Frequently Asked Questions About Cookies

What is a cookie?
A “cookie” is a small piece of information that a website can store in a designated file on your computer. It can be used, among other things, to identify you when you log in to a website. When you visit a site, that site can access only the information that is stored in your cookie — not information put in your cookie by other sites. is one of many sites that use cookies.

Why does use cookies?
First, if you choose the option to “Save your ID and Password,” we use a cookie to allow you to log in to automatically without entering your Member ID and password each visit. When you save your ID and/or password and quit your browser, this information is stored in the cookie. This “”permanent”” cookie will remain on your hard disk indefinitely, until you click the Log Out on our home page, or delete your cookie file. We recommend saving your ID and password only if your computer is in a secure area. Users of public computers should click Log Out at the top right of our homepage at the end of each session.

Can I disable or reject cookies?
Yes, you can, but doing so may limit your ability to interact with our website. You will also not be able to take advantage of the saved login and password functionality if you reject cookies from You can tell a cookie comes from us if you see “””” in the cookie notification. However, since our website might attempt to set this cookie several times during your visit, you might want to turn off the feature in your browser to notify you each time a cookie is set. Check your web browser’s Help option for instructions.

How do I make sure my browser isn’t rejecting cookies?
Check your web browser’s Help option for instructions on turning cookies off or on, usually found under the Privacy or Security headings.

Will another website be able to steal my ID and password?
No. Only can read the information about your ID and password. No other site has access to it through your browser. However, anyone who sits down at your computer can log on to our site using your Member information if you have chosen to “save your ID and password.” We recommend saving your sign-on only if your computer is in a secure location; if you are in a public place and want to make sure that your ID and password are not stored there, click Log Out on our home page.

Can I look at my own cookie or delete it?
You can find your own cookie file on your hard disk and see what kind of information is being stored in it, and by which sites. You can also delete the file(s), if you wish (which, of course, effectively deletes all the cookies that were stored there). For Windows machines using Netscape, look for a “cookies.txt” file. Internet Explorer stores cookies in a folder called “Cookies”. On the Macintosh, look in the System Folder under Preferences; in the Netscape Navigator folder, it’s called “MagicCookie”.

Will I receive unsolicited e-mail if I accept your cookies?
No. Acceptance of cookies on our website does not result in your receiving any additional e-mail from us or from our advertisers. When you registered, you chose whether to receive promotional e-mail from or from our advertisers. To check or update this choice, please view your E-mail Preferences in our Member Center.