A nursery where children flourish and thrive has been rated outstanding in all areas. Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School, located in Coombe Dingle, has recently received an outstanding rating in its latest inspection conducted by Ofsted. The inspection, which took place on March 26, highlighted the exceptional quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management provided by the nursery.

According to the report, children attending Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School are extremely happy, secure, and have consistently positive attitudes towards their play and learning.

The report states: “Staff have high aspirations for children's development and provide an environment that helps children to flourish and thrive. They put children's needs at the heart of everything that they do and guide children through exciting learning experiences that enhance their current skills. Staff are extremely passionate, caring and very enthusiastic. They get to know all children very well. As a result, children form strong attachments with staff.”

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The nursery's curriculum was praised for its diversity and breadth, catering to the needs of all children. Children of all ages demonstrated high levels of engagement and interest, with staff successfully enhancing their communication skills and fostering a love for books and literature. The report also highlighted that all children, including those in need of additional support, made excellent progress and gained the necessary skills for their future learning.

In addition to the outstanding educational provision, Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School was commended for its extensive range of enriching learning experiences. These experiences ensure that each child gains the skills they need to transition to the next stage of their learning and school. The nursery also actively engages with the local community to support children's understanding of health, local travel, and amenities.

The report also outlined several areas where Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School excels. The nursery's ambitious curriculum, strong core values, and staff's ability to plan activities based on children's interests and learning needs were highlighted as key strengths. Communication, language, and literacy were expertly promoted, with staff introducing new vocabulary and providing opportunities for children to explore books independently. The nursery's special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) was praised for her extensive experience and knowledge in supporting children with additional needs.

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Furthermore, the report emphasised the nursery's focus on promoting children's understanding of the world, hand-to-eye coordination, mathematical skills, self-confidence, and emotional well-being. Staff were commended for their dedication and welfare, with access to training opportunities and resources to enhance their knowledge and confidence.

The inspection also confirmed that the arrangements for safeguarding at Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School are effective, with an open and positive culture that prioritizes children's interests.

Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School, registered in 2011, operates from 7.30am to 6.30pm each weekday, providing full-day care for children aged 0 to 5. The nursery employs 61 staff, with 34 holding relevant qualifications at level 2 or above. It is also in receipt of funding to provide free early education to children aged two, three, and four years.

Liz Hogarth, Red Bus owners said: “It’s no secret that it’s a challenging time in the early years sector, with lots of debate within the sector and in the political sphere. Despite the landscape, I committed to protect the quality of what we offer to our children and I’m delighted that Red Bus has been able to deliver the highest Ofsted rating consistently. Four times in a row, with the last two under the updated EYFS framework.

“How have we managed it so consistently? It could sound cliché, but it’s all about taking charge of our own destiny. As a business owner I worry about what’s around the corner, and I don’t take anything for granted. We don’t shy away from bumps in the road, we don’t take the easy route.

“From managing the COVID pandemic, implementing the increased government funding, rising costs and recruitment struggles, we acknowledge it, we embrace it, and don’t fear change. You can’t maintain a high level of quality by staying the same, an approach supported by the feedback given in our most recent inspection.

“We have always held our own definition of what Outstanding childcare looks like – although wonderful to have it confirmed by Ofsted. It’s almost magic, creating something special, a particular culture – it doesn’t happen overnight. My aim has always been to create an exceptional cluster of nurseries, providing the best early years education by the most passionate practitioners.

“I am lucky to have some real quality people at Red Bus, who can drive change and maintain our high standards of service. We are also fortunate to have a lot of ‘buy-in’ from our families and a staff team who are willing to speak up and be heard – so Red Bus will never stop learning, improving, and growing.

Leah Dorrington, Coombe Dingle early years manager added “This is my first inspection as a manager, and I won’t pretend it’s not scary. As much as I knew in my heart that we provide such an amazing learning environment for all of our children and that my staff always give their best, you still have that worry that the inspector won’t see what we see.

“Luckily, I have an amazing team. Their passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm came across on the day, and it was a relief to see the end result. We don’t do what we do for Ofsted; we do it for the children we look after every day. Having said that, it’s so nice to be recognised for the hard work and effort the team put into making these early years so special, and it’s a great excuse to celebrate.”