In a store cupboard of a communal room in a tower block in Bristol, there is an electronic bingo machine that is nearly 30 years old.

It doesn’t get out quite as much as it once did - when the residents of the tower block did so much more stuff together, like bingo and trips to the seaside - but it’s still in use fairly regularly.

It’s not just any electronic bingo machine.

READ MORE: Ashton A to Z and what makes Bristol's Gate, Vale, Park and Court so great

Back when it was new and shiny, it was the top-of-the-range model, replacing an old manual machine that dated back decades.

And this electronic bingo machine is intrinsically linked to one of British television’s most famous, and most-watched moments - the one where Derek Edward ‘Del Boy’ Trotter kicked over a bin, woke up the whole block up, and inadvertently started a riot.

It was 1993, probably the high watermark of the filming of Only Fools And Horses at Whitemead House in Bristol’s Ashton Gate and, through the bingo machine, a row of conifer trees, the regular appearance of coach-loads of fans in the car park, and a heap of memories, it still resonates down the years today.

But the story of Whitemead House, and its sister blocks Southbow and Winterstoke, didn’t start and end with a fictional riot and a bingo machine. It’s a 60 year history of people who came and went, were born and died, married and split, worked hard and retired, all within the three most famous tower blocks in Bristol.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of work starting on the three 11-storey tower blocks on a patch of land between Duckmoor Road and Ashton Gate’s famous football ground.

According to the maps dating back into Victorian times, the land here had never been developed. There was a warehouse in one corner for a while and, right back into the 19th century, a bowling green that is still very much a bowls venue.

But as the rolling mills, factories and mines sprang up in the very south western edge of Bristol, and the new suburb of Ashton Gate was born, the land here was left as one of the last open spaces.

With a post-war housing crisis still in effect, and the inner city housing being either condemned or cleared for dual carriageways and motorways, the Bristol County Borough Council commissioned AH Clarke architects to design, and building firm Laing to construct, three tower blocks on this land.

Pretty soon, they would begin to tower over the squat, east side stand of Ashton Gate stadium next door, and by the time they were finished in 1962, they reached 11 storeys high.

They were declared finished on November 10, 1962, which was quite a week, not just for the soon-to-be residents of the newly-named Whitemead, Southbow and Winterstoke ‘houses’, but for the world as a whole.

That week saw the US and USSR finally sort out the Cuban Missile Crisis that threatened the world in late October and early November.

And, three days before the surveyor signed off the blocks of flats, a South African anti-apartheid activist called Nelson Mandela began a five-year jail sentence. By the following year, more decades were added to his sentence. It was a name that probably didn't register with the couples and families who were hearing around that time, that they'd been allocated a flat in the brand new blocks.

They came from a variety of different situations - many young couples stuck in overcrowded family homes, for whom a two-bed flat in Winterstoke would be their first home. There were older folk too, downsizing from a bigger council house to free up space for families. For many, it might well have been their first experience of central heating, of a bathroom, or even an indoor toilet.

Opening Day

The flats were officially declared open with a little ceremony in December 1962, and the new residents began to settle in just before Christmas.

Within a week, there was a huge test for the new tower block’s modern heating and hot water systems. In the days between Christmas 1962 and New Year, there was a massive snowstorm that covered Bristol, and a big freeze set in that lasted for months.

The three tower blocks overlooked the pitch at Ashton Gate, and anyone living on the west side from about the seventh floor up had a grandstand view. But the big freeze meant that few games could take place - in the first ten weeks of 1963, City only managed to complete three games.

Bristol City play at Ashton Gate in the early 1960s, with the new tower blocks of Duckmoor Road behind. Southbow House is the nearest, with Whitemead just behind to the right

The 1960s continued, and the residents of Whitemead House, and neighbouring Southbow and Winterstoke settled in to their new homes.

There are 63 flats in Whitemead on the 11 storeys - another 63 in Southbow and 61 in Winterstoke, making a total of 187 dwellings, mainly one or two-bedroomed. Right from the start they were a mix - older people whose grown-up children had left home, or young couples starting families.

One of the first families in to Southbow - high up enough to be able to see the matches - was a young Chris Garland. He was suitably inspired be the action he saw as a boy and then a teenager.

There's a now famous picture of a young Garland watching a game in the early 1960s from his lofty balcony. By the age of 17 he was playing on the pitch himself at the start of a long football career that took in Chelsea and Leicester City, and two spells at Bristol City that ended with Garland becoming one of the Ashton Gate Eight, who agreed to tear their contracts up to save the club from folding in 1982

The next major change came in 1970. Bristol City chairman Harry Dolman sold a few players - including City’s first Bristol-born black footballer Steve Stacey - and raised the money to build a new stand along the eastern side of the pitch.

It was named after him - the Dolman Stand - and suddenly stopped the free football matches for all but the residents of the very top floors of Southbow House, the block nearest the ground - and even they could only see part of the pitch.

Then, before the 70s were out, new Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was elected, bringing a promise that anyone in a council-owned property would be given the right to buy it. As the 70s turned to the 80s, thousands in council houses across Bristol did just that, at knock-down prices too, but maybe because they were flats in tower blocks, few in the Duckmoor Road three did.

Just two flats in Southbow and two in Winterstoke were bought by their tenants - and none in Whitemead. Still today, 40 years on from Right To Buy, no one has.

Whitemead House in October 1992
Fools and Horses

Then, in September 1981, almost 40 years ago, some of the residents of Whitemead House settled down to watch a new sitcom on BBC1. It was something a bit different - the first primetime BBC sitcom that was very much set in the kind of council flat they knew well.

Except Only Fools and Horses was set in Peckham in London, in a fictional tower block called Nelson Mandela House.

The series didn’t do so well initially - it took a summer repeat the following year to secure a second series. By 1985 and 1986 though, the sitcom was hugely popular, with 15 million tuning in each week to see Del Boy, Rodney and their Granddad.

The popularity proved a problem to the programme-makers, however. In 1986, so many people would turn up to watch the cast and crew in and around Harlech Tower in Acton, west London, that they disrupted the filming. Harlech Tower was the fictional Nelson Mandela House, and had become a local landmark.

The iconic Only Fools and Horses: Lennard Pearce as Grandad, David Jason as Del Boy Trotter and Nicholas Lyndhurst as Rodney Trotter.

“For the first few series the show was filmed all over mainly North London – and it was never actually filmed in Del’s manor, Peckham,” said Steve Clark, the author of Only Fools and Horses - The Official Inside Story, and the show’s confirmed expert.

“As the series exploded in popularity, filming anywhere became a challenge and the show's locations expanded even into the West Country, with Salisbury and Bristol being employed as more remote locations.

"But as the series became popular the crowds that gathered to watch filming grew too large. 'Filming in London was a pain in the neck and we used to lose a lot of filming,’ the show’s first producer Ray Butt told me.

"Ray recalled filming in Chapel Street in London and the crowds used to come round and they wouldn’t be quiet and usually the film crew would have to stop during school breaks. It just became impossible to work in the capital.

"So the series began to be filmed all around the country and there has been a Nag's Head in Hull, Ipswich, Brighton, London and Bristol and a Peckham street market in Hull, Ipswich, Bristol and Salisbury."

In the end, the author said Bristol actually became the most regularly used setting for the show.

“Architecturally it had everything the production needed in terms of pubs, houses and a market and most importantly they found the right block of flats - Whitemead House in Duckmoor Road,” he added.

As filming for the 1986 series got underway, actor David Jason told the show’s writers and producers that he wanted to quit while they were ahead, and go on to do different things. In the end, he changed his mind, but those other things meant that, aside from the annual Christmas special, there were no series of Only Fools and Horses in 1987 or 1988 - the show effectively took a three-year break.

When David Jason came back, in the summer of 1988, the show’s producers decided to move all outdoor production lock, stock and barrel to Bristol.

Making the programme became split. While indoor scenes were shot in the same studio as before, everything outdoors, including Nelson Mandela House, was now in Bristol.

And Whitemead House, the tower block opened in the week Mandela was first jailed 26 years earlier, became the famous Nelson Mandela House.

“They first approached the council, and the council asked the residents,” said Shirley Bush, commonly regarded as the Queen of Whitemead House.

“It was such a big show at the time, I think everyone was really pleased. Excited, even.”

Shirley wasn’t living at Whitemead House then, in 1988 when the first camera crews arrived. She and her husband Gordon had raised a family in Whitchurch, but tragically, just a short time after he took early retirement at 53, Gordon passed away, leaving Shirley a young widow of just 48.

Shirley Bush at Whitemead House

She couldn’t bear to live in the family home so, after a couple of moves, got on the list for a one-bed flat in Whitemead House, and moved in in 1989, the year the rejuvenated and Bristol-filmed Only Fools and Horses returned to the screens.

That sixth series was the first filmed in Ashton Gate, and it hit the ground running. Diehard fans of the show all love individual episodes and series, but that sixth series is probably the one most people who watched the show remember today.

The first episode reintroduced Del Boy as a changed man - no longer the cheeky Cockney market trader, but now a more mature Yuppie, with a filofax and smart clothes.

The very first episode contains the one scene that is probably most replayed of all the classics - the moment Del tries to impress two women in a wine bar, leans onto the bar and falls hilariously into the gap where the barman just lifted the counter.

That wine bar, or at least the outside of it, was the Granary building just off Queens Square in Bristol, and now, with an expanded running time of 50 minutes instead of the usual half-hour, the programme expanded its horizons too, way beyond the sitcom flat’s famous front room.

So that meant more outside filming, and more going on outside Whitemead House and around it.

Nelson Mandela House

The programme-makers, remembered Shirley, worked hard to keep everyone in Whitemead and the other two blocks, happy.

Now 86, she remembers the episodes by the scenes they filmed outside her home. Shirley was soon elected to be the chair of the tenants association for Whitemead House, and in charge of a busy round of community activities.

“I wasn’t here when they did the blow up dolls episode, but I was chair for the riots episode - that was the first one I was really involved in. I dealt with all the filming, because at the time I was chair of the tenants association,” she added.

The filming of Only Fools and Horses cemented the view among residents of Whitemead House that they had the best council block in the city - despite being by then 27 years old.

“It was lovely back then, we were the flagship building for Bristol City Council, they were the best three blocks in Bristol.

“It was all open plan at the bottom, and then we had the railings put up, and with the first lot of money from Fools and Horses, we planted all the conifers that now line all along the front of Duckmoor Road,” she added.

Trees planted outside Whitemead House in Bristol - paid for by the first series of filming of Only Fools and Horses

For when the BBC thanked the residents of Whitemead House for the inconvenience of turning their drive, car park, garages and grounds into a film set for several weeks of the year, they sometimes did so financially.

The first time, money was donated to the tenants association chaired by Shirley, and the residents voted to do a bit of ambitious planting. The row of conifers the ‘Fools and Horses money’ paid for has grown a lot in the years since, and is still a nice buffer from the traffic noise of Duckmoor Road.

That first series saw many classics in the grounds of Whitemead House - as well as Del Boy falling through the bar. There was the inflatable sex dolls blowing up in the car park, the holiday won by Rodney who had to pretend to be a 14-year-old kid - this was Only Fools and Horses at the peak of its powers, watched by 18 million every week, including everyone in Whitemead House.

“We never had any problem with them,” said Shirley.

“When they came everyone was very excited because it was a big, popular show back then.

“David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst and all the actors were big stars, but if anybody spoke to them who lived here, they were nothing but lovely and polite to everyone. They were very, very good to everyone, and would always talk to people.

Some of the Only Fools and Horses cast. (L-R) Nicholas Lyndhurst as Rodney Trotter, David Jason as Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter and Buster Merryfield as Uncle Albert

“Looking back, we did put up with a lot from the filming, but nobody complained really, because it was such a big programme, and it was always good to watch it and see where you lived and spot the scenes you saw being filmed.

“They used number 35 for a lot of the filming too - I don’t know what they filmed in there or if they just used it for some scenes, but I remember the lady there saying she had Uncle Albert in her flat for a day,” she added.

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” said Shirley, stopping to think. It was, 30 years ago or more. “There are only three people in this block from the days when they filmed Only Fools and Horses here, who are left,” she added.

The 1988 filming for series 6 was followed by two Christmas specials in 1989 and 1990, and then just one more full series, filmed in 1990 and broadcast into the start of 1991.

Each year, there would be Christmas specials, and the residents got used to seeing Christmas lights in the middle of the year, and a Christmas tree in a barrel at the entrance to their homes.

The Riot

Perhaps the biggest set-piece ever to involve Whitemead House came with that riot in 1993 - filmed for that year’s Christmas special.

Del Boy, drunk and happy after winning back his love Raquel, accidentally kicks over a big metal bin, and inadvertently starts what ends up being a major riot.

“The day they filmed the riots it went on til 3am,” remembered Shirley. “It was terrible. We had an old car here, and bricks, and the car was set on fire.”

This time, for once, the actual residents had a part to play. Many had actors installed on their balconies, and the residents themselves had one job - to listen out for the sound of Del Boy knocking over the bin, and that was their cue to turn their lights on.

The buzz around the three blocks that evening was huge, but the filming was done with a big veil of secrecy.

Residents were forbidden to go out and watch too much, and also were absolutely not allowed to take photographs. It was a rule that Shirley found the programme makers wanted her, as chair of the tenants association and de facto residents’ liaison, to police.

“There was a time that night that they stopped filming because they thought someone was taking photographs from one of the balconies,” said Shirley.

“We were told we weren’t allowed to take photos or come out and watch, really. And I had a call to come down to talk to them, and they said ‘someone is on the third floor taking photographs’, so they sent me up to check it out.

“I went once and the people in the flat were denying it. They stopped filming a second time, and sent me up again, and I went in, and there were these two men sitting there, and the person living there said they were nephews or something, but it turned out they were photographers from a newspaper in London.

“So the production turned an arc light to shine on the balcony so they couldn’t take photographs anymore,” she said.

Only Fools and Horses riot scene for the Christmas Special of 1993, at Duckmoor Road flats, Ashton Gate

Some photographs were taken though, some made their way to the Bristol Evening Post, and one shows the riot in full swing, with a burning car, a mob of extras facing up to a line of police.

The riot scene was the biggest involvement for the residents of Whitemead House, and the producers were grateful for the part they played, which brings us to that electronic bingo machine.

“The producer was Jonathan Paul Llewellyn and he would come and talk to us. He saw that we had bingo in the communal room a lot, and we just had an old bingo machine.

“I said to him, well it would be nice if we had a new one, and he said ‘let’s see at the end of filming shall we?’, and when they had finished, they paid for an electronic bingo machine, as a way of thanking us for the episode with the riots. We still use it now,” she added.

The top-of-the-range electronic bingo machine, bought by the BBC to say thank you to residents of Whitemead House for filming the riot scene in the Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special of 1993. It's still in use today, as shown by resident Shirley Bush

While 1993’s Christmas Special was the biggest deal for the residents of Whitemead, it wasn’t the last time they benefited from the filming - and that was down to Shirley too.

As the chair of the tenants association, she spoke often with other tenants associations for council blocks in the area, including friends over in Littlecross House, the huge tower block on the other side of North Street, nearer the river.

That block was regularly used as an outdoor location set for the BBC’s other big programme filmed in Bristol, Casualty.

“We would talk to other chairs of the other blocks and I found out that they were getting a lot more money at Littlecross from the Casualty filming, so I challenged the Fools and Horses people, and got more money,” remembered Shirley.

“Instead of spending it on something in the block, this time we split it. It was split between every person who lived in all three blocks, and everyone got £7, which was a bit more money back then than it sounds now.

“If there was a couple they’d get £14 and so on. We set up a table in the community room at the bottom of Whitemead and people would come down and collect their money,” she added.

From left, Buster Merryfield (Uncle Albert), David Jason (Del Boy) and Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney), the stars of Only Fools and Horses

After 1993, there were just a few more Only Fools and Horses ever made - three, hour-long Christmas specials in 1996, and a Christmas special each year between 2001 and 2003.

With bigger budgets than ever, these episodes tended to be set and filmed in France, Florida, Holland and Spain, with only ever fleeting moments showing the outside of Nelson Mandela House.

“We always hoped they’d come back and do another series, but we knew it wouldn’t happen,” said Shirley.

“They were getting older and going off and doing other things, especially David Jason,” she added.

After Fools and Horses

With Fools and Horses becoming an occasional bit of excitement, rather than a summer-long residency, Whitemead House settled down to its regular community life again - and with many of its residents of a similar age, there was a real community spirit, with a host of activities.

Shirley lists them with pride.

“We used to do Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon teas, Thursday was coffee,” she said.

“Thursday evening was quiz night, Tuesday and Friday afternoon was bingo, and for the four months of summer, one Sunday a month, we’d go away for the day to somewhere nice like Paignton on a day trip.

Shirley Bush, pictured in the Evening Post in 2005, at Whitemead House

“We'd even organise five day holidays, and we’d have 26 or more going - we’d go to places abroad like the German Christmas markets,” she added.

For some it was their first time out of the country. “There was a lady in Whitemead called Dolly Snell, and when we went to the Christmas markets in Germany, she came along. She was 91 and it was the first time abroad for her - we had to get her passport sorted and off she went with us.

“She died ten years later at the age of 101,” she added. By weird coincidence, this Dolly Snell wasn’t the most famous Dolly Snell in the Duckmoor Road flats - over in Winterstoke House was another Dolly Snell, who lived with her husband, and she was Eddie Large’s mother-in-law.

The community activities and trips away have dwindled, and the formal and active tenants association is no more, although Shirley still performs duties as residents’ co-ordinator.

The day the residents of the Duckmoor Road flats protested about having their Christmas Lights turned off by the council - December 12, 2011. Shirley Bush is front and centre, with other residents Glenis Owen, Gwenn Caswell, David Caswell, Jim Holloway, Mary Holloway and Dennis Owen

There was a bit of controversy in 2011, when the residents of Whitemead House rigged up their usual Christmas lights display, only to get up one morning to find the council had come and switched it all off in a dispute over just how safe the residents' own electrical set-up was.

The main bit of communal activity nowadays involves the gardens around the blocks. Each building has volunteer gardeners, and everyone chips in to buy plants and equipment.

“The only thing the council do is mow the grass,” said Shirley with pride.

Most recently, Whitemead House saw a worrying fire, earlier this year, that sparked an explosion in a fourth-floor flat.

A fire on the 4th floor of Whitemead House, a block of flats in Ashton Gate, Bristol

“They were all there in their dressing gowns, and we got as many as we could in the foyer, it was quite scary,” said Shirley, now 86.

“I think we had five fire engines out the front and three at the back. Nobody was injured or anything, but a couple of the older ones were a bit shook,” she added.

And residents are also part of an ongoing campaign to get something - anything - done about parking in and around Ashton Gate for matchdays, too.

The Legacy
Shirley Bush at the famous red garages of the Duckmoor Road flats, pictured in 2001

But while almost everyone who now lives in Whitemead House was not around for the days when the nation’s most popular TV show was filmed there, there’s no escaping the legacy of Only Fools and Horses.

Every few weeks, maybe once a month, a coach pulls up in Duckmoor Road.

“Everyone gets out and walks around the block and goes over to the garages,” said Shirley, with slight incredulity. “It’s a tour for fans of the programme. They come regularly. It’s a local coach firm put it on and they go to all the places in Bristol where it was filmed,” she added.

If they are lucky, they'll catch one of the residents who remembers those days, maybe Shirley, at the garages where Del Boy and Rodney found out they would, after all that, be millionaires, or in the car park in front where the fictional residents rioted, watched by the real residents through their curtains.

Darren Williams, pictured in January 2015, in front of Whitemead House

Whitemead House is now so intertwined with the Only Fools and Horses legend that it's become something of an icon in its own right - a character in the show.

So much so that when Darren Williams, from Uplands in Bristol, turned his love for Only Fools and Horses into a full back tattoo in 2015, Whitemead House's role as Nelson Mandela House is there making up the montage in all its red-brick and balcony 1960s glory.

The tour buses still come, and it's not that unusual to see fans of the show who've bought their own yellow Reliant Regal supervan (not a Reliant Robin, by the way) to Ashton Gate on a pilgrimage to Nelson Mandela House.

And there is one more recent thing that has sealed the reminder that Whitemead House is Bristol’s most famous tower block.

An image of Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses selling facemasks from a suitcase has appeared on a wall in front of Whitemead House, a tower block in Ashton Gate, Bristol, which was the location of Nelson Mandela House in the BBC TV sitcom. The artist is Diff.

Just across the road facing Whitemead’s main entrance, in the height of the covid lockdown summer of 2020, street artist Diff painted Del Boy pitching up with a market stall suitcase full of face-masks, with a later addition of Rodney round the corner keeping lock-out.

“It hasn’t been painted over or tagged - that’s really good. I’m pleased it’s still there, I like it,” she added.

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