The Bristol Transformed annual festival will take place this weekend (May 18 and 19) at the Trinity Centre. Alongside political discussions and workshops, the packed programme includes a film night, pub quiz and club night.

The festival exploring left-wing political and cultural themes kicks off this evening with a walking tour and comedy night at Hamilton House. The weekend events which begin at 11am on Saturday (May 18) are usually held across several venues in St Pauls and Stokes Croft, but all happen under one roof this year- at Trinity Centre , near Old Market.

The weekend ticket includes a free creche run by registered childminders, which can be reserved in advance. An “after dark” event including bands and DJs from 9pm-2am is the only event that needs to be paid for separately and will also be at Trinity Centre.

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Bristol Transformed will end with a discussion on Palestine which looks at the history of the St Pauls Apartheid-Free Zone - where local activists at the time led a neighbourhood boycott of South African products. Other panel sessions include one exploring what the committee system means for Bristol, a discussion on ‘abolishing landlordism’ and ‘Spy Cops’.

The ACORN community union will also deliver a workshop on direct action and the local community radio, BCfm will broadcast live from Trinity on Saturday. There is also a nature trail and a games room which are accessible to ticket holders throughout the weekend.

Tickets are sold on a sliding scale between £5-£16 depending on income. Free tickets are available for carers and those wishing to support the cost of the festival can make a donation or pay a ‘solidarity’ price of £25.

Weekend tickets which include the Friday night comedy and walking tour can be purchased here . Information and reservations for the creche are available here and you can find out more about the full programme of events here .