired by Norwegian Hardanger lace. step step Flat bracelet Bracelet base 1 Thread a needle on 2 yd. (1.8m) of conditioned thread (Basics, p. 10), leaving a 6-in. (15cm) tail. 2 Working in ladder stitch (Basics), make three separate segments (b-c, c-d, and d-e). Snug up each segment to the previous one. 3 Sew through the first bugle of the (e-f and photo a). 4 Pick up a bugle and snug it up to the first ladder segment (f-g). 5 Sew a four-bugle ladder (g h).

Beading Knots Pdf

(figure 2), continue stitching for the desired length of the necklace. With each stitch, the right needle picks u 4mm, a 15 , a teardrop, a 15 , and 4 With rhe right needle, pick up an 11 and an A. Sew through the 11 opposite the first teardrop in row 1 (f-g).PickupanA(g-h). 5 With the left needle, pick up an 112, two 15 s, an A, and two 15 s (b-c). 6 Cross the needles through an 1 la (c-d and h-i). 7 Continue stitching, following the color pattern. With each stitch, the right the next top 11...

Russian snake stitch

Japanese cylinder beads frame round crystals or fire-polished beads in an easy variation of a daisy chain. 1 Center a needle on 2-4 yd. 1.8-3.7m of conditioned thread Basics, p. 10 . Working with doubled thread, pick up eight color A cylinder beads and eight color B cylinder beads, leaving a 6-in. 15cm tail. Go through all the beads again figure 1, a-b , tighten them into a ring, and tie a surgeon's knot Basics . 2 Sew through five As, pick up a 4mm fire-polished bead or crystal, and sew...