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National politics news

Takeaways from Supreme Court ruling: Abortion pill still available but opponents say fight not over

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld access to a drug used in the majority of US abortions, though abortion opponents say the ruling won’t be the last word in the fight over mifepristone.

President Biden says he won’t offer commutation to his son Hunter after gun sentence

Hunter Biden’s sentencing date has not been set, and the three counts carry up to 25 years in prison, though that’s unlikely as a first-time offender.

Cheers, cake, and a fist-bump from GOP as Trump returns to Capitol Hill in a first since Jan. 6 riot

Donald Trump made a triumphant return to Capitol Hill, his first with lawmakers since the Jan.6, 2021 attacks, embraced by energized House and Senate Republicans who find themselves reinvigorated by his bid to retake the White House.

Senator John Fetterman was at fault in car accident and seen going ‘high rate of speed,’ police say

Earlier this year, the Democratic senator pleaded guilty in Pennsylvania to a citation for exceeding the speed limit by 34 miles per hour, according to court records.

Abortion pill access is unchanged after the Supreme Court’s decision. Here’s what you need to know.

Despite the ruling, women's access to mifepristone still largely depends on a patchwork of state laws, with only about half of states allowing full access under terms approved by the federal government.

Supreme Court rules California man can’t trademark ‘Trump too small’

The justices upheld the government's decision to deny a trademark to a man seeking exclusive use of the phrase on T-shirts and potentially other merchandise.

Supreme Court, siding with Starbucks, makes it harder for NLRB to win court orders in labor disputes

The Supreme Court has made it harder for the federal government to win court orders when it suspects a company of interfering in unionization campaigns in a case that stemmed from a labor dispute with Starbucks.

US submarine pulls into Guantanamo Bay a day after Russian warships arrive in Cuba

The USS Helena pulled into Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in a show of force as a fleet of Russian warships gather for planned military exercises in the Caribbean.

Project 2025, the far-right agenda for a second Trump administration, explained

There is growing alarm about the sweeping plan, which opponents have called a “dystopian plot,” “far-right manifesto,” and “blueprint for destroying our democracy.”

Read the Supreme Court’s ruling preserving access to a popular abortion medication

The ruling, the first on abortion since conservative justices overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, preserves access to the medication, mifepristone, used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the US last year.

Here are the major cases the Supreme Court will decide on in the coming weeks

The court is set to issue a series of landmark decisions, with significant implications for politics, guns, access to emergency abortions, and how cities manage their homeless populations.

President Biden faces first lawsuit over new asylum crackdown at the border

The lawsuit is the first test of the legality of Biden’s sweeping crackdown on the border, which came after months of internal White House deliberations.

Presidential election a prime target for foreign disinformation, intelligence officials say

US officials who track disinformation campaigns say they’re issuing more warnings to political candidates, government officials, and others targeted by foreign groups as America’s adversaries seek to influence the 2024 election.

Senate confirms new energy regulators, extending Biden’s grip on panel that backs renewable energy

President Biden’s grip on a key federal energy commission will last beyond his first term, giving a boost to the Democrat’s push for renewable energy regardless of the election results in November.

Hollywood’s A-listers are lining up behind President Biden. Will their support matter in November?

Celebrities are increasingly lending their star power to President Biden, hoping to energize their fans to vote for him in November and entice donors to pony up for his campaign.

House votes to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for withholding Biden audio

The 216-207 vote fell along party lines, with Republicans coalescing behind the contempt effort despite reservations among some of the party’s more centrist members.