The bonkers reality-TV-cum-dating-show Married at First Sight Australia is back on our screens to provide us with some much needed dramatic escapism.

A brand new batch of singletons are ready to try and find love - by marrying complete strangers.

Chaos is guaranteed as the couples try to cohabit, learning pretty quickly if they are meant for each other. They'll be watched over by relationship experts Mel Schilling, John Aiken, and clinical sexologist Alessandra Rampolla who matched up the lucky couples.

Read more: What time does Married at First Sight Australia start on E4 and how many episodes are there?

Married at First Sight Australia returns to E4 on Monday 21st February and will air every night between Monday and Thursday.

The feature-length first episode (Monday 21st) will be split into two parts. Part one kicks off at 7.30pm and part two will follow at 10.20pm after The Real Dirty Dancing at 9pm.

Here's who we will be watching for the ninth season of this E4 phenomenon.

Meet the Married at First Sight Australia season 9 couples

Jack and Domenica

Outgoing, feisty and passionate Domenica is hoping to find a husband who “will love her for all her quirks and can deliver the right chemistry in the bedroom.”

The 28-year-old Italian makeup artist is coming into this with her guard up, after blaming herself for the breakdown of her last marriage which lasted two months until she decided to leave.

Will Jack be able to reignite her ambitions for creating a new big Italian family to match her own?

Jack is a 26-year-old Financial Planner who fancies himself as a non-confrontational peacemaker “with a great moral compass.”

The charismatic and likeable Jack gets on with everyone and finds it easy to lead conversations. He's looking for a fun, passionate and open-minded partner who can share his passion for music and adventure.

Oh, and they must get on with his best friend: Fynn the dog.

Ella and Mitch

Tattooed beautician Ella is searching for a loyal life partner who will also be her best friend and biggest fan, after nine years of being single.

The 27-year-old needs someone who will love her straight-talking and self-assuredness and can put up with her occasional moodiness and impatience.

A strong sexual connection is the marker of a healthy relationship for Ella, who's seeking a thrilling relationship with an open-minded, energetic man who is ready to commit.

Hoping to learn the tools to build a genuinely committed relationship - and hoping it will be Ella - is 26-year-old Mitch.

The financial planner from the Gold Coast, who models on the side, has no problem attracting women, but has yet to keep one.

While his history of short relationships gives him the look of a party boy, Mitch is actually tired of the online dating scene. He's sceptical about the experts' ability to find love, but he's keen to be proven wrong.

When he's not working, the self-described introvert can be found fishing and camping with a couple of mates. Will he be enough for Ella?

Holly and Andrew

Cinema Manager Holly has always dreamed of being a mother. With time against her somewhat, Holla hopes that she will meet the love of her life through MAFS.

The 36-year-old loved being a stepmother to her exes' children, but the relationship broke down after he told her he didn't want any more children.

She still has a lot of love to give, and hopes to find a man to match her level of effort.

Stepping up to the mark is 39-year-old Personal Trainer, Andrew.

The straight-talking Texan loves to help others through motivational speaking, and is looking for someone who can match his spontaneity, make him laugh and challenge him.

This will be the third time that Andrew walks down the aisle, but he's willing to try again in the pursuit of love.

Holly will have the chance to be a stepmother again, to Andrew's two-year-old daughter. He loves being a father so much that he would like to meet a woman he can have more children with. Could this woman be Holly?

Selin and Anthony

Single-mom Selin is ready to leave her mom guilt behind to finally put her needs first. The 32-year-old Executive Assistant has no time for dating while juggling motherhood and a career, so is hoping that MAFS will pay off.

She is nervous and scared of being hurt and sacrificing a lot of precious time away from her three-year-old boy to join the marriage experiment, but she's trying to put this aside in order to find true love.

Coming from a close-knit, loud Turkish family, Selin is strong-willed and minded. She wants a “good man”, an honest and faithful gentleman who has his head firmly on his shoulders.

Pro-wrestling Anthony is also already a parent, to his nine-year-old daughter, who he says is his “ticket into heaven”.

Working in Sales for the 9-5, Anthony is kept busy out of hours as the semi-pro wrestler “Tommy Hellfire”.

The 38-year-old is looking for someone who can match his drive and excitement for life, and break his habit of pursuing women who aren't right for him. Despite his masculine physique and alter ego, Anthony is a deep thinker with a sensitive side. His perfect woman, he says, will be passionate and challenge him emotionally and intellectually.

Tamara and Brent

Self-described “alpha personality” Tamara, will tell anyone what she thinks of them, whether they’ve asked for her opinion or not.

As an independent, ambitious woman who owns her own home, this successful Operations Manager doesn’t want to have to carry any partner. Her new husband will need to match her on all levels and not be intimidated.

Self-grooming is important to her, as is someone who will hold her attention. In the past, Tamara has found that guys will do anything to impress her, but in the end it never lasts. Now she is hoping the MAFS experiment is her ticket to everlasting love.

Will Tamara be bored by Brent, or will it be a blast?

The 33-year-old Hospitality Manager has also found success in his carer, spending seven years in Dubai running a successful events management company.

After losing everything during the pandemic, he soon realised that all the success in the world means nothing if you have no one to share it with.

Now back in Australia, the charismatic and sociable Brent is determined to rebuild his life, and his confidence. His partner needs to be genuine, sensitive, and non-judgemental, just like him. He can’t stand pretentious people.

More importantly, though, he says his wife must have well-maintained feet. If she doesn’t have nice feet, it might very well signify the end of the relationship.

Samantha and Al

As an ambitious Fashion Brand Manager, Samantha doesn't have much time for casual dating.

On the surface, she's an outgoing, strong and independent spirit. Underneath that though, she's still scarred from the breakdown of her previous relationship that left her devastated and with serious trust issues when it comes to men.

This hasn't broken the 26-year-old's determination to get what she wants, and she has very high expectations when it comes to men. Ambition, confidence and self-sufficiency in an older man are just a few traits that will turn her head, but she knows it will take someone amazing to capture her heart.

Will she find this in Al, the 25-year-old carpenter who still lives at home?

Never having had a serious girlfriend or relationship, Al knows it’s time to grow up and stand on his own feet. His mum supports his decision to get married – not surprisingly, as she still does his cooking, cleaning and washing.

The cheeky chap is now ready to be in a committed relationship after a series of flings, but is secretly scared of rejection and worried what could happen when he turns around and sees his bride for the first time at the altar.

Still, he is the life of the party with a kind, big heart. While it may take some work to keep him grounded, Al is comfortable around women, coming from a family of five sisters.

Olivia and Jackson

Sweet and bubbly Olivia is a blonde bombshell who constantly finds herself dating the wrong guys.

The teaching student attributes this to her low self-confidence. Olivia had a gastric sleeve over five years ago, but while she lost 50 kilos she can't shake the idea that she is the “overweight girl.”

Olivia is ready for Mr Right, who will be showered with love and romance.

30-year-old Jackson is a plumber and a class clown.

The outgoing and upbeat lad is always up for a laugh. Alongside this though, he is a sensitive, kind guy.

Growing up as the eldest of five kids, he took on the role of protective older brother to his younger sisters and mum. Being a protector comes naturally to him now, in his adult life.

While used to getting attention from the ladies, Jackson is ready for love. A sucker for a girl with nice eyes and a smile, Jackson is hoping his bride is smaller than him, which isn’t difficult considering he is six-foot-three.

Selina and Cody

Selina, a 32-year-old hairdresser, is driven and self-sufficient. She hopes to one day raise a family in the four-bedroom home she bought herself.

She says if her parents had their way she would already be married to an older, wealthy Asian. Out to prove them wrong by not only succeeding in her career, Selina is hoping our experts can help in her quest for love.

Being half-Cambodian and half-Chinese, Selina has struggled to find a connection with the men she dates and says that often men see her as a novelty rather than a smart woman with ambition.

Selina needs to be a patient woman, as she's paired with Cody: a 30 swim coach who struggles with commitment.

He lost his father when he was just 15. The tragedy made him put the walls up, rarely allowing himself to show vulnerability, regularly pushing away any partners who wanted a deeper commitment.

He is hoping his wife will just love and accept him and be patient as he works through these issues. They will need to be ok without PDA too, as Cody isn't even comfortable with holding hands in public.

Despite his issues when it comes to relationships, Cody is an easy-going guy Cody loves nothing more than spending an afternoon at Sydney’s Northern Beaches with his mates

Having spent his 20s travelling the world and living an adventurous life, Cody put his love for adventure ahead of everything, including romance. Now, having just turned 30, he realises he wants someone who he can continue to share adventures with – a partner in crime with whom he can create memories.

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