NI hiker ‘rescued’ during Jay Slater searches in Tenerife insists he ‘didn’t need to be saved’

David Larkin. Credit: Instagram

Missing Jay Slater (social media)

thumbnail: David Larkin. Credit: Instagram
thumbnail: Missing Jay Slater (social media)
Eimear McGovern

A Northern Ireland man has insisted he didn't need to be saved after he was “rescued” in Tenerife by crews searching for missing teenager Jay Slater.

David Larkin (51), who now lives in Scotland, was found by search crews scouring a park in Spain’s Canary Islands close to where the teenager was last seen.

Jay Slater, from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, disappeared following an attempt to walk back to his accommodation after missing a bus. The search for the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer is now in its second week.

But Mr Larkin told the Daily Mail he is an "experienced" hiker and said he knew what he was doing.

"I can tell you now; I wasn’t tired and I wasn’t disoriented, and I didn’t need rescuing.

"I think there was a lot lost in translation when they saw him and I explained to them I had water, I was wearing layers, I had my rucksack with food and I’m an experienced hiker.

"I think they want to show how good they are, but I certainly didn’t need saving.

"I feel so sorry for the boy’s family and hope he’s found soon."

Mr Larkin said he knows the trails well and did not need help, saying he was "embarrassed" rescuers thought he did. He arrived on the island at the start of June and has been staying at a remote one-bedroom hut on the edge of a cliff.

He added: "I went into the canyon and I saw the helicopters looking and thought they were looking for the lad but I didn’t for one minute think they would end up picking me up.

"I don’t want to appear ungrateful, and I thanked them for their concern but I was fine."

Missing Jay Slater (social media)

Mr Slater had attended the NRG music festival on the island with two friends before his disappearance and was last heard from on Monday last week.

The walk from Mr Slater's last known location, Rural de Teno Park in the north of the island, to his accommodation would have taken about 11 hours on foot.

A fundraiser set up by the last person to speak to Mr Slater hit its target of £30,000 on Sunday.

The GoFundMe created by Lucy Law to "get Jay Slater home" had received £33,000 in donations by Monday morning.

Ms Law said her friend told her in a frantic phone call last Monday at 8.30am that he was "lost in the mountains, he wasn't aware of his surroundings, he desperately needed a drink and his phone was on 1%".

Mr Slater was last seen wearing a white T-shirt with shorts and trainers, and carrying a black bag.

News Catch Up: Thursday 27th June 2024